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-The Most Important Election of Our Lifetime/ Franklin Graham

Posted By: Abigail

-The Most Important Election of Our Lifetime/ Franklin Graham - 10/07/16 11:20 PM

--The Most Important Election of Our Lifetime
----By: Franklin Graham -(October 7, 2016)

In just three weeks, our nation will select a man or woman who will become the 45th president of the United States of America.
Whomever we elect will take the helm of a nation that has grown increasingly hostile and intolerant of the very foundation and principles upon which it was so nobly founded—the Christian faith and biblical values.

That’s why I believe this election is the most significant since Abraham Lincoln was chosen to guide a divided country through a bloody and protracted civil war.

For if the forces of evil that are allied against the free exercise of our faith succeed—and they have done severe damage already—then I have no doubt that the nation we love will devolve into moral anarchy more quickly than we can imagine.

Earlier this summer, I had the privilege of meeting with the Stormans family, devout Christians who own a local pharmacy in Olympia, Washington. Dr. Dobson with Shirley Dobson and Franklin GrahamThe Stormanses refused to dispense a drug called Plan B that induces abortion. After a series of state and federal court battles, they filed a petition before the U.S. Supreme Court. The day before we met, the Supreme Court refused to hear their case. Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas said they would have heard the appeal, but unfortunately they were in the minority. In his dissent, Justice Alito said, “If this is a sign of how religious liberty claims will be treated in the years ahead, those who value religious freedom have cause for great concern.”
~~Franklin Graham

star --BELOW: Dr. James Dobson/
He is absolutely and frighteningly right. The generations of Americans who have treasured and enjoyed the blessings of religious liberty, of being one nation under God, now have “cause for great concern.”

Same-sex marriage zealots have launched an all-out war on traditional marriage, which is defined in Scripture—and virtually every civilization in history—as a union between one man and one woman. Human sexuality itself is being completely redefined by elite sexual revolutionaries who seek to impose their warped views on society, resulting in fierce battles over such things as transgender bathrooms—supported by none other than the president himself.

The same anti-Christian forces are seeking to strip funding from Christian colleges to keep them from educating students with a biblical worldview. Business owners across the nation have been forced to close their doors because they refused to participate in same-sex ceremonies due to their religious faith.

The skirmishes over moral standards have turned into pitched battles over the last decade and now have become an all-out war on religious liberty. Think of the moral degeneration that has transpired under our current president, who has helped lead the fight to promote ungodly sexual behavior while failing to protect basic religious liberties.

What if that depraved trajectory continues over the next few decades? Can you imagine what our great nation, whose foundation was laid by a moral and religious people, will look like? The next president will appoint several Supreme Court justices (three of the current eight are 77 or older), so this election will profoundly affect generations to come.

That’s why this fall we must take pains to examine where the candidates for our nation’s highest elected office stand on the critical issues that face our troubled nation.

Will they do everything they can to protect the life of the unborn child? Will they fight for the religious freedom that is guaranteed under the Constitution? Will they fully support the rights of men and women of faith to act in accordance with their sincerely held religious beliefs?

Will they defend our nation against Islamic terrorists who have slaughtered and killed innocents across our country in the name of their god? Will they call the enemy—radical Islam—by its name? Will they work to strengthen our military so the United States of America can continue to be the dependable guardian of the free world?

Will they defend the biblical sanctity of marriage as between one man and one woman, and do all they can to protect the family unit? Will they continue to lead us down the road of irresponsible socialism, where the biblical injunction for hard, honest work is ignored? Or will we embrace a resurgence of vigorous entrepreneurship and industry that has been a hallmark of our nation since its founding?

Will they appoint judges to the Supreme Court and federal courts who respect and uphold the safeguards of the U.S. Constitution? Judges who refuse to interpret the law based on decadent ideology and liberal political agendas that are directly opposed to the fundamental tenets of religious freedom?

