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Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it

Posted By: Diane Tilson

Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 05/19/08 01:11 AM

I almost forgot to mention in my post a couple hrs ago. Any noise seems to just put me over the edge. Loud voices (like my husband when he talks), screaming kids, even if they are playing. TV thats on, and kids birthday parties have been the ultimate challenge for me to not end up in the closet. Its like I have this sensory overload or something. Its sad because it makes me want to yell "Shut up, turn that down, go to your room and shut the door" Its not fair to everyone, I know its just me with some sort of problem. I have the most peace when I am either alone or listening to a lecture or something, that I can handle. Any clues? Thanks, Diane
Posted By: Bex

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 05/19/08 06:02 AM

I have experienced this. Everything starts to sound like a shrill and it hurts to hear it and also the response from it is anger. Not sure what on earth it is.

I also used to get panic whenever I heard a doorbell or phone ring (when I was hg toxic) and my heart would thump. Still get that a bit though, even now.

But everything becomes almost exaggerated responses to anything, including sensory organs. Or you can get a dulling of the senses or both. Hard to explain. Some people experience tinnitis too.

Not sure what it is, mercury/yeast and how they affect the sensory perception/organs. It's nasty what it does to all these things, including personality, I.Q., the lot. You can have the sensation of sheer stupidity and even not understand simple instructions. It is truly horrible and I can only offer you my small testament here, which is no great help I know.

Has iodine helped with anything at all? warming you up a bit etc? I think it's helped me somewhat. Not cured me, but helped. Without it, I was actually almost non-functioning and that's saying something considering what I"m like anyway!

If this is mercury causing this for you, or whatever it is in relation to it, you must try and keep yourself aware that it isn't "you". It is very important that remind yourself of this and don't expect to feel normal and kind towards others. I cannot tell you how many times I have been the nastiest human being alive to members of my family when I've been at my worst in sickness. Behaviours that certainly didn't just arise from "me". Threatening behaviours too. Scary, the kind one could have you locked up for. The only reason that didn't happen was my father lived with me and kept putting up with it. He did not want to get me put away and knew that I was not mentally insane, but in a toxic torment. If it had not been for him? I hate to imagine.

I gained a wee bit more control over that with the diet and things and getting more hg out over time, so that was "some" relief then.
Posted By: Kitsune

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 05/19/08 06:26 AM

A few things you can consider which commonly cause this:

-- psychotropic drug withdrawal
-- adrenal fatigue

Could either of these things be a candidate for you?
Posted By: imgeha

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 05/19/08 06:39 AM

Inability to tolerate loud noise is definitely adrenal fatigue.... been there, done that, it's much better now I support my adrenals, but it was very hard when I was very sick and I had three noisy children to get off to school every morning. Have you looked at adrenal support Diane?

Posted By: Diane Tilson

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 05/19/08 09:29 PM

Hi Friends, Linda, The pyschotropic withdrawl isn't likely the answer. Ive been tapering off for a year now but this sensitivity to noise has been there ever since I can remember. Adrenals? Very possible. I am taking Adrenamine from "Standard Process" my wholistic chiropracter gave me. I don't know how much thats helping though. Any adrenal support suggestions? Thx for the help. Diane
Posted By: Bex

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 05/19/08 09:58 PM

Hi Diane,

I thought I had posted adrenal support and information on the other thread you started a while back? I also put up a link to the diet that is recommended.....anyway, I'll repost it here if it's helpful:

Adrenal Fatigue

Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue includeAdrenal Fatigue is a condition in which the adrenal glands are exhausted and symptoms such as fatigue, depression and low blood pressure are experienced (see symptom list below). The adrenal glands normal function is to respond and deal with stress, manufacturing and secreting hormones such as cortisol, DHEA, noradrenaline and adrenaline. When too much stress long-term, be it emotional (eg. work stress, divorce, a death of a loved one, constant financial stress) or physical (eg. chronic illness, over-exercising, alcohol or substance abuse, sleep deprivation), is put on an individuals adrenal glands, the organ may not be able to keep up with the constant pressure. Some individuals find that the stress has an effect on them over the long-term, they become tied and unable to deal with stress gradually. Others however, may have a sudden change in health from one day to the next; a ‘break-down’ in health is experienced.

Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue include
• allergies
• anxiety
• brain fog
• chronic fatigue syndrome
• depression
• fatigue
• fibromyalgia
• flu-like symptoms
• inability to deal with stress
• low blood pressure
• nervousness
• premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
• salt and sweet cravings
• sleep disorders
• trouble getting up in the morning

Treating Adrenal Fatigue
There is no magic pill for Adrenal Fatigue. Healing from adrenal fatigue requires a combination of things; first and foremost, recovery depends upon the patient’s lifestyle. How they spend their energy, how they conserve their energy, and how they create energy are all extremely important. The patient’s recovery is also contingent on what they eat and drink, as well as the thoughts they feed their mind and the beliefs they base their life on. In addition, patients with adrenal fatigue often have food allergies or sensitivities. However, there are nutritional supplements and natural hormones that can aid in the recovery process.

