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-The Foolishness of Evolution / By: Ken Ham

Posted By: Abigail

-The Foolishness of Evolution / By: Ken Ham - 11/05/12 11:38 PM

-The Foolishness of Evolutionists
-By: Ken Ham
- “Professing to be wise, they became fools,” (Romans 1:22). bible

I couldn’t help but think of Romans 1:22 when I read a ridiculous article on the NPR website supposedly connecting evolution with the coming election.

-The article was introduced this way:
--As part of NPR’s coverage of this year’s presidential election, All Things Considered asked three science reporters to weigh in on the race. The result is a three-part series on the science of leadership.

-And then we read this foolishness:
Voters could learn some things about choosing a leader from a fish. Or a chimp. Or an elephant.

Oh really now. But then again, if these scientists really believe all plants and animals and humans are related—then of course they would believe this nonsense! And that is what it is—nonsense!
-The article also states:
“One common property we see in animal groups from schooling fish to flocking birds to primate groups is that they effectively vote to decide where to go and what to do,” Couzin says.

When one fish heads toward a potential source of food, the other fish vote with their fins on whether to follow, he says. And this highly democratic process helps animals make decisions as a group that are better than those of any single member.

Successful animal leaders know they can’t get too far ahead of their constituents, Couzin says.

“They seem to simply reconcile their own goal-oriented behavior with this tendency to align with others,” he says. “Because if you don’t tend to be influenced by others, you then leave the group behind, and you may get eaten by predators, or you lose the benefits of group living.”

Findings like this are relevant to humans because we carry a lot of evolutionary baggage with us into the voting booth, Couzin says. And when it comes to leadership, he says, we are most like animals that live in groups and depend on cooperation to survive. And these groups tend to pick cooperative leaders . . . .

I just can’t wait to read the other articles in this series!!

Yes, Romans 1:22 certainly describes these people.

starLet me tell you how I believe one should vote: We shouldn’t vote for someone because they are Republican, Democrat, Independent, “black” or “white”—or whatever—as Christians, we should judge what a person believes against the absolute authority of the Word of God, and then vote accordingly!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

Posted By: Abigail

Re: -The Foolishness of Evolution / By: Ken Ham, & Others - 03/09/15 04:10 PM

--True Science and Scripture Never Clash!

"Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away."
--Matthew 24:35

--Despite the Bible’s clear teaching of God’s creative work, there remains a strong denial of creation in the world today. Many people continue to deny that the heavens and the earth are the handiwork of a personal and powerful God. They believe the answers to our origins are found in science.

But the truth is that Scripture and true science never clash. There’s no contradiction between what God says and the realities of science.

However, I do believe that science must be subservient to Scripture, for a very important reason. Science is constantly changing. New theories and ideas are being proposed, revised, and discarded all the time. That’s why scientific theories about how the world came into existence must bow to the constant and eternal truth of the Bible.

Evolution is, of course, the main opponent of creation. The problem is that evolution is simply a theory. And yet, despite this most obvious fact, many people teach it and believe it as if it were a proven reality. But the theory of evolution is not scientifically true because none of it has been proven, and it is increasingly rejected by many brilliant and capable scientists.

**The basic theory of evolution says that we evolved from a one-cell organism to fish, then amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, and eventually man. But this is more science fiction than science, and the history of evolutionary teaching is so full of fraud and fantasy that no person in their right mind could accept it blindly as absolute truth.

Science is always looking for the starting point of life. But we already know where it is, in the opening chapters of the book of Genesis. Don’t be fooled or influenced by the pseudo-scientific fantasies and false theories of this world. You’re on solid ground scientifically when you stand on the truth of God’s Word.

--True science and Scripture never clash.~~
[Note: if you are ever asked if the Bible is true? Then someone tries to prove it is false by 'Science', point them to God's Holy Word. 'God can not lie.' HE IS CREATOR!]
--PP/JG- / GOD OF THE AGES - written by: Travis Doucette/ Singer: Charles Billingsley~'Thomas Road Baptist Church, Lynchburg, VA http://youtu.be/wBGxETiJ380
Posted By: Abigail

Re: -The Foolishness of Evolution / By: Ken Ham, & Others - 03/09/15 05:34 PM

--Question: "Do faith in God and science contradict?"

