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magnesium taurate, WOW

Posted By: joey joe joe jr

magnesium taurate, WOW - 08/22/06 06:03 AM

I know taurine is a sulphur amino and many people here believe that they should avoid it. However, I recently ordered magnesium taurate, a compound of magnesium and taurine, and have only been taking it for two days, but have already noticed a total reduction in depression! I seriously haven't felt this good ever I don't think! Anxiety is also decreasing, I feel much more relaxed with myself and things going on around me, its a great feeling since I have never had it before! It seems to be helping my histamine issues a lot as well, seeings magnesium is a natural antihistamine, and another thing I noticed is that I slept probably the best i have in years last night! All this from one day of taking it! Imagine what a long period will do. My concentration is also sooo much better. I'm feeling good in general.

Doesn't seem to stir up mercury, but may for some. I only take it because I am fairly certain my levels are right down. I think a lot of people don't realize that the supplements they are taking are not being absorbed properly. I've taken so many different kinds of mag sups and zinc sups but now that I am taking the most absorbable kinds of magnesium and zinc, I feel great! And the added effect of taurine to your health both mentally and physically is such a bonus..
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 08/22/06 04:31 PM

What brand of mg taurate are you taking? Also, how many milligrams in one capsule? I have a mg taurate that I keep in my purse for "emergencies". It only has 125mg so I haven't persued taking it only, but like you I do feel that for such a small amount it usually did help with whatever I had going on at the moment.

Also, what zinc are you taking and the amount? My children have many symptoms of a zinc deficiency, but don't seem to profit much from taking the supplement- of course I can't get the to be faithful with it so I never can be sure if it is the inability to absorb or not taking it enough.
Posted By: joey joe joe jr

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 08/23/06 06:45 AM

yea my magnesium is 125 mg too, i take up to 800mg a day, and the brand is cardiovascular research. Its awesome stuff, i feel great today! THe zinc I take is metagenics liquid zinc, awesome stuff, i got a relief in so many zinc deficiency symptoms in the first week of taking it, of which I never got from taking other zinc tablets. Don't get me wrong I still have other problems, but I think taking these good quality zinc and mag sups I may be on a much better road to recovery, at least thats what it feels like!
Posted By: joey joe joe jr

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 08/23/06 07:02 AM

another thing i wanted to say, which i have learnt through all this healing process, is that if you feel that chelating and treating for mercury toxicity is not giving you fairly good results in a fair period of a several months chances are that you probably have another underlying health issue like I found out about myself. After I found out about candida i started treating myself for that, then I found out about mercury toxicity and started treating for that. Then I noticed really weird mental symptoms while chelating for mercury and discovered that copper my be a problem for me too so I treated myself for that. After I brought my copper levels down I really noticed that my health was on the up and up.

Then after I was satisfaied my copper levels were down I still had other annoying symptoms, some of which were making my life very difficult. So I went to see a naturopath, researched google etc, and found that even tho I was taking zinc supplements i still was zinc deficient. The same with magnesium, of which i have only recently discovered. Its amazing tho, ever since starting the liquid zinc, other aspects of my health regime have fell into place and symptoms have began to dissapear. I've also determined other hidden health issues I definately suffer, including histadelia, and pyrlorria or how ever its spelled, which is a chronic defiency of zinc and b6. The histadelia is an overload of histamine in the body which cause a wide array of symptoms physical and mental. Its funny i always new antihistamines made me feel good...
Posted By: strength

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 08/23/06 01:55 PM

actually,now that you say that,i remember a year ago a doctor prescribed some antihistimine foe me to take to clear my sinuses,and for a while i actually felt good,but if i took it at night before going to sleep i would sometimes feel drunk like i was on some hard drugs so i stopped using it.
Come to think of it i still have some,i may pop a few to see how what it does. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 08/23/06 05:41 PM

That is the brand I have also. We must read the same books <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

I'm going to check out the zinc-thanks
Posted By: joey joe joe jr

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 08/24/06 01:13 AM

yea antihistamine definely work for a short period, but they can make you real drowsy and give u that "drunk" feeling. I couldn't believe how much better I felt when Itook one recently, it gave me such a relief from depression and skin issues, also irritated eyes and so on. But you should only use them in emergencies I think. Also if you find that histamine is a problem for you it is very important to follow diet recommendations until you histamine levels go down.
Posted By: joey joe joe jr