The following information is an outline of issues that should be considered when treating adrenal fatigue syndrome.

a) Lifestyle
• eliminate the cause and aggravating factors of the disease!
• get rid of energy robbing situations in their life
• learn to stop negative self-talk
• relax
• laugh
• exercise (regular not excessive)

b) Diet
• people with adrenal fatigue tend to also have low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)
• eat natural, high quality food at frequent, regular intervals
• eat foods with a low glycaemic index
• keep the consumption of fruit to a minimum
• avoid caffeine, alcohol and refined carbohydrates
• if patients crave chocolate, supplement them with magnesium
• chew food deliberately and slowly
• eat before 10.00am, even if they don’t feel like it (Cortisol levels peak between 6.00 and 8.00 AM and while the cortisol levels are higher, they may not feel like eating. In addition, the low liver function that often accompanies low adrenal function also suppresses early morning hunger)
• eat lunch before noon and a nutritious snack between 2.00 and 3.00 PM to sustain the patient through the dip in cortisol levels that typically occurs between 3.00 and 4.00 PM in most hypoadrenics. The evening meal should be eaten around 5.00 or 6.00 PM. Before bed eat a couple of bites of a high quality snack.
• eat/drink salt: Salt craving is a common symptom in all stages of adrenal fatigue and there are physiological reasons for this. Adrenal fatigue patients often have low blood pressure
• water poses a specific problem for people with adrenal fatigue because they tend toward dehydration but can easily over dilute the circulating electrolytes in their blood
• therefore although they are often thirsty, drinking water may make them feel worse
• to help balance the ratio of water to sodium and avoid this problem try adding Ό to ½ teaspoon salt to every glass of drinking water
• drinking salted water just after the patient wakes can help them to function better in the morning
• drinking salted water before sleeping or when waking in the night can also help sleep

c) Food Allergies and Sensitivities
• the adrenal gland plays an important role in mediating the histamine release and inflammatory reactions that produce the symptoms experienced with allergies. Therefore eliminating foods that patients are allergic or sensitive to is the best and easiest way to decrease the demands on their struggling adrenals
• food that patients are addicted to or crave (but feel worse after consuming), are often the foods that they have a sensitivity to
• environmental toxins can also increase adrenal fatigue
• the IgG food allergy panel offered by Pathlab (through PCNZ), may be useful in identifying food sensitivities

d) Possible Nutritional and Herbal Supplements
• Adrenal Support: As a rule (based on an individuals response) building the patient up to 4 to 6 capsules daily from 3 daily in divided doses should be considered for the moderately to severe adrenal fatigued individual - with a potential to titrate back to two daily depending upon symptoms and life demands
• Multivitamin and Mineral Boost: 5 g daily in water
• Vitamin C: 2-4 g daily in water
• Magnesium Aspartate: 3 x 125 mg capsules daily
• Vitamin B5: 500mg 1 x capsule 3 x daily
• Calcium Citrate: 750-1000 mg daily
• Vitamin E (natural): 1 x 500 IU capsules daily (if you are on blood thinners monitor blood clotting time)

e) Adrenal Cell Extracts
• adrenal cell extracts nourish and help rebuild the adrenal cells
• for more information see www.adrenalfatigue.org

f) Replacement Hormones
• in severe cases of hypoadrenia, a short therapeutic course of natural cortisol may be needed
• DHEA is one of the androgen hormones secreted by the adrenal glands. Progesterone and pregnenolone hormones are also manufactured in the adrenal cascade as well as in the ovaries and testicles. Patients may benefit from DHEA, progesterone and/or pregnenolone supplementation.

Diane, you may find it helpful if you save this thread on your computer so you can refer to it. Or print this out.
Posted By: Bex

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 05/19/08 10:05 PM

Diane, this link will take you to Bee Wilder's website on healing naturally and will give you the option of checking out three articles on thyroid/adrenals and how to heal yourself.


Again, I would advise you to copy this information or print it out. Otherwise it will drift down the list again as time goes on and be forgotten. I hope that it is of help to you.

Posted By: StuartUK

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 05/19/08 10:34 PM

I get like this when i take ALA, also my yeast symptoms get far worse. I hate it, its like you have to feel like crap to get better and i think to myself. The whole yeast thing really bugs me, i can feel my candida coming back and yet i also feel the mercury coming out of my brain as when i take ALA, im hyperactive for about an hour after.
Posted By: Bex

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 05/20/08 12:58 AM

Hi Stuart,

Yes, ALA will do that and I think far worse than DMSA or DMPS. That's the unfortunate aspect of taking it, but it's worth getting the mercury out. Someone on here was claiming that alpha lipoic acid kills yeast and recommending it as an antifungal, which I believe is totally incorrect. For starters, it is not classified as an antifungal agent anyway! Some may take it and it may not cause such yeast issues in them. Plus it's a powerful antioxidant, it also increases glutathione and is good for the liver. So many get some good effects from taking it. But unfortunately it can flare up (feed) yeast. I've heard others complain about the same and is about as far from an antifungal as you can get! But it does chelate metals like mercury and will cause some detox reactions, which can let you know you're on the right track.

