How-The-World-Really-Works Insight - Mega Collection

This collection of short articles is taken from the daily chemtrail log.

10/29/2023: Yes, They Really Do All Work Together

How The World Really Works

They all work together: Corporate, left, right, governments. This is one of the enormous, fundamental facts that the world needs to rapidly wake up to:

Making Laws and Making Deals in Hidden Rooms

Daily Herb Facts

Wild Yam & Chaste Tree supports the female glandular and reproductive systems with two important herbs that have been shown to help relieve menstrual and menopausal complaints. Wild yam has traditionally been used as an antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory, particularly to relieve ovarian and uterine pain and dysmenorrhea, as well as relieve hot flashes. Wild yam contains the steroidal saponin diosgenin, which acts as a weak phytoestrogen, and the phytosterol beta-sitosterol, which exerts both estrogenic and anti-estrogenic activity. Recent research has also confirmed that wild yam protects against the proliferation of human breast cancer cells in vitro. Chaste Tree is approved for use by the German Commission E for mastalgia (severe breast pain), menstrual irregularities and PMS. Chaste Tree displays a number of medicinal properties, including the ability to normalize hormonal imbalances stemming from an excess of oestrogen and an insufficiency of progesterone. Chaste Tree has been used effectively to restore absent menstruation, relieve PMS and ease the transition into menopause. Wild Yam & Chaste Tree is not recommended during pregnancy.2-5,14-21

10/27/2023: The Real Reason They Want To Strip Your Self Defense

How The World Really Works

I often call mercury the favorite poison of the globs, and it is. Few people realize how many of the most common diseases are caused by mercury. Dr. Hal Huggins, a legend in mercury research, stated that over 200 of common diseases are caused by mercury. My research concurs.

Why does the medical education system not teach this?

Well, as the owner of everything, having no conscience, why would you train your "pharmers" to diagnose your poison of choice for the population?

Folks. This is how the world really works.

Regulation is not there to protect you. It's there to protect the industry it "regulates". It is there to help certain brands maintain monopolies while maintaining the illusion of no monopoly.

Link of the Day

5-MTHF and Folic Acid

Daily Herb Facts

Astragalus root helps stimulate circulation, enhances white blood cell and immune function, increases cardiac function while reducing blood pressure, lowers blood sugar, relieves muscle spasms, promotes urine flow and the production of digestive fluids and bile, and strengthens the body where there is weakness or convalescence. In China, astragalus has long been used to stimulate immunity and resistance to disease, and to fight respiratory and urinary tract infections. Chinese studies show astragalus increases energy, improves digestion and reduces recovery time from chemotherapy and radiation. Astragalus also improves “wasting” conditions and is particularly beneficial for children due to its mild adaptogenic properties. Astragalus is commonly used for chronic colds, debility, diarrhea, edema, fatigue, lack of appetite, kidney problems, nephritis, postpartum fever, prolapse of organs, recovery following severe blood loss, shortness of breath, spontaneous sweating, thirst, ulcerative sores, urinary tract infections, uterine bleeding, and wasting conditions.

10/26/2023: Why Doctors Don't Know

How The World Really Works

While working with some very intelligent and well-connected people in the early 90's, insiders were coming out exposing this truth that is critical to know today:

The real reason for attempting to dis_rm the public is so there will be no effective resistance when they come to round up dissidents for speaking again the govt's official position, and there will be no resistance when a foreign military invades. This what they said, not me. This is the long-term plan that was being exposed in the early 90's. Unfortunately, truth did not travel back then like it does today with digital communication.

When this event happened in Maine last night, where was the properly equipped citizen to stop the attack?

We know that countless of attacks are thwarted and lives saved yearly by those properly outfitted to handle them. That is the very point. This is why it's called, self defense.

When the world is becoming crazier (partly from the aerosolization of mercury (mercury heightens emotions, among many other things), the need for self defense is greater than ever, yet, government wants to take that ability away from you.

Does this make sense?

If you understand the underlying agenda, then absolutely, it makes sense, and should never be allowed to happen.

For the purpose of actually helping Americans, stripping ones ability to self-defend is the absolutely most ridiculous thing that could possibly be proposed. It is your right and your obligation to defend yourself, your family, and those you care about.

Do not let the globs "roundup agenda" and war agenda proceed by allowing them to take away your personal protection. Also, do not allow any misinformed individual to go unchallenged when they propose removing right for protection.

Removing ones rights is not protection. It puts us in danger and is therefore the real threat.

Imagine how this situation in Maine would have turned out differently if someone was equipped to end the threat that was facing them. Imagine how many lives would have been saved if only 1 person was properly equipped.

[Linked Image]

Links of the Day Learn the truth below

A Survivor Gives Her Testimony

They Prevent Crime Daily

The One Common Element In All Events That No One Talks About

97.8% Occur in These Zones

Cooper Exposes the Real Reason

Does More Protection Equal More Danger

Herb Facts

Oregano has been used as a folk medicine for centuries for diarrhea, fevers, headaches and respiratory disorders such as bronchitis, colds and coughs. Oregano contains the active ingredients carvacrol and thymol, which provide antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory benefits in upper respiratory infections, as well as help loosen phlegm in the lungs and relieve spasms in the bronchial passages. Research on the biological activity of oregano has confirmed a wide range of antibacterial, antifungicidal, antiviral, antioxidant and expectorant properties, both for the essential oil, as well as the extracts, including inhibitory activity against Klebsiella pneumoniae—a cause of respiratory infections. In fact, the essential oil of oregano is recommended for treatment of acute bacterial infections of the bronchi and may provide relief through inhalation by individuals with chronic asthma, combined with bronchitis.11,39-42

10/25/2023: Predictive Programming

How The World Really Works


It's how glob's-owned media keeps people under control during times of upheaval or rapid change.

