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A Dramatic Change After Amalgam Removal and Chelation, by Alex R.

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A Dramatic Change After Amalgam Removal and Chelation, by Alex R. - 11/12/08 11:10 AM

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A Dramatic Change After Amalgam Removal and Chelation
Alex R.

The illness started some 30 years ago I was only 11 years old. I became paralyzed from my waist down. I experienced extreme pain in my hips and legs and was bedridden for about 2 weeks. My father, who was a Jehovah’s Witness, did not take me to the doctor. He had extensive knowledge of herbal medicine; he successfully treated me with black coffee remedies which I drank. He massaged my body with homeopathic home remedies and once I was able to drag myself out of bed I engage in short walking exercises. I dragged one leg behind me for a while before I regained my strength. I now know that these are some of the treatments used to remove toxins from the body. During my teenage and early adult years I continued to experience headaches, earaches loss of balance and problems with my stomach. At times my voice became very hoarse and rough. I was told to eat bird mouth mangoes to help with the hoarseness. During later years, my mother being Catholic opted to take me to the doctor, they could not figure out what was ailing me. I cannot remember a time when I did not have some ailment; prior to age 11 I was a happy go lucky child.

I would like to fast forward to 1991.

After a very complex pregnancy, the symptoms got worse. I suffered from memory loss, tremors and confusion. The pain in my hip became very intense and went to many doctors with no resolve. By the year 2001 I developed blurred vision, I could only see blurred objects and had to leave work one day as I could not see my computer. The eye specialist could not find anything wrong and after about 3 visits requested that I test for diabetes. I had this strange cough that was so bad that the doctors I saw prescribed puffers. It felt like death when this cough came on, it was debilitating. The symptoms continued to manifest themselves and I developed Carpel Tunnel syndrome, Irregular heart beat, Anemia, Hypoglycemia, some high sugar and hypothyroidism, tightness in my chest and inflammation in my blood. I gradually spiraled to the stage where my body contorted into dystonic movements so badly that the neurologist thought I had dystonia. The movements looked like those of Keanu Reeves in the Matrix. A top movement specialist said no, but he indicated that the illness was in my cortex.

The neurologist also indicated multifocal CNS, problems with my nervous system. In 2002, I started using a cane for balance; however, by 2003 my mobility became so impaired that I could not walk without falling. To continue working I opted for a wheelchair. After much struggle, I finally found a doctor willing to prescribe a wheelchair. She agreed with me that my life was wasted sitting at home waiting for a diagnosis. I was very fortunate to work for a good company that made some accommodations for me to work in the wheelchair. I slipped and slided through episodes where I felt better and certain days I pushed the wheelchair until I fell to the ground. I was in and out of the emergency ward. By 2005 I developed Parkinson's and MS symptoms that I was convinced that I had Parkinson’s disease. I searched the internet and found the best Parkinson’s doctor in Toronto and requested a referral. He said that I did not have Parkinson’s. Yet I could not go through doors, especially the automatic doors at various establishments. I could no longer swing my hands and had trouble pushing the wheelchair.. When I tried to walk, my movements became very slow and shuffled. My tongue would get stuck between my teeth when attempting to speak, my words faded and I felt like I was choking if I persisted on trying to speak. My head and body started to shake, and my feet stuck to the ground more frequently. I also had trouble getting out of a seated positions, my body would become glued to the seat. I heard cracking noises in my head and by October 2006 It became difficult to hold up my head up. I could not keep my mouth clean no matter what I did; I went to the dentist regularly but to no avail. My face began to pull to the right side with tremendous pressure to the head like Belles Palsy.

Through all this, I continued to search for a specialist/doctor who would listen to me. All the doctors I met were baffled at this illness; they concluded that I had a conversion disorder. This was psychosomatic! In short I had created this illness! One doctor blatantly told me so on two occasions. They referred me to psychiatrists. One psychiatrists wanted to place me in the hospital on sodium barbital IV to delve into my past, to bring forth regressed memories. Once I found out what this was about I refused. I continued to look for a diagnosis; I knew that I was not crazy! I knew this illness was not in my head! I knew the way I felt looked nothing like the people with mental illness I saw when I was growing up. I even rented Macbeth, I knew that Lady Macbeth had a conversion disorder and this further confirmed that the symptoms I was experiencing were not from a conversion disorder. This was real; something was eating away at my inside and killing me slowly. So I continued to search!