I tried it recently myself, at quite a high dose (frequent dosing) to give myself a trial to see if I had any reactions, good or bad (checking for mercury detox) and there were no real mercury symptoms, but unfortunately I gave myself a worse case of yeast in the process and I'm still trying to handle that. Doesn't take much to pull me down or feed my yeast, so I'm an extreme case. But I personally won't be touching the stuff again, as I do not think I have mercury anyway.
Posted By: Diane Tilson

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 05/20/08 05:15 AM

Wow! Theres an interesting point! ALA!!! About 1 1/2 weeks ago I started taking ALA again as I had run out acouple months ago and also decided to give DMSA a break (after 7 or 8 months) can't even remember, guess my memorys not healed yet. But that could be it! Maybe its the ALA stirring stuff up agian and agravating the candida smptoms which have been quite a struggle lately. I'll stop ALA, thx Stuart. And Bex thx also for posting that adrenal post again. I've read it 5 times but have to keep doing it as I forget. (theres a surprise) Thanks for all your patience! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> Diane
Posted By: imgeha

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 05/20/08 06:48 AM

ALA gives me big adrenal symptoms as well - lots of heart racing, feeling revved, angry, disastrous nights - and I'm on full adrenal support. But I have to take it to get the mercury out. I guess it's a question of finding the right dose. I recently increased from 8mg to 12.5mg and had a very bad time, so I guess it's back to 8mg for me.

It must be a very powerful detoxifier...

Posted By: Bex

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 05/20/08 11:31 AM

Hi Diane,

Sorry, I should have understood! I too suffer from forgetfulness and have to read things over and over and I should have realised that others suffer that as well. I have to save things on my computer and even then I can forget I've saved them!

Or I have to print them out and keep them handy, or I'll forget them easily. I think the stuff is pretty good information and not too extreme. I like natural means of treating stuff and I think the recommendations given are pretty good. I can only hope that they are useful to you though and whether you respond and are able to get the things recommended.

of course, it is still about the underlying condition and that's another story. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Diane Tilson

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 05/21/08 02:11 AM

No problem Bex, no offense taken. It does get embarrassing sometimes when I find myself asking the same question over and over though. You guys have been so helpful and supportive. I am doing the best I can with lifestyle adjustments; adequate sleep, no sugar & caffeine, and even taking drenamine (adrenal support). I made a mistake on the last post it wasn't "Adrenanmine" but drenanmine. Do you really think the salt water thing will help? Thx, Diane
Posted By: Bex

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 05/21/08 03:44 AM

Hi Diane, if you keep it handy by making a copy of it, it'll make it much easier for you. I need to refer to the same information myself.

Avoiding sugar and caffeine is a start, but add wheat/gluten products/grains, as well as yeast and milk to the exclusion list. I would say that all those are the worst culprits, because so many mercury toxic people are intolerant to them, plus they feed candida (which contributes to straining adrenals and lowering immunity).

Wheat is also treated with mercury fungicide. I remember when I was mercury poisoned, I used to eat wheat cereals and things. Everytime I did, my poisoning symptoms would increase dramatically and I'd often go cold all over, my nails would go blue and I'd wind up crying and salivating uncontrollably. I'd go almost grey in the face. No doubt it's either mercury contaminated, or the action of it worsens mercury (that and the gluten it contains). Giving that up, plus sugar and yeast allowed for some dramatic improvements. Though I was still mercury toxic due to still having amalgams at that time, I felt so much better. Warmer body temperature, MUCH happier (I actually eliminated most of my depression), better hair, skin, shinier eyes, everything improved in health. I gather it must have postively impacted by entire endocrine system (adrenals, thyroid, the lot). Even the swollen lumps around my breast and underarm area went away! I was also eating raw foods too alot, so that helped the cleansing process.

Gluten grains are wheat, rye, barley, oats, etc. So if you suspect any gluten intolerance, you should eliminate them all, not just wheat.

You maybe ok with the alternative non gluten grains, though all high carb foods potentially feed candida and should be reduced or eliminated. That goes for fruit as well. Though fruit is healthy, it is still a source of natural sugars and may potentially feed yeast (if one has a bad enough case of it. Best to eliminate or reduce, at least temporarily until a person has recovered).

It would be wise to do a full diet and stick with it for weeks and evaluate what happens to you. If you find you go through a detox/die off process, as things often worsen temporarily, that is pretty much a no brainer that one is suffering from yeast overgrowth and toxic load. Toxins are released when one gives up toxic foods like that completely! If you keep having a bit here and there, it'll keep the yeast sustained. You must do a full elimination diet in order for the yeast to start dying off. Cheating will cause a relapse.

