Why Some Have A Hard Time Believing the Nations All Work Together

Many people have a hard time believing that all the nations could be working together, but in reality, it's very easy to see.

Every agenda that is pushed through mainstream media utilizing movies, television, music, advertising, etc. all push the same concepts and ideas, despite the fact that many/most of these ideas are blatantly false and clearly geared to accomplish the globs agenda.

Governments around the world actively push these false ideas (lies) relentlessly while numerous researchers, doctors, whistleblowers and insiders expose the lies, yet media and governments continue to push it paying virtually no attention to mountains of evidence to the contrary. They only admit the contrary evidence and information when so much of the population already believes it, that it would ruin their credibility to maintain their false position.

This massive, global coordination of propaganda results in the formation of 2 classes of people: Those who watch and believe "official information" and those who realize how big, fundamentally corrupt, and well-coordinated propaganda is.

We live in a time in which it is more important than ever to be able to see through the lies and to see the truth despite globally-coordinated propaganda grating in our ears day-after-day. To believe lies in this time in history is more dangerous than it ever has been. For this reason, it's critical to watch and listen to sources other then "official information" and make a judgement call as to which has credibility and which does not.

To do this successfully, it's imperative that you let the data lead you. Do not be swayed by your own preconceived ideas. Never say, "They are not capable of doing this", or "They would never do that". Simply watch alternative sources and then ask if it is logical. Are those you are listening to using common sense, which is another term for logic.

Propaganda leverages your fears, emotions, and your preconceived ideas in order to manipulate you into believing false information. Therefore, it's critical to ignore your emotions and drop your preconceived ideas when discerning truth from lies. The concept of "listen to your heart" is a concept that is pushed by globs to make propaganda more effective. Emotional-based thinkers are the most easily deceived. Logical thinkers are the most difficult to sell lies to.

It is no coincidence that mercury induces fear and emotionalism. Mercury heightens emotions by depleting gamma-aminobutyric (GABA), raising adrenaline, and skyrocketing other catecholamines and hormones and depleting enzymes. Mercury therefore causes chemically-induced emotionalism. Mercury toxic persons are more easily deceived. This does not mean all mercury toxic persons are deceived, but only that mercury makes it more difficult to discern truth because it amplifies your emotional state making logical though more difficult. It is simply one of the tools globs use to catalyze the effectiveness of their propaganda.

Globs spent untold amounts of time and money researching human behavior throughout the late 1800's and 1900's for the purpose of learning how to control populations. They learned how people fundamentally make decisions about what they believe. Once they understood this process, they could leverage all they learned to become the world's most powerful influencers so as to form society into the model that benefits the globs the most.

A large, and fundamental part of this process of influence involves toxins and mood-altering chemicals and metals, and this is the reason they have done absolutely everything they could to get mercury, and other mind-altering poisons, into the population for the past 150+ years. Despite the fact that science has known very well that mercury is highly toxic, the medical and dental industries have been the largest sources of highly toxic mercury in the human body. An irony in itself.

Do not say "they would not do that". The fact is, they did, and part of the the world population is now drinking their Kool-aid as as result. This is all part of the plan. They know people better then people know themselves. They have done their research, but much of the public has not done theirs.

Never has it been more important to know yourself, know how you work, know your weaknesses, know your thinking processes, and know how globs leverage your weaknesses against you to make the Kool-aid look reasonable, even desirable. The globs know exactly what the battle is about. They know the goal. They have a plan, and they are executing it in all the media they produce and with every breath of mercury-contaminated air you breath.

They are not spraying mercury and other toxic metals into the air for your protection, although this is exactly what they will claim once enough whistleblowers come forth. They are doing this for the purpose of influence and deception, and they will be sure to profit handsomely from all the fallout which occurs as your health deteriorates and your mind becomes soft and pliable.

The Bible explains the reason for the systematic poisoning of the world:

"...for by your drugs and poisons were all the nations deceived" -Revelation 18:23

The Bible also explains the macro-game; the big-picture-reason globs are doing all this:

"Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. - Psalms 2:1-3

You were born into this time for a reason.

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Last edited by Russ; 10/14/23 11:57 AM.

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