It’s also crucial for us to examine the positions of candidates who are running for office on the state and local level. Check their stance on pivotal moral issues, and vote for those who best reflect biblical values. We must be willing to do our homework on those men and women who represent us, and go out on November 8 to do all we can to exercise our voting privilege. Remember: Nearly 30 million evangelicals failed to make their way to the voting booth in the last election cycle. We must not repeat that mistake again this November.

Samuel Adams, one of the original signers of the Declaration of Independence, reminded us of the staggering responsibility of casting a ballot. “Let each citizen remember, at the moment he is offering his vote, that he is not making a present or a compliment to please an individual—or at least that he ought not so to do; but that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society, for which he is accountable to God and his country.”

As I have visited state capitols for our Decision America Tour, beginning in Des Moines, Iowa, on January 5 and ending in Raleigh, North Carolina, on October 13, it has been clear that multitudes of Americans know our nation is in deep trouble. They have come by the thousands because they love their country and are willing to call on God in prayer.

Standing shoulder to shoulder at every stop, they have come repenting of their sins and asking the Lord to heal our land. I believe God hears the cries of His people, and that there is still time for our nation to turn once again back to Almighty God for a renewal of righteousness.

I’ve made it clear from the beginning that I am not endorsing any candidate. I don’t have any hope in either the Republican or Democratic Party. My hope is in Almighty God alone, who can turn hearts back to Him so that we can sincerely say that “righteousness exalts a nation” (Proverbs 14:34). Yet, a careful vote could extend the time we have to freely preach the gospel.

In our nation’s history, we have witnessed such spiritual and national renewal in seasons like the Great Awakening. I believe it can happen again, because I believe that God is full of mercy and forgiveness to people who come in genuine repentance.

The Bible says, “Sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34). The disgrace of America due to persistent, willful, rebellious sin is shameful. We will not survive as a “city set on a hill” (Matthew 5:14) without God’s help.

I want God’s blessings on America, but that will only come to a people who forsake sin and pursue righteousness. That’s the vision of America that I have, and one that I hope will once again hold sway for our children, grandchildren and generations to come. ©2016 BGEA

--To re-emphasize Franklin’s message during the Decision America Tour, take time to VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! usarmy This country stands at a crossroads in its long and glorious history. It is in trouble now and it needs you. Here’s what is at stake. A culture rarely reverses course on a freeway. Once it makes a series of wrong turns, the consequences are often deep and profound.
That is why so many Christian leaders are asking now for concerted prayer among God’s people and are urging them not to stay home on election day. My good friend, David Lane, with American Renewal Project, wrote recently, “If we don’t let our voices be heard, someone else’s values will reign supreme.” Not only must we help select the next president. We also have the responsibility as Christian citizens to vote for godly and competent congressional representatives, senators, governors, mayors, local candidates, judges, and school board members.

Finally, we must also help decide the great moral issues of our time, including the protection of human life, religious liberty and traditional marriage. Now is the time to take a stand for righteousness and to challenge those whom you know to make their votes count. America’s future depends on what happens on November 8, 2016. Don’t even think about staying at home.

God bless America. And may God bless the American people.

Posted By: Abigail

Re: -The Most Important Election of Our Lifetime/ Franklin Graham - 10/17/16 06:14 PM


--"That which has been is that which will be,
And that which has been done is that which will be done.

---So there is nothing new under the sun.

-------- bible [ECCLESIASTES]
--'He has made everything appropriate in its time.
He has also set eternity in their heart, yet so that
man will not find out the work which God has done from
the beginning even to the end.
'I know that there is nothing better for them than to rejoice and to do good in one's lifetime;

'Moreover, that every man who eats and drinks sees good in all his labor-it is the gift of God.

Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth,
before the evil days come and the years draw near when you
will say, "I have no delight in them.

The conclusion, when all has been heard is:
Fear God and keep His Commandments,
because this applies to every person.