It can take around 3 weeks or so for improvements to show up. The foods that can freely be eaten are free range eggs, meats, liver, vegetables (excluding potatoes, corn, peas etc if they cause symptoms, as they are high in carbs), seeds, almonds/brazil nuts, acidophilus yoghurt, herbal teas, non gluten grain maybe ok (either limit or eliminate if it's still causing problems). Plenty of butter and other animal fats are good and extra virgin olive oil is also good.

Garlic is helpful too. Diet is essential in my opinion.

Posted By: Bex

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 05/22/08 06:59 AM

Diane, looks like Russ has just added a new forum that describes this problem of noise. It has a name - "Hyperacusis". Check out the link to it http://herballure.com/ubbthreads/sh...er=255138&Main=255138#Post255138

Looks like it "may" be have a relation to mercury toxicity. Russ has suffered it when mercury toxic. Hopefully you'll find some relief in knowing you're not alone in experiencing this.
Posted By: Bann

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 05/22/08 02:48 PM


Most Mercury toxic/yeast overload people are deficient in vitamins and minerals.
I've read that without enough magnesium in the body the nerve cells can not give or receive messages and become excitable and highly reactive. Noises will seem too loud and you will jump at sudden sounds like a door slamming and will get nervous and be on edge. Magnesium defficant can cause the person to become highly sensitive and highly nervous. Also, lights can appear to be too bright. It can also cause Insomnia, muscle spasms after waking up, cramps, tension and feeling uncomfortable. Also read that Muscle ties of the face are caused by a magnesium deficiency.

I gathered this info from a Magnesium Chloride site. It is in liquid form, and you can mix it with water and drink it, bath in it, do foot soaks and slather it on your body after a bath. From what I've read and gathered info, if your backed up with toxins or yeast it's difficult for the body to get enough from taking internally. The skin is our biggest organ, and will absorb this oil directly into the body.

I've been using it on my daughter too.. She doesn't swallow pills yet. She has acid reflux really bad (suspect she has it because of my amalgams, while in utero). I've read that if you are Magnesium Deficient it's hard for the body to expel toxins. I'm trying some different things with her, I rub this oil on her (it kinda smells bad at first, but the smell goes away after it is absorbed into the body) .. and have her eat things like, Brazil nuts (for the selenium) almonds (for neutralizing acid), aloe juice (has digestive enzymes). She also takes a multi-vitamin with 100% iodine in it.

Magnesium oil also calms you.. If I get upset, I come home and rub some of that on me, it really does work.. I stay a lot calmer now. (It takes a few months to get some-what in your system and can take a year or so to get all the way).

I'm also making my husband use some for his high blood pressure.. And it worked..<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/byebye.gif" alt="" /><img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/byebye.gif" alt="" /><img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/byebye.gif" alt="" /><img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/byebye.gif" alt="" /><img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/byebye.gif" alt="" /><img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/byebye.gif" alt="" /><img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/byebye.gif" alt="" />

I sound like I'm selling the stuff..., but it really has helped us...


Posted By: Bann

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 05/22/08 03:43 PM


Here's a link about adrenals.. too... It mentions Magnesium in it too....

Attached File
255215-Adrenal article.pdf  (238 downloads)
Posted By: sunflower

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 05/22/08 06:02 PM

Hi Diane,
sorry it took me so long to post here,
I suffer from this too.I have only noticed this since I had the amalgams out 7 months ago (I do not know if this is relevant but As a child I had repeated ear infections ,my mother took me to drs who repeatedly gave me antibiotics (I know I'm a real candida candidate) anyway I have always had super sharp hearing,I'd often hear poeple talking from a distance and if I commented that they were talking about me ,i was always told I was just paranoid but in fact I could actually hear them!!!
some days its very strong and some days it dosnt bother me too much.
Its like my hearing is hypersensitive and every sound is amplified ,and then it reverberates inside my ears like a goooonnnngggg even hearing my own voice,it drives me mad.
The worst thing about it for me,is on those bad days I have to keep asking my son to try and be more quiet, and its tough on him he's a boisterous energetic 5 yr old,I feel like a grumpy old woman! And then my dad talks really loud(especially when I ask him to talk quitly and then he turnes on the radio and tv...at the same time...and the dog barking aggghhh ,I guess it must be like having a ddogs ears...so sensitive!
I dont know but I was thinking it was candida or mercury related or both but I hope it dosnt last tooo lllloooonnnnggg
Posted By: Diane Tilson