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 08/24/06 10:13 AM

just a little update again because I think this is a significant milestone. Just took a fairly small amount of methionine (500mg) with other nutrients to help methylation process including calcium, zinc, b6 and magnesium, and discovered something amazing. My mind feels as though it is becoming normal again! my thoughts are quicker, my brain feels like it is processing things quicker, depression feels like it is not there, anxiety greatly reduced, great reduction in anxious, negetive and unatural thought patterns. Mind feels clearer, less brain fog. My eyes seem to be working better, not as sensitive to light. It feels like a dark storm over my entire body is finally clearing up! Many of the positive effects are probably due to the fact that my body is finally converting methionine into SAM-e using the nutrients that I was deficient in but am taking now, or at least taking good quality ones,especially the magnesium taurate!

I seriously think others on this forum who have not already done so should look into the whole methylation process and the symptoms involved when it is not working properly. Heavy metals like mercury very greatly damage this process also, so a lot of us are at risk for histamine imbalance and low levels of methylation. Check out this website:
Posted By: LucieM

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 08/24/06 03:46 PM

Just ordered some methionine to see if it will help with my depression and foggy head. I've had these symptoms since having my amalgams out in May. The funny thing is I always have a strict no gluten, dairy and sugar diet but recently went on holiday and ate and drank everything I wanted. How did I feel? Absolutely fantastic! No foggy head. No depression and loads of energy. Got back home and within 4 or 5 days I was back to the old symptoms. I really don't get it.
Posted By: Rachie

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 08/25/06 08:42 AM

Since reading this post 3 days ago I went out looking for some type of supplement that contained both magnesium and taurine. Couldn't really find anything much that contained significant amounts of taurine.

So instead I just bought some taurine in a powder form. For the last 3 days I have taken about 5gr per day. (I think this may be a fairly high dose).

Well I must say that I feel quite different. I have actually had 2 days without any brain fog and MUCH less anxiety than I normally have. Something feels different and I can't quite put it into words. Thanks heaps for the post about Taurine !!! I will keep taking it and let you know how it progresses.

It is really strange because I actually thought about taking Taurine many years ago and it often pops it's head up in some of the medical literature that I read. My gut instinct has always said 'give it a go' but I just never got around to buying it. Must say I am quite impressed but 3 days isn't exactly a good test of time.

I was taking magnesium chelate but I didn't feel very good. It seemed to make me feel more anxious. I am getting really confused about which magnesium to take. You hear so many different stories. I found a bottle of magnesium orotate in my cupboard (still in date) - can anyone tell me if that one is okay to use.
Posted By: joey joe joe jr

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 08/26/06 08:29 AM

yes orotate is ok for sure! I was taking that before I started mag taurate and it worked so much better than crappy amino acid chelate. Beware of ones that say chelate as the magnesium may be bonded to harmful amino acids which will make you more anxious and depressed! I found that the orotate is the second best one I have found (haven't tried glycinate yet) so definately giv that a go! I started to sleep so much better on the orotate which was great, and with the combo of taurine prolly work even better! Mag orotate only has small amounts of actually magnesium in it so you'll find you'll have to be taking a lot of pills to get your daily amount. Try and order the mag taurate if you can, or at least try mag citrate which is also good.

I'm thinking of buying some taurine powder myself and getting some extra taurine into besides the amount thats in the mag taurate.

Posted By: joey joe joe jr

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 08/26/06 08:35 AM

lucie, if you only recently had your fillings out beware of the methionine, might mobilize mercury, I'm only taking it because I'm sure my heavy metal levels are way down. Also do some research on methylation and the symptoms associated with methylation dysfunction. Methionine is excellent if you are an under-methylating type with an overload of histamine. but over-methylating it can be harmful. Also if you decide to take it definely take it with good quality zinc, magnesium, b6 and make sure your getting calcium in your diet. Just be cautious of it, I am very cautious of it still even tho its helping me.