For God will bring every act to judgment, everything which
is hidden, whether it is good or evil."
--(ECCLESIASTES 1:9; 3:11,12,14;--12:1,13,14)

---Voices Without A Vote- Same words (scriptures apply)== (dates change).
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."
--(Hebrews 13:8)

-- goodjob PLEASE VOTE THIS ELECTION NOVEMBER 8, 2016 For the Candidate That Stands on Biblical Precepts, God's Holy Word. MAY GOD BLESS AMERICA! IN GOD WE TRUST. (PLEASE USE SPEAKERS!) ~~
Posted By: Abigail

Re: -The Most Important Election of Our Lifetime/ Franklin Graham - 10/20/16 04:55 PM

--The Most Important Election of Our Lifetime
--By: Adrian Rogers ~

--By: Adrian Rogers/ LWF (Love Worth Finding 2016)

"Our highest allegiance is to God, but we have a duty to our country as well," wrote the late Adrian Rogers.

Our government is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. We are some of “the people,” and we are to participate in our government. Jesus said to give to Caesar the things that belong to Caesar and give to God the things that belong to God (Mark 12:17).

If you do not participate in your government, you have not rendered to your Caesar the things that belong to your Caesar.

If, for example, you do not vote—if you do not inform yourself—in my estimation, you have disobeyed the Lord Jesus Christ. It is inconceivable that God would have ordained human government and then tell His people to stay out of it. If that is true, who does that leave to run it?

We as Christians are to participate, not on the basis of parties or persons or politics, but on principles. Our highest allegiance is to God, but we have a duty to our country as well.

We’re not to force our views on anyone else, but we should be persuasive in what we do. Our government is a democracy, and America is based on public opinion. May I tell you, the only hope for America is to change public opinion? Do you know the only thing that can change public opinion? The Word of God.

We have to get the message of the Bible out there. We are not going to out-argue anyone. They are blind and don’t see it. They need to know Jesus Christ, and they will find Him in the pages of God’s Word. We are supposed to persuade our people. We are to be taking them back one at a time and winning souls to Jesus Christ.

I’ve been to Rome. The Colosseum would seat 50,000 people. They would put the Christians in the Colosseum and make them fight with gladiators and redden the mouths of lions with their blood, and it was for entertainment. Caesar would be looking down upon those people in the Colosseum, but underneath it were the catacombs. In those subterranean tunnels, Christians would huddle together to worship.

It seemed there was not a chance on this earth that those Christians hiding under the Colosseum could have done anything at all about what was going on up on the surface, but those folks started a spiritual revolution that turned that whole thing upside down. It caused a mighty revival that brought the empire crashing down and exalted the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I want to be like those in the catacombs who said, “Lord, You alone are God. We have no King but Jesus.” That’s where the power is. It’s not political influence that we need. It is the power of God that we need. Our hope is not in government; our hope is in Almighty God!-- smilieflagus
©2016 Love Worth Finding Ministries (LWF.org).
Posted By: Abigail

Re: -The Most Important Election of Our Lifetime/ Franklin Graham - 11/07/16 05:42 PM


“Therefore, to Him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” -
--(James 4:17)-- bible

You’re going to vote before long. I trust God every one of you will vote.
Dr. Francis Schaeffer, brilliant mind, one of the foremost Christian thinkers of our time, has given 5 principles to keep in mind when you vote. These principles don’t deal with personalities or parties. They are principles.

1.) The dignity of human life.
2.) The importance of the traditional family.

3.) Religious freedom of speech in schools, both public and private.
4.) Human rights and the need for justice in our world.
5.) The compassionate use of accumulated wealth.

These five principles ought to be in the heart and mind of every child of God. Pray over these and based on God’s Word make your determination. God will give you wisdom in this matter.

--Please, pray it from your heart, “God, bless America, and God, give us space to repent. And may the one of Your choosing be elected President to lead us.” grouppray Remember, “to him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin.”
--Adrian Rogers~~
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