In Sept 2006 I lost the ability to speak after suffering from bouts of speech loss over a 2 year period. I had to stop working; before, I could face the public when they made ridiculing comments about me being able to walk and why I was in a wheelchair. When they alluded to my not being really sick, that I was pretending. One gentleman when he saw me fall one day came up to me, picked me up from the ground and apologized for his thoughts. At least before I was working and I found strength, now out of work, my self esteem and strength waned. In my culture sick people do not pray for themselves, Other people prayed for you. My son who started caring for me at only 11, continued to care for me and watching me not being able to speak hurt him. I sometimes saw the tears in his eyes, but he remained strong. He was my only salvation; I wanted to see him turn 18. One day he said to me, mom what if I get this illness. That gave me more strength to find a diagnosis I did not want my boy to go through this! Unfortunately, I found out that the Spina Bifida Occulta, the short term memory loss, bad knees and nose bleeds he suffers from are all a result of mercury damage as a fetus.

I continued to search for a diagnosis, I went to the library, I searched the internet, but I forgot to pray! One night I knew that I probable did not have longer. My system was very weak; my chest was becoming so tight that I knew. I prayed to God for help! That night in October 2006, I was on the internet searching. For some unknown reason, silver fillings came up on my search. I knew that I had the answer! All the symptoms fit what I was going through! I got on the phone and called my mom right away, I told her that I had found the answer! That was around 12:30am. 2 weeks before a friend asked me about Quicksilver but the search did not reveal the mercury link. (Quicksilver is mercury) nor EMFs also mentioned by a lady I met who told me a month prior, that many people were sensitive to power lines and other electrical appliances that emit electromagnetic energy. She said that their symptoms were similar to mine.

The next day I called the dentist for an appointment. I had read that the regular dentist should not remove silver fillings but I was desperate and took the chance. I reviewed the protocol for removing silver fillings so I knew what precautions to look for. She advised me as she had 2 years prior when I asked her to replace them with white ones, that silver fillings were safe, and that the mercury once set in the tooth was safe and would not release into the blood stream. She thought I wanted to take them out due to concerns for the illness, I told her no as I was not sure that she would remove them if I said yes. She tried to dissuade me but I insisted that they hurt my jaw which was true. After the first two fillings were removed I noticed that the heat and cold did not affect me as before; I was more tolerant to both elements. Heat and cold rendered me totally helpless; I got seizures and speech loss. Mercury rises and falls with these elements! I was now able to stand in the kitchen to cook. I did not have to lay on the floor to regain my strength! My son did not have to take me to my bed anymore.

Once the last amalgam was removed Nov 6, 2006 I stopped falling. I have not taken a fall since that time. My son first noticed my energy level went up, he could not stop smiling! I no longer held on to the walls in my apartment to get around. I thought that this was just a temporary reprieve but my son convinced me that this was different; he immediately saw a profound difference. I still relied on the wheelchair to get around as I still had duck like motion when walking. I know I needed to clean out the mercury poison from my system so I went to a natural food store to buy products. At Nutrition House, I met this kind sales lady who advised me to go to The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. Once I went there they gave me the right medicine. The Optometrist I saw at Zellers in Sept06 also recommended this clinic. I thought students could not take care of this problem! It was too complex! After all, I had been going to doctors for 29 years! There is a supervisor who is a Naturopathic doctor on every case! I also thought that I could not afford to pay. I found out that it is affordable! Prior to this I ended up in a hospital and asked for the crisis centre team as I was told that this may be all in my head. The Psychiatric social worker I saw, after interviewing me, advised me to seek alternative medicine. At that time I did not take her advice either.