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 05/23/08 03:24 AM

Sunflower and Bann, Thanks so much for the feedback, I don't know what I'd do without all of you! I SO relate to the audio sensitivity! My ears too hear extremely well but ironically when I'm talking to someone, although I hear them fine, my "interpretation" or "processing" the info is often smothered with brain fog and its so humiliating! I see their lips move but my mind sometimes checks out> I hate it. It happened today. But yes I too have an 8 yr son and 10yr daughter and boy they are naturally full of energy and loud at times and yes I also feel like a cranky ol lady and I feel sorry for my kids. The noise makes me so angry! Why cant they have a normal mom? I pray all the time to be able to enjoy them. I remember how much I just used to love and adore them when I'd watch them sleep and see how "peaceful" they were. Sad it seems I enjoy them so much when they are sleeping. I feel guilty about that. But the noise thing is very aggravating. My amalgams have been out for over a year and I chelated w/ dmsa for 8 months. Now Im just taking vit supps, algin, ect.. Lets not loose hope. Things will get better but lets keep the support going. Take care, Diane
Posted By: SoSick

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 05/23/08 03:38 AM

Maybe it would be therapeutic, in the meantime till you can resolve the problem or it resolves itself (mercury/metals can cause this problem, anger, noise sensitivity), to get an IPod or something and plug yourself into some soothing soft music or the sound of a waterfall or something like that, for part of your day or during stressful situations. The earplugs will also block out a great deal of environmental noise, kids yelling, dog barking, whatever.
Posted By: sunflower

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 05/23/08 12:04 PM

I can relate to all that you're saying,Diane.
I just remembered some thing else that happens me but I think during anxiety or low blood sugar...my hearing goes very strange,like I'm under water.
I was talking to a girl who has diabetes and she experiences this too when her blood sugar drops.

Sos,ear plugs ...I tried them before,cant stand them or anything in my ears.Great idea though.
Posted By: SoSick

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 05/24/08 08:28 AM

headphones maybe then? My preference anyway, bigger sound. I don't care for the Ipod earplugs either. Don't mind headphones a bit though. Walkmans used to come with headphones do they still make those? I like cushy padded headphones myself. One time I almost started the kitchen on fire they work so well I didn't hear the fire alarm ringing. Just burned dinner really but burned it real good. I hate when the house gets all smokey like that. heh.

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shockedeyes.gif" alt="" />

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/bratty.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: sunflower

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 05/24/08 08:11 PM

Didnt you smell the burning?!
give me those old style cushioned earphones anyday,they are much nicer.I also have an old pair of red earmuffs(remember them ?!)my son used to wear them pretending to be a builder, Remember that film"theres something about mary" her brother wore them and wouldnt let anyone touch his ears...!
I burn thiings sometimes too...the other week I put an egg on to boil, came upstairs to the computer,forgot about it ,when I remembered and rushed down the water had all evaporated and the egg had exploded!
That burnt smell seems to linger around the house for ages afterwards.
Posted By: SoSick

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 05/25/08 12:32 AM

no, I was upstairs with the door closed. I got a tap on the shoulder... '... cooking something...?

I have burned so many sauce pans boiling water for tea. but I have never exploded an egg. that sounds interesting. bet that does raise a stench. that may actually be much worse than the stew I forgot to set down to simmer. Does a nice job on the pot huh? Red hot bottom. I have even made the mistake of grabbing the hot hot pot off the stove, taking the lid off and trying to douse this hot mess with water, which of course makes the kitchen much smokier and smellier and the water when it hits that pot, watch out! I have actually done it a few times over the years, almost burnt the house down that way and made that same mistake afterward. Last time though time I just put the pot outside to cool off.

I am getting better at cooking.

yeah my favorite pair of cushy headphones is probably close to 16-17 years old. an old old pair of jvc digitals from the early days of cd rom's. still work great I haven't found any to beat them yet.

They must still make cushy headphones. Not exactly the type of stuff you walk around town with but for hanging around the house and doing your own undisturbed thing, can't beat em.

my daughter uses an ipod, I think the sound in theose earplugs is not so hot either, I actually have never checked the sound quality on it but she likes to plug a big cushy pair of old earphones into that too.

I just keep my favorite cd's on the windows media player on the computer these days, why do you think my computer is always on? work? I am not a masochist!

I never saw that film, never even heard of it. Must be an irish thing irishmen do only in ireland, builders wearing red earmuffs. I do know irish builders in NY drink a lot of beer. and hide the beer cans under the floor boards if they need to. Yes, I know that from a firsthand experience with irish builders.

life is a symphony. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/kewldance.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: JK98

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 05/25/08 02:24 AM

"Walkmans used to come with headphones do they still make those?"

