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A Mercury Story, by Jeanine Uribe, Los Angeles, California

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A Mercury Story, by Jeanine Uribe, Los Angeles, California - 11/12/08 11:24 AM

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A Mercury Story
by Jeanine Uribe, Los Angeles, California

Part 1
Submitted December 3, 2004

I wanted to share my story for the women out there that may be suffering from Endometriosis, Wilson's Thyroid Syndrom (a form of hypothryoid), Candida and have mercury fillings.

I have had mercury fillings from age 4 years old. I was always very easygoing on the verge of being impassive. I hit puberty and immediately went on birth control pills because my menstraul cycle was excessive and heavy. After being on the Pill for 15 years my skin began to feel like plastic, I was constantly bloated and knew that it would only get worse if I continued to stay on the Pill.

I got off the pill and immediately began to have painful periods and migraines. I went to five different doctors because I suspected I had endometriosis, which my mother also had. When I finally found a doctor that would perform a laparoscopy my worst fear was confirmed. My options were hysterectomy or in vitro or back on the pill. I declined. I am a voracious reader. I researched endometriosis from books recommended by friends, articles, internet. I discovered naturopathic doctors seemed to have the best success with female problems.

I found one in Los Angeles that steered me to the right path. I was put on a wheat, dairy and sugar free diet with plenty of herbal tinctures, supplements and vitamins. I was willing to try anything. After a month my migraines disappeared and after 8 months I had a nearly pain-free period. Then it happened. I started gaining weight uncontrollably, my hair started falling out, my skin became so dry I felt old and I slept 16 hours per day.

My naturopathic doctor couldn't help me since they weren't yet licensed to practice fully in California. She urged me to see an endocrinologist and told me what to look for and ask. I was lucky to find one that offered treatment for Wilson's Thryoid Syndrome but he never told me exactly what was wrong with me. I had to find out on my own. After researching the Internet I found a link between endometriosis and the thryoid and the answer was Wilson's Thryoid Syndrome. I have been treated for this for 3 years and while I am remarkably better I am still having problems losing weight and feeling "normal".

I had altered my lifestyle to include only "green" cleaners and personal products. I ate only organic foods. I ate an EXTREMELY limited low carbohydate diet (one piece of protien the size of a silver dollar and two nickel size pieces of carbs 6 times a day). Nothing worked! I didn't lose weight. I went on runs at 4:30 in the morning, nothing happened. I used supplements to cleanse, detox and decrease my waist and while I felt great the weight didn't budge. I researched the symptoms of Candida and thought "Oh, that's the reason". I went on a candida diet (which was worse than the low carb diet). Didn't lose one iota. What is going on? I knew that I had to get the mercury fillings out of my mouth but never had the money to do it. I had spent thousands of dollars trying to treat myself and for my endocrinologist who didn't accept HMO's. I was devastated financially and emotionally.

Finally!, my employer offered a reimbursement plan that would cover nearly 90% to get my mercury filling out. I was ecstatic. I had half of my mercury fillings out and will be taking the rest out by April 2005. I wondered if there was a link to mercury poisoning and weight gain. I found several websites that told me what I had begun to suspect. The Wilson's Thyroid, Endometriosis, Candida and weight gain were all a product of mercury poisoning! Eeek! I did everything backwards!

If only I had taken out the mercury fillings first I could have saved myself thousands of dollars and years of aggravation. I will write back to let you know my progress on the weight loss. Whenever women ask me what I did to "cure" endometriosis the first thing I'll ask them is if they have mercury fillings! Please tell the women in your life about this. Women's endocrine system is much more complicated than men's. Mercury is not only a poisonous toxin but an endocrine disruptor. Do WHATEVER it takes to get this junk out your mouth especially expectant mothers. All toxins go directly to your fetus and if your trying to get pregnant remove the mercury first. It may be destroying your dream of becoming pregnant.

Jeanine Uribe
juribev (at) almansor.org
Los Angeles, California

Jeanine has notified us that she may be adding to this story as time goes on.
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