The reason why you prolly felt good on the holiday was that your body stopped detoxing when you ate and drank whatever you wanted, believe me I had that experience too especially when going to the beach, you feel great! But yea when you got home and back on the diet and supps your body began detoxing again. Mayb this is what happened, I'm just basing this on what I went thru.
Posted By: LucieM

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 08/27/06 04:47 PM

Thanks Joey. I've ordered the Solgar Methionine 500mg capsules but will take your advice and go carefully. Before I had my amalgams replaced I took N-acetyl cysteine and I've never felt so ill in all my life. All my thoughts and memories turned negative and I felt like i didn't want to live anymore. Also zero energy and flu like symptoms. Really scary stuff.
Your're probably right about the stopping detoxing while on holiday too. I think I need to go on a permanent holiday and lay on a beautiful beach for the rest of my life!
Posted By: tracy

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 08/28/06 11:24 AM

Dear Joey I was taking magnesium citrate. is this good or bad? I would really like to find something to help with the depression. However I still have my amalgams in, so should I wait until they are out?
Thanks Tracy
Posted By: joey joe joe jr

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 08/29/06 04:58 AM

hey tracy, in my experience I found magnesium citrate to be ok, it has a high amount of elemental magnesium in it so you havta take less pills to get the amount of mag u need. It is good for bowel issues if you are constipated, but can cause diahrea if u take too much. Since you still have amalgams in it may be hard to find a form of magnesium that doesn't stir up mercury, magnesium taurate would, so would glycinate I would think think. Citrate not sure about but I would say definately giv it a go and see how you feel. I would say take some taurine with the magnesium because this combo is awesome for depression and anxiety, but taurine may be harmful to you since you still got amalgams in, as it is a sulfur amino acid.

I'm only giving suggestions based on my expereinces and research, but I would definately garrantee that you are very magnesium, zinc and possibly b6 deficient. I found that after taking really good quality zinc and magnesium that all other parts of my health program have started working real well, as well as a great reduction in symptoms. These three nutrients are responsible for so many different reactions in the body and are so vital to good health. Try getting a good liquid zinc and taking that for a while and c how you feel, i almost garrantee that you'll feel better as zinc is responsible for proper absorption of other vitamins and minerals. Also try taking 50mg of vitamin b6 with the zinc. b6 has helped me so much with depression and other mental symptoms. They are all fairly cheap and safe to take so what have you got to lose!

Since you still have your amalgams in I would say the best thing you can take besides zinc, magnesium and b6 is algin, algin helps a lot!

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 08/31/06 03:20 AM

How much of that liquid zinc are you taking? I've tried and tried to my zinc status up via the taste taste and even at 250 mg a day of zinc still nada.

Posted By: joey joe joe jr

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 08/31/06 04:54 AM

only take like 50mg in the liquid metagenics form, but I also take about 100mg daily of b6 which is important for its absorption, and also a zinc capsule which has other minerals important for its absorption including manganese. I also take some enzymes which may help. I'm fairly sure I have pyroloria, extreme deficiency in b6 and zinc.
Posted By: joey joe joe jr

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 08/31/06 04:56 AM

also beware if you take algin regularly, I found that this decreased zinc absorption, I only take algin at one time during the day now.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 08/31/06 02:12 PM


I have just spent a few hours on the net researching copper toxicity and made a list of supplements which antagonize copper. Then I came here and your list matches mine!!!! Methionine, taurine, zinc, magnesium, calcium and B6. I have vitamin C in addition....

I know excess copper causes extreme anxiety and panick attacks and a strong feeling of detachment from the rest of the world, brain fog...... hmmmm. Maybe some of us are more copper toxic than mercury toxic????
Posted By: joey joe joe jr

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 09/01/06 02:31 AM

yep, copper is defeinately a problem for us. I've been through the whole copper toxicity thing before I started on the methylation thing. Copper is a huge problem if you're zinc deficient, if there's no zinc then copper is allowed to run wild and build up to toxic levels, in your brain particularly. Copper symptoms can mimic mercury too, so its easy to see why zinc is so important!

I useta have really weird symptoms that I attributed to copper, including the ones you talk about: extreme panic etc. If you think you are copper toxic the best thing I found that you can do is increase zinc levels slowly, by taking zinc with each of your meals. This sites good if you haven't already been there:

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 09/01/06 03:36 AM

this is why zinc is so important, based on my experience and what I have researched. Zinc, just like magnesium, is so important for so many reactions in your body. You are most likely zinc deficient if you are mercury or metal toxic. Being zinc deficient means that you are not absorbing other vitamins and minerals properly, your digestion isn't working as it should and you are very susceptable to copper overload, if you are not copper toxic already! So basically kicking off with a very absorbable liquid zinc supplement is an ideal way to restore zinc and help many other aspects of a health recovery program. Taking caps is not enough as I have found, you need liquid zinc! After zinc I think the second most important for us is a good magnesium sup.