The original walkman was either tape or radio. Then later Sony made them with both tape and radio. Later Sony made CD based portables they sometimes called Discman and at other times Walkman. Some had a radio. Then came CD based mp3 players, that played regular CDs as well as mp3 files recorded on a CDR disk. Then Sony started making mp3 players, but their original mp3 players needed to use special Sony software to transfer songs to the player, so most people avoided them. Now Sony makes some nice mp3 players which they also call "Walkman" that require no software, or can be used with Windows Media Player software. The S series has FM radio(no AM) while the A series has no radio. The A and S series players have high quality sound. The A series comes with high quality earphones, while the earphones that come with the S series players aren't so good. Most mp3 players come with low quality earphones, so one needs to buy high quality earphones separately to get good sound. Sandisk, Samsung, and Cowon also make nice mp3 players. The Cowon D2 has an SD card slot for adding an SD card to expand the player's memory, while the Sandisk Fuze has a micro SD card slot. Both of these players have received great reviews. The Cowon D2 has 52 hour battery life for music, while the Fuze only has 24 hour battery life. Both have great sound quality(with high quality headphones purchased separately), and FM radio. The D2 comes with a charger, while the Fuze is charged via USB. In the US, the D2 is $150 for the 4 gig version(then you could add a 16 gig SD card for around $60). The Fuze is
$100 for the 4 gig version(micro SD cards are more expensive than full sized SD cards and are only available up to 12 gigs).
The Sony A816 has 4 gigs of storage, no radio, and is $100. No memory expansion slot though. It has 33 hour battery life.

The Sandisk Clip at $50 for the 2 gig version is the best sounding low priced mp3 player. The battery life is listed at 15 hours. It has FM radio, but no memory expansion slot.

If you want something inexpensive with good sound that is just a radio, the Sony SRF59 at just $15 is great
The headphones included with it are junk though, so one needs to buy headphones separately. It gets 100 hours on FM or 140 pn AM on just one AA battery. It is analog and not digital though, but has better sound quality than most portable digital radios(why haven't they perfected portable digital radios yet?)

I could write plenty about headphones. One thing to keep in mind though is that many full sized headphones won't play loud enough with a lower powered portable. The Cowon D2 puts out plenty of power(37 mw per channel) and can power almost any headphone(except electrostatic ones and studio monitors over 300 ohms) to an adequate volume.
Posted By: sunflower

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 05/26/08 09:48 PM

"Theres something about Mary" is definitely from U.S. maybe about 10 yrs ago or so.Cameron Diaz was Mary,was funny at the time anyway!
I never saw a builder wearing earmuffs! He wears them to pretend they are those sound protection ear things that builders wear when they are breaking concrete etc!!!
Posted By: SoSick

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 05/27/08 01:54 AM

ok, now I get it. it was a funny thought though, irish builders wearing red earmuffs.

so... he's pretending to be a demo guy... demolition earmuffs.

Now, that's an interesting thought for someone trying to block out environmental sounds.. demo ear protectors.

I lived for about 8 months real close to the BQE (brooklyn queens expressway) in nyc once, it was dreadful, the noise. I slept every night with earplugs. It was still maddening. I have no idea how people live near big highways like that. It was really maddening. gorgeous apt. dreadful location. the noise, the exhaust.. a constant stinky loud rumbling shaking.

I should have gotten demolition earmuffs maybe I would have survived it better.

I'm actually not sure the kid is plugging old cushy earphones into the ipod to be absolutely sure, she might have them plugged into something else.

but my old cushy earphones fit the computer speaker jack thingy just perfect still.
Posted By: JK98

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 07/05/08 12:25 AM

If you feel like you have a hangover, then it is likely to be because of aldehyde toxicity from the candida. Taking molybdenum supplements may help with this.

Posted By: Aaron

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 08/03/08 04:01 PM

I suffer from hypersensitivity and I have for most of my life. Two months ago I went to a chiropractor that specializes in upper cervical care (see http://erinelster.com/ for an explanation of upper cervical care). He said that my first cervical vertebrae was out of alignment and that was putting pressure on my brainstem. He explained that can cause the sympathetic nervous system to become dominant over the parasympathetic nervous system and the result is hypersensitivity.

At times I feel more relaxed but at my age (44) I think that I have irreversible damage to my brain and nervous system. I don't think that I'm going to make it. If anyone has any ideas I'm open to them.
Posted By: JK98

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 08/03/08 04:49 PM

Imo hypersensitivity is probably due to acetylaldehyde toxicity. Typically this is when you feel like you have a hangover but haven't drank. This is from candida. There are supplements to take to help break down acetylaldehyde.


Taking 500 mcg or 1 mg a day of molybdenum will be very helpful.


