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Come see me/Helpe spread the word

Posted By: socrates

Come see me/Helpe spread the word - 10/27/07 09:37 PM

Hi everyone, I am socrates and I would like to invite all of the real people out there in the world who want to see chemtrails stopped, but who realize that forums such as Chemtrail Central, Carnicom's, and Debate Both Sides have been deluged with planned fakery to come and check out my fourm at, http://www.allaircraftarenotinvolved.freeforums.org.

My forum is dedicated to exposing the fact that our skys are being sprayed full of stuff that does not belong there, it is obscuring our once blue skys, replacing them with a constant milk white haze and man made clouds for Frankensteinian Atmospheric Shenanigans to control the weather and climate,crops and the worlds food supply so they control everyone living on the planet.

This is the place where anyone who wants to express themselves about chemtrails may do so without any fear of loony tune shenanigans getting in the way. No trolls or paid fakes will last here for very long. That does not mean that I am a Captain Queeg from the Caine Mutiny who will bounce anyone off on some whim. This forum is to be owned by we the people. If you are sincere and tired of all the lies, the trolling, and the conspiracy wingnut angle, then this is the place for you.

I have selected this forum because it is both free and has no ads. While there may be downtimes once in a while, I ask that all be patient. From what I have read at freeforums.org, this server company is very attentive to the needs of its members.

This forum believes that chemtrail awareness is best served through pointing out the activities in real time to the people around us. While some debunkers in chemmie clothes have been astroturfing that chemtrails are contrails, that all planes can make "chemtrails", it is of fundamental logic that this is not true. Chemtrails are the result of deliberate activities.

Also, chemtrail forums have been fixed. The founders of this forum found out the hard way that paid disinformation agents control the flow of information at the major chemtrail forums.

Since this forum is as raw as can be right now, feel free to speak your mind with suggestions. It is unfortunate that we have to go to this much trouble to get the true story out, but we do not have to reinvent the wheel. I believe that we just need a bit of space, a haven away from fake "believers" and fake "debunkers", in order to make sure that chemtrail truths will not keep vanishing.

For the record, here is my story. I started out as FUIwon'tDoWhatUTellMe at Chemtrail Central. Then I was Socrates at Gastronamus Cafe and at Megasprayer.I am may41970 here and at other places as well. I was SocraticTruths at the Democratic Underground. I am Jeff Reynolds at DebateBothSides, but it is such a dive and full of bullcrap, that I won't even mention it.

The key is chemtrail awareness is not about any one individual. It is about everyone spreading the word until the truth can no longer be buried by some tinfoil by association scam. This forum is gonna be about real people with real things to say about the aerosol operations.

Thank you and please visit my forum: http://www.allaircraftarenotinvolved.freeforums.org if you are sick of the same old stuff on these forums that are so full of fakes and liars pushing disinformation in FBI Cointelpro style.

Posted By: Elvis

Re: Come see me/Helpe spread the word - 10/28/07 12:25 PM

Thank you so much, Socrates, will see you on the flipside. I get so sick a people walkin around asleep, but hey, it's a telling symptom of our whole dumbed down culture, nobody thinks, nobody sees, nobody speaks the truth...
It's a major pain in the bondoonie tryin to get folks to WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Uh, thanks for that, I feel a bit better, now.
Why do so few people get it?
Posted By: socrates

Re: Come see me/Helpe spread the word - 10/29/07 02:49 PM

Hey Elvis, thank you for the response, sorry I did not get to it sooner but I've been caught up in the World Series,I'm a huge RedSox fan being from the Boston area, I'm still reeling from them winning the series last night, was that a great game or what?

Back on track, you seem to have a good take on what's going on, so many people are walking around like their asleep most of the time, that's why I and a few others are trying to wake them up by getting the word out on chemtrails, once they realize that there is all kinds of stuff being literally pumped into the sky's that we are breathing, drinking and eating everyday then maybe they will start to wake up and start shouting about it.

It been really hard to get past all of the deliberated disinformation and crazy tin foil theories that's out there that people and paid government stooges are pushing to make anyone that speaks of chemtrails look like there all nuts, so many site, especially chemtrail sites are full of these people spreading disinformation it's unreal.

If you do a search for chemtrails one of the first you will come to is ChemtrailCentral, that place for being one of the so called premiere chemtrail websites which boast about looking for answers to the chemtrail issue is a real haven for strawmen, debunkers, paid government shills and those who contribute to the kookiness by posting about things like UFO's, Aliens, Orbs, Orgone, on and on and it all adds to chemtrails being kooky, what I call tin foil by association and that detracts from the real truth about chemtrails.

Arrrrrrrr, it just makes me so mad I want to shake everyone and say WAKE UP YOU FOOLS,WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU.

Elvis, I don't have much time today, lots to do, hope you got to go to my forum http://www.allaircraftarenotinvolved.freeforums.org and check out the threads and see what I'm all about.


Posted By: TheRealSocrates

Re: That's not me - 11/06/07 02:09 AM

Hiya Elvis, Russ was kind enough to let me start over. I am using a proxy, so my exact hometown isn't given away. Maybe someday I will emerge. I am trying my best.

The person above stole my online identity. This is the third known website that this person has done this. But like you told me before, it is something you are well aware of being that you are the real Elvis. {humour}

The probably paid troll copies and pastes, but then messes up with the spelling here and there, throws in things out of context. The most subtle part of this is how he says I use a sock puppet named may41970. We are two separate people. He noticed spraying started heavily in Taiwan after a program called COSMIC commenced in I think April, 2006.

These fakes don't want us to finger who exactly are behind the activities. They like it when chemtrails remain as an enigma or just a lot of baseless noise.

The chief culprits seem to be NOAA, the U.S. military- air force, navy, NATO, and Frankensteinian climate change scientists.

Solid Information on Chemtrails

new weather bill- refers to "weather mitigation"

These are scanned photos of chemtrails from Taiwan.

<img src="http://mynetimages.com/4ccd069b.jpg">

<img src="http://mynetimages.com/f0e4166a.jpg">

<img src="http://mynetimages.com/d96aea22.jpg">

ChemJets and the Truth

CHEMTRAIL JETS CLOSE UPS Our skies are dying...

It looks like the chemcrap is coming right out of the planes, not from normal jet exhaust interacting with the cold ambient air.

<img src="http://mynetimages.com/d7f9fedf.jpg">

<img src="http://mynetimages.com/da8ca7f9.jpg">

Finally, I also believe that the following is solid evidence.
An aircraft flies below, through and then well above chemtrails,
yet there is no visible exhaust.

Skywatch from England. He did a great job.
He made the best chemtrail videos, imho.
Too bad it would cost so much to get the incredible video equipment.

Then others say why don't we just fly right up and get a sample.
That sounds difficult, the money, and getting it cleared with
air traffic control people. If I had the money, I'd do it.

<img src="http://mynetimages.com/9a3b2c0f.jpg">

<img src="http://mynetimages.com/cd97cb2e.jpg">

<img src="http://mynetimages.com/b38d4c0a.jpg">

<img src="http://mynetimages.com/fb9e2522.jpg">

Nice to meet you folks.
I wish it was under better circumstances.
I think they are trolling me because it's just too solid a presentation.
<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
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