I have started taking calcium cautiously as Idon't won't to lower mag levels. So far I feel good! Histamine symptoms seem to be going!
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 09/01/06 08:14 AM

Thanks for the link suggestion Joey. My gut instinct (and knowledge) tell me that mercury is causing the memory and decline intellectually. And copper is responsible for the panick attacks, racing mind, anxiety and the disconnection feeling. Both metals are responsible for the fatigue/exhaustion (as they both cause an over-firing of nerve signals in the brain).

I am now eating two eggs for breakfast on just one slice of toast (trying to limit grains as phytic acid prevents zinc uptake). And some meat for dinner and evening meal. Meat and eggs are also where the sulphurs methionine and taurine can be found naturally, so this should be a good thing??

I used to eat lots of vegetables, fruit and nuts and according to a food table I have found, this is where the copper can be obtained from foodwise. I will have to change my diet whilst detoxing copper. I will post the food table in case anyone else is interested in this topic....... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 09/01/06 08:16 AM

Food table for copper/zinc:

Posted By: strength

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 09/01/06 01:08 PM

See now i am confused as i have eliminated eggs totally out of my diet,and now its a good thing.
Just to clear something up.
When should eggs be excluded from your diet?
also you eat toast,and that contans wheat,and yeast,that i also thought was a no no <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />
Are these eliminations only for those with candida/yeast problem?
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 09/01/06 04:56 PM

To Strength

Why have you eliminated eggs? I have read on this forum someone saying mercury poisoned should avoid them because apparently some hg poisoned cannot handle sulphur.

The toast I am eating is glutenfree made with baking soda. I use this only because I react strongly to glutamate and gluten in grains have the same affect mentally in glutamate sensitive people.

I would think when people advice you to stay away from yeast it is because of candida. If you haven't got candida, then I don't see why you should stay away from yeast products.
Posted By: strength

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 09/01/06 05:08 PM

Yes i have just followed diet reccomendations,but i just had an egg,first in 3 months(man did it taste good).i don't have cndida,so i guess i can cheat a little bit.
Posted By: LucieM

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 09/01/06 05:22 PM

Would taking chelated magnesium citrate and a seperate taurine supplement work or is it better to take a combined? I've just bought a bottle of magnesium citrate which has 150mg per capsule chelated with B6.
Posted By: weird_toes

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 09/04/06 10:59 AM

Joey and all,

What is taurine/taurate meant for? It sounds tempting to take with the testimonials on here - I have major brain fog, severe lack of energy, and some mild depression here and there because of this damn illness. Are there any precautions for this supplement? I had my amalgams removed about 6 weeks ago, and I've only done very mild chelating so far.

Joey, are you still feeling better from taking these?

You mentioned the possibility of many of us having copper toxicity too. For those of us that are sensitive to metals, I assume that most of us will have issues with not just mercury, but other metals to...due to all of the pesticides, polluted air and water, etc. EDTA is supposed to be a great chelator for most metals (although it's still questionable as to whether it helps with mercury), so that might be something to consider - all the literature I've read says it's very helpful for a long list of metals. My doctor gave me EDTA gum, which is a very mild and safe chelator according to him - tasty too. It's made by Longevity Plus, I believe. He also gave me an EDTA bath powder (Beyond Clean, I believe - also by Longevity Plus), which is another very gentle and safe chelator - you soak in it and it helps you to detox. I had no adverse effects from trying them, but that's just me. I would check with a doctor first, but those sound like gentle ways to chelate from other metals.

Posted By: Rachie

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 09/04/06 10:21 PM

Have been taking the straight Taurine supplement for 10 days and am still very happy with it. Have only had one brain fog day and I ate 3 eggs for breaky that morning which may have contributed to the fogginess.
I still have my amalgams in and the taurine seems to make me feel so much better. I have just been away for 8 days and forgot to take my magnesium orotate with me. Looking forward to seeing how the magnesium and the taurine goes together. Will update in a week or so
Posted By: Sandi Flood

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 09/04/06 11:32 PM

Yes I agree taurine and chromium picolinate have helped balance my blood sugar tremendously.