Posted By: Sean

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 08/19/08 02:44 AM

Noises bother me alot, having OCD with it doesn't help at all. Chewing can cause alot of anxiety when I hear others do it and alot of other noises! I thought I was nuts when I was just a kid but now I know what it was from and why I had this and spots in front of my eyes etc. I thought I was one of a kind! Mercury causing the adrenal fatigue explains it alot, thanks.
Posted By: Jeanie

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 08/19/08 04:18 PM

My dad always taught us to chew with our mouths closed and it drives me crazy if my husband chews gum.... Also when he eats I hear his teeth come together and the crunching and it, too, irritates the heck out of me!!! I never connected any of this before..... Vacuuming.... Have you checked out the hyperaccusis forum on this Sean? I fear I have it.... and I love blasting music.... Partly from hearing loss, but I seem hyperacute at the same time.
Posted By: Sean

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 08/19/08 06:54 PM

Yes I have checked out Hyperacusis and fear I have it as well! Can Mercury or Candida cause it? Thats my question? I love loud music as well as you do, but can't stand it at times.
Posted By: Jeanie

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 08/19/08 07:44 PM

Sean, not sure what causes it rather than loud music : ) (Or loud sounds period...) My husband is a musician and so was my brother...

Anyway - sorry - but I'm sure someone will pipe in on that... I also have hearing loss from infections when I was a little girl.
Posted By: Sean

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 08/20/08 02:04 AM

Gunshot went off inside the house when I was a kid on accident (Shotgun), from what I read this can be a cause and I think thats where I got it from frown Sucks but true.
Posted By: Jeanie

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 08/20/08 02:16 PM

Wow - I hope no one was hurt...
Posted By: Lynnmn

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 10/17/08 08:53 AM

Hi Sean, ((( Smiles )))

Noise and medications, illness, toxins ect...
Even though noise being the main trigger for hyperacusis..
Lots of things can trigger it too..
Hyperacusis is a symptom of many things..
But you wrote you had OCD.
Thats interesting because on the other board I'm on.
They have been talking about OCD.
There is a thread 5 pages long called Eating Noises Do They Bother You??
With people posting about all kinds of sensitivity to sounds ect problems..
SSSS4/Misophonia/Hyperacusis/ also maybe OCD ect..
Some say they have been diagnoised with OCD..
It's neurological based some of theses problems I do believe..
But when things are heard and expirenced as being Too Loud.
It's usually hyperacusis and that condition can be expirenced in a mild form to severe..
And also people can change in catagories of H over time.
It's an interesting subject theses sound sensitivity disorders..
The known triggers and unknown ones too..
Some people believe they know what caused it for them..
And some people don't know how it happened to them.
Hyperacusis is a symptom of something that went wrong.
Can be an acoustic trauma or nerve injury.

Take Care
Posted By: Lynnmn

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 10/22/08 05:43 AM

Plus.. ((( Smiles )))

Long ago because of my hyperacusis expirence and haveing children with autism..
I started just searching around the web and was totally shocked on what I had found..
I started documenting what I found under heavy metal and ear disease and then pink disease till I was just so angry over the mercury issue..
Not just the issue with my childrens autism but also with the auditory system problems the brain and abnormality sound sensitivites it can cause too..

And I had suffered so much with tinnitus and then hyperacusis and even though my hyperacusis may have been caused/ triggered by many things..
Just the idea of all the exposures of mercury out there in the air the water the food, vaccinations and the flu shot and in my back teeth..
I just got so activated and really into this because it's just so prevailent out there and then again who knows??
What else helped propel theses ear/brain sound issue things.
Besides noise and medication ect..

What helped set me up because not everybody who is around loud noise or takes certain medications ect gets this condition.
And I thought could there be something more to this in some cases and then I thought maybe yes..
It's possibly a Big Yes..
I don't remember haveing any flu shots while growing up or as an adult untill...
The years/year before and during my tinnitus and sound sensitivity expirence that lead me to full blown classic hyperacusis disorder..
Because my H.M.O gave them out free and I didn't want to get sick while careing for special needs twins back then.
I was just wore out..
I think it was a bad idea now looking back on it and I just didn't know it was back then..
Hindsite is 20/20.

I was sick back then alot even though..
And my last flu shot was in 02..
And I've done pretty well too since..
So I was primed for changeing my views on this.
Because of all that.

And then when I found this board I thought...
Thats where I'm at in my life and thats what I believe to be true.
Yet also I'm like cured now of H and my tinnitus is much better..
But I did alot of things back then to try to get well not just sound therapy a desensitization plan.
Though for hyperacusis thats what one usually does to try to get well/better.
Pink noise, TRT, ect...
But I did other things back then too and I'm glad I did.
I think it helped..
I really believe that..
Posted By: Lynnmn

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 11/21/08 02:54 AM

Heavy Metals can cause autoimmune disease.
So can certain medications..
I remember also on the pink disease board the owner who has
pink disease mentioned her brother has autoimmune disease.
And most of them on a survey I read on that board said they
had sound sensitivity problems.
Autoimmune disorders is 10 times more common today then 25 years ago.
And low levels of vitamin B are linked to autoimmune disease as well.
And there was mention on the hyperacusis board by an Audiologist TRT practioner about a possible autoimmune relationship
in hyperacusis ect.. disorders.
With explaining why??
It's all interesting reading and where all this may lead too..
But I mentioned the Thread "Eating Noises Do They Bother You?
And lots of stories there of people with sound sensitivity problems or reactions to certain sounds you decide..
as there are some simularites there and some differences in certain stories as well.
But maybe somebody with this type of disorder can relate to someone else's story it's a long thread 5 pages long.