I started the chelation treatments Nov15, 2006, using only natural compounds; by Nov 25, 2006 I was able put the wheelchair away and walk with a walker. By Nov 30, 2006 I no longer needed the voice amplifier for speaking. I could speak on my own. By early Dec. 2006 I had dismantled the wheelchair and stored it in the locker room as I felt confident that I did not need it any more. I continued to walk with the walker. Towards the end of December 2006, I no longer needed the walker and started using the cane as I continued to experience pain in my joints and right side. My body also felt very heavy and my right knee hurt very badly. I have also found out that I have sensitivity to EMFs (electromagnetic fields) as the mercury damaged my central nervous system. This means that being around cell phones and high levels of electricity will paralyze my muscles. Mercury creates oral galvanism while in your mouth and alters the EMFS in the oral cavity. This means that one has an electric charge as mercury has magnetic properties, your saliva is a conductor, and in short there is a ticking time bomb in the mouth. Some people do not experience the problem with EMFs once the fillings are removed, but in my case this got worse with the removal of the dental fillings. I should have gone to a proper dentist. It is also a bad idea to try to detox too fast and to engage in heavy exercise while detoxing. All of the above cause mercury to hide deeper in the tissues rather than being eliminated from the body.

Chelation treatments take up to five years. During the first stage of the detox program, I had copious drainage from my sinuses and throat it was unbelievable, sometimes I had to stick my head in the sink to allow the fluids to drain from my mouth. I carried around plastic bags for 6 months (no kidding), luckily, I was still off work. I also took 2 ionized foot detoxes from another naturopathic doctor at a health food store. I was told that my body was polluted with heavy metal, there was mucus on my lungs and I had serious joint problems. All this, and over the last 5 years I was told that I made up this illness, that it was all in my head. I was told "to go home it would get better" by a movement specialist at Toronto Western Hospital. I was left to suffer and to die; it was as though no one cared. I had only my son. Thank God for him! I did a mercury blood test Nov 29/06 it was positive for mercury even after chelation. Although a regular blood test does not show true levels of mercury. I also happened on a psychiatrist who is familiar with mercury toxicity from silver fillings. He gave a report which cleared me from mental illness, when I read this report; I got down on my knees and prayed to god. I cried like a mother in labour! 30 years of believing that I was insane, being told that I was insane! Vindication was sweet!
This is truly a miracle from God!

My son later confided me that he thought that I was terminally ill and how frustrating the situation had become for him. Now he has a constant smile on his face and his happiness has returned. My mother revealed to me in November/06 that the family did not expect me to live past Christmas 06 and that many people had been assigned to pray for my recovery. She also told me that she had called home to Dominica to advise my family to prepare themselves for the worst. Most of the symptoms indicated above with vision, hypothyroidism, and high blood sugar ect. with the exception of anemia have normalized, I have not used my glasses since January 2007, before I totally relied on them.

I am writing this story because I want to alert the public about the dangers of Dental Amalgams otherwise known as Silver Fillings. These fillings contain mercury which is one of the most toxic elements known to man/woman/nature! There are strict guidelines for handling mercury yet it is being placed in our mouths. Many people are coming down with unexplained illnesses like I did. They cannot be diagnosed and are told that the illness is in their heads. Antidepressants are prescribed which make the problem worse. Once I found out that the little green pills I was given were antidepressants I refused them as I knew in my heart that I was not depressed. Too many people were telling me that I was inspiring them with my drive and good spirit; besides, I did not feel depressed. I was too driven to find a diagnosis, to live for my child that I did not have time to be depressed! Depression is also a symptom of mercury toxicity.

I just want to tell all people with unexplained undiagnosed illnesses with MS/ALS/Parkinson’s like symptoms, heart problems diabetes, ECT. to check their mouths for silver fillings. Get tested for EMF sensitivity. Even if you are diagnosed, still check your mouths. This is becoming a pandemic as Baby Boomers and Generation X mature and our systems can no longer handle the mercury load that poisoned our bodies over a number of years. I had those Amalgams in my mouth for 30 years! 30 years ago the mercury started breaking down my body. 30 years ago my brother innocently said to me that if I could clean up my mouth that I would probable get better! What an irony!

I went back to work March 5, 2007, one of my co-workers remarked that my head no longer looked swollen. I continue to go for chelation treatments and I am working on strengthening my Central Nervous system to rid my self of the EMF troubles. If I did not hve the EMF troubles, I believe that I could get rid of my cane as I only use it when I am in the magnetic fields; but life is improving and I am thankful to God, every time I walk out of the house I look up to the sky and tears come to my eyes.


Alex R.
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