Posted By: joey joe joe jr

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 09/05/06 12:49 AM

yep magnesium taurate still working like a charm for me. So is liquid zinc, and I'm also taking a b6 complex which has really helped mental symptoms I think. Weird toes, the best thing for copper toxicity is to take more zinc, some with each meal! This is the most effective way to rid it from your body. Chelators generally will not work for copper, you need to sort out the copper/zinc balance in your body. Even after this you probably will still be deficient, especially if you have skin issues, so keep taking it!

Taurine by the way is used for many functions similiar to magnesium, including heart, digestion, liver, and neurological function particularly! It is very anti-anxiety, help your nerves relax. Do a search on google..
Posted By: weird_toes

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 09/05/06 03:11 AM

Thanks for the info guys, I will look into buying some of these supplements.

Posted By: LucieM

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 09/05/06 03:57 PM

Can you combine magnesium citrate with taurine to get the same effect?
Posted By: joey joe joe jr

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 09/05/06 11:36 PM

Posted By: SteveX

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 09/11/06 10:25 PM


I tried taurine on its own a few days ago and felt truly awful. After that I tried Magnesium citrate on its own and felt great, particularly in regard to mental problems: I was able to read a novel in under a day. After that I started to feel less well, perhaps due to taking too much magnesium, I don't know.

As I can't get a compound of taurine and magnesium, my question is should I combine the magnesium citrate and taurine being as taurine on its own made me feel so awful?
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 02/27/07 03:02 AM

do you still take a multi vitamin along with extra magnesium
Posted By: joey joe joe jr

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 02/27/07 09:35 AM

I still take zinc with each meal to combat copper and boy does it make a difference. As for the magnesium I take it now and then but feel as though I do not need it anymore. I do not take a multi.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 02/28/07 05:08 PM

Out of interest do you guys use P5P (active B6) or the standard no coenzyme form? What did you specifically use to lower copper just zinc with meals roughly 50mg split out?
Posted By: joey joe joe jr

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 02/28/07 11:26 PM

yea, I took P5P as part of a complex which is specialised for copper overload. It had P5P, zinc piconilate, regular B6, manganese, vitamin C vitamin E and others I can't remember. Apparently these particular vitamins and minerals work together to create a protein called metalthionine (i think thats how you spell it) of which binds to copper and takes it out of the body. This protein also has other interesting properties as well which are worth looking into. A part from that apparently i have pyroluria so the P5P came in handy there too.

I don't take the supplement any more though because it was too expensive, but am still taking a zinc complex with every meal, which has zinc citrate, molybdenum, chromium, manganese, b6, magnesium and some other ingredients which are so effective for copper (particularly chromium, not chromium piconilate though!) Apparently chromium amino acid chelate is more important than zinc in balancing copper. I think this supplement has singlehandedly decreased my copper symptoms to near zero!

At the moment I still feel as though my nervous system is out of balance and I am trying things like acupuncture (helping a lot!) and deep breathing and relaxation to release built up stress in my body and brain. You wouldn't think it, and I was skeptical at first too, but these things are probabaly helping more than anything else I have tried. Visit Dr Walt Stolls forum for more information on skilled relaxation.
Posted By: joey joe joe jr

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 03/01/07 12:40 AM

ps if you are having trouble with you bowel movements, acupuncture has worked like magic for me! I use to get really pale colour movements which happened once every few days, but now it seems my bile flow is back to normal! perfect movement every time, and at least one a day, usually two. What I ate use to govern my bowel movment also, now I can eat what I want! I only talk about this cause the "movements" are so important when heavy metal detoxing.
Posted By: Bex

Re: magnesium taurate, WOW - 03/01/07 01:05 AM

other things that help a lot with bile flow is the candida diet WITH the healthy fats and proteins. Taking milk thistle, and fish oil (pure) too. All these things combined can make a difference. I can tell becuase not only is my salivary glands working more and I'm more interested in food, but the colour of my BMs are darker in colour. (sorry for too much info there).

I use the fats liberally now in cooking and I reckon this is helping.
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