Eating Noises: Do They Bother You? Classic Thread
1 2 3 4 5


Hope this helps somebody...
In some way..
Posted By: Lynnmn

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 11/21/08 08:38 AM

Plus in the extreme of conditions..

This is an interesting site as well.
Tortured By Sound Beyond Human Endurance.


Wether from a sound sensitivity problem to mild hyperacusis to
severe hyperacusis or just awfull tinnitus..

People do come down with theses conditions.
Besides the eating noises ect thing.
It varies.
Posted By: Sean

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 12/01/08 10:18 PM

Lynn thanks for that page, definitely a huge problem of mine since I was a kid.
Posted By: Lynnmn

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 01/30/09 07:44 AM

Hi Sean, (((( Smiles ))))

Your welcome..
So it's been a problem for you since you've been a child..
I was reading that the average age is 10..
Some younger some older..
For this so called Misophonia/SSSS4 thing..
Here's an article you may find interesting..
I noticed there is person who just recently posted in the welcome forum exposed to mercury in a medication..
and now expirences pain with sounds..
I don't know the extend of her auditory/sound disorder..
But I do know that on the pink disease site..
On a survey of survivers most of them had sound sensitivity problems..
And mercury can cause abnormality sound sensitivity problems it messes with the auditory system and thats a known fact..
Here's the interview..
On TRT ect...


Take Care
Posted By: Lynnmn

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 02/10/09 08:35 AM

Plus.. ((( Smiles )))

What is Auditory Desensitisation?

Auditory desensitisation aims to reduce the over-sensitivity of the hearing system to the sounds that someone finds uncomfortable.
There have been some claims that vitamin B6 and magnesium could help to reduce oversensitivity to noise.


Tinnitus Retraining Therapy can restore normal sensitivity to sound,
treating or even removing (providing a cure) for both hyperacusis and misophonia..
Some patients have hyperacusis without tinnitus as their chief complaint,
but about 30 percent of the tinnitus patients do report hyperacusis and 60 percent misophonia

Yes, Tinnitus Retraining Therapy can restore normal sensitivity to sound,
treating or even removing (providing a cure) for both hyperacusis and misophonia.
Posted By: billsmith

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 09/07/09 12:56 AM

Hi there, If you have unusual sound-sensitivity, please check out the Hyperacusis network at: http://www.hyperacusis.net/ I personally have hyperacusis, and it sounds to me as if some of you may as well. Best, Bill
Posted By: Sean

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 09/12/09 04:27 AM

Originally Posted by billsmith
Hi there, If you have unusual sound-sensitivity, please check out the Hyperacusis network at: http://www.hyperacusis.net/ I personally have hyperacusis, and it sounds to me as if some of you may as well. Best, Bill
I have had it for years on end, it really has been bad at time but for a year or so when eating better for a year with fruits and so on it went away somewhat and I was normal. I wonder what I did to get rid of it? Maybe more alkaline?

No doubt something when I was younger got me to this level? Vaccines or Teeth with Mercury in them? I am betting on BOTH of them, what a life to live with.
Posted By: Lynnmn

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 12/09/11 04:37 AM

I have had it for years on end, it really has been bad at time but for a year or so when eating better for a year with fruits and so on it went away somewhat and I was normal. I wonder what I did to get rid of it? Maybe more alkaline?

I think there is something to that besides things in life that may correct themselves or better themselves overtime.
But been building myself up over the years with antioxidants to be able to go to the dentist because ever since..
I first came onto this board this has been my goal.
Just wasen't strong enough to do it though was lots better then how I use to be at one time but still had some weaknesses.
But been building myself up with antioxidants etc..
And it seemed to help me plus my faith in God has carried me through good times and bad times and more and with T&H had some really bad times but have also learned so much from it as when things go wrong in life it gets your attention and can cause one to stop in their tracks and change course.
Pray more ponder life more and take one in another direction out of ones comfort zone to focus on other things in life.
If all was completely well all the time I may never have learned all that I have about whats going on in this world at this time.
It woke me up!
Who knows, I may have never had the mercury taken out of my teeth or may have taken another flu shot a bad mistake of long ago if I wasen't directed with an incentive to find out!
The Bible verse that says what Satan meant for bad God meant for good.
Got me moving to find out all I could to get well as sickness is a great motivator in life!
It sure is!

No doubt something when I was younger got me to this level? Vaccines or Teeth with Mercury in them?

Ya, something set me up for this too caused a vunerability to come about. As not everybody comes down with T&H.
It takes that extra something!
To put one over the edge.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Almost forgot, TOO noisy and Loud Too! Cant stand it - 12/10/11 03:31 AM

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) supports the adrenals.
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