--Answer: Science is defined as “the observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena.” Science is a method that mankind can use to gain a greater understanding of the natural universe. It is a search for knowledge through observation. Advances in science demonstrate the reach of human logic and imagination. However, a Christian’s belief in science should never be like our belief in God. A Christian can have faith in God and respect for science, as long as we remember which is perfect and which is not.

-Our belief in God is a belief of faith. We have faith in His Son for salvation, faith in His Word for instruction, and faith in His Holy Spirit for guidance. Our faith in God should be absolute, since when we put our faith in God, we depend on a perfect, omnipotent, omniscient Creator.
Our belief in science should be intellectual and nothing more. We can count on science to do many great things, but we can also count on science to make mistakes. If we put faith in science, we depend on imperfect, sinful, limited, mortal men. Science throughout history has been wrong about many things, such as the shape of the earth, powered flight, vaccines, blood transfusions, and even reproduction. God is never wrong.

Truth is nothing to fear, so there is no reason for a Christian to fear good science. Learning more about the way God constructed our universe helps all of mankind appreciate the wonder of creation. Expanding our knowledge helps us to combat disease, ignorance, and misunderstanding. However, there is danger when scientists hold their faith in human logic above faith in our Creator. These persons are no different from anyone devoted to a religion; they have chosen faith in man and will find facts to defend that faith.

Still, the most rational scientists, even those who refuse to believe in God, admit to a lack of completeness in our understanding of the universe. They will admit that neither God nor the Bible can be proved or disproved by science, just as many of their favorite theories ultimately cannot be proved or disproved. Science is meant to be a truly neutral discipline, seeking only the truth, not furtherance of an agenda.

-Much of science supports the existence and work of God. Psalm 19:1 says, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.”
As modern science discovers more about the universe, we find more evidence of creation. The amazing complexity and replication of DNA, the intricate and interlocking laws of physics, and the absolute harmony of conditions and chemistry here on earth all serve to support the message of the Bible. A Christian should embrace science that seeks the truth.
//The below website, GotQuestions.org is a wonderful solid Bible based place to search for answers regarding the Bible.
Read more: <http://www.gotquestions.org/science-God.html#ixzz3TuYMVqc6>
Posted By: Abigail

Re: -The Foolishness of Evolution / By: Ken Ham, & Others - 03/10/15 02:16 PM


'And God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds—livestock and creeping things and beasts of the earth according to their kinds.”'
---Genesis 1:24

-Why should we reject evolutionary ideas? Besides the fact that they are unproven scientifically, the bigger problem is that evolution takes God out of the picture and turns this world into a pointless and random universe. It’s important not only to reject evolution, but to know why we should reject evolution.

We should reject it first for logical reasons. It takes more faith and stretching of the mind to believe the absurdity that life spontaneously began and evolved into complex, sentient mammals than it does to believe that a powerful and purposeful God created it. The order and complexity we see in creation argues for a Creator.

We should also reject evolutionary theory for moral reasons. If we deny that we are created by a God who made us in His image, then human life has no ultimate value. We’re just animals without a purpose. This is the view of life that Communism thrived on, and we can see what happens when God is removed from people’s thinking and life means nothing more than the survival of the fittest and strongest. People deny God so they can carry out their evil plans, or so they won’t feel guilty about their sins and pleasure-seeking. Taking God out of the creation leads to moral decline and ruin.

Most important of all, we should reject evolution in all its forms for biblical reasons. The Bible clearly states that we are created by God, which makes evolution contrary to what God’s Word teaches. That should be reason enough for believers.

-As Christians, our faith is built upon God being who He says He is. You were created by God’s loving hand, which means you are of infinite value to Him. Let that truth give new meaning and purpose to everything you do today.

---You are not a random creation!
--OUR God Reigns / William Murphy ~~

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