Many call it "predictive programming". It is the process of exposing the public to images and sounds (movies) depicting terrible events or injustices so as to "condition" them for a future when such events actually will occur, because they have been planned long in advance.

When images of such events are played out repetitiously in media, the population tends to be less "reactive" when such events occur in real life. This is the globs intended outcome. By conditioning the population to be less reactive, the globs have less public resistance when such events occur, or are intentionally carried out.

Movies show plagues, lockdowns, martial law, government corruption, riots, violence, and other atrocities continuously. This makes the public psychologically "accept" these events and conditions as inevitable and unchangeable, so when these event occur in real life, the public tends to do nothing because they feel emotionally that these events were destined to occur. Because they believe and accept that these events are destined and inevitable, they feel helpless to do anything to stop them. This intentionally-implanted belief causes them to do nothing, which is precisely the purpose of this type of media.

The globs are reforming the entire world environmentally (chemtrails), geopolitically, culturally, and spiritually, and they are meeting with much less public pushback than if images of these events had not been previously ingrained in the public's mind for decades.

So, this type of "predictive programming" media is all about subduing the glob's opponents before the process of change even begins.

Is it working?

You bet it is. Just look at what the globs have gotten away with in the past 2 years with relatively little public resistance. It is astounding how effective their preconditioning program has been.

This is the reason each one of us must get [ur=]out of our hearts[/url] and into our heads. Do not be swayed by coercive conditioning or re-framed arguments that go against truth and logic. Remember what is right and what is wrong, and this is exactly where the line in the sand should always remain.

Never allow emotionally-based arguments convince you that egregious government atrocities are "necessary". Never allow such arguments to even begin to make you entertain the idea that your God-given rights should be sacrificed.

Instead, integrity, truth, and righteousness in government is always to be demanded and expected. There are no exceptions, regardless of what you emotions may be telling you. There are no exceptions.

Link of the Day

Predictive Programming Collection Video

Herb Facts

Alpha-lipoic acid, also known as lipoic or thioctic acid, is unique among antioxidants for its ability to function in both water- and fat-soluble regions of the body, including the brain and nerve cells, and hence, is often referred to as a universal antioxidant. Alpha-lipoic acid is found inside every cell in the body, where it functions as an essential component of energy production—alpha-lipoic acid operates as a key element in the Krebs cycle, the energy-producing cycle within each cell by which glucose is converted into usable chemical energy. Exhibiting significant antioxidant activity, alpha-lipoic acid neutralizes a wide variety of free radicals, many of which are believed to play a significant role in disease processes such as cancer, cataract formation, diabetes, glaucoma, heart disease, and various brain and neurological (nerve) disorders—alpha-lipoic acid readily crosses the blood-brain barrier. In addition, alpha-lipoic acid is capable of regenerating other antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, thereby prolonging their antioxidant activity. In vitro research has also shown that alpha-lipoic acid can raise levels of coenzyme Q10 and intracellular glutathione, one of the body’s most important anticarcinogens and antioxidants. Furthermore, alpha-lipoic acid is capable of chelating heavy metals, repairing damaged molecules, and reducing the oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Alpha-lipoic acid may even assist in slowing the aging process.1-12

10/24/2023: Anti-Christ False Miracles

How The World Really Works

We live in epic times, and deception is at an all-time high.

In this article, I talk about how the spraying is associated with the appearance of the Biblical anti-Christ. This is real folks. The poisoning of the Earth is a real, prophesied event that you are witnessing right now.

When most people talk about world events, they get caught up in the details, However, it's better to understand the 10,000 foot view first, and then zoom in after. So here is the 10,000 foot view.

God stated that, during this time, there would be profound deception, so much so, that even the "elect" (well-educated Christians, so to speak) would be deceived by it, if it were possible. This describes a very deep and intense deception.

Consider this. The globs have created weapons to mimic every major Biblical event:

Earthquakes - HAARP and other ground-resonant earthquake-inducing weapons.

Bizarre Weather - Weather control technology exists and is well advanced.

Numerous Wars - All nations work together to intentionally escalate the threat of war.

Sickness and Disease - The recent fiasco induced into the population an "advanced technology" that produces chronic disease, not to mention the numerous diseases associated with mercury.

Death by Fear - The prophecy in Luke 12:26 specifically mentions: "Men's hearts failing them for fear...".

How could such a thing happen?

The world population has now been intentionally induced with capillary-clogging hydrogels. A sufficient spike of adrenaline induces rapid heart inflammation. This combined with accelerated heart rate is all it takes to fatally constrict blood flow to the heart inducing sudden heart failure.

Contaminated with this advanced technology, sudden-heart-death is more potentiated than ever before historically.

This is related to another phenomenon that we need to be aware of.

Hydrogels coagulate in seconds when exposed to high power RF. This is not an accident. This is by design. We must never forget this.

So, all the anti-Christ needs to do is theatrically raise his arms in front of a crowd, point at someone who he deems to be evil for not accepting the new world religion, pronounce a "curse" on this person, then the techies behind the scenes will direct an energy weapon at this person and they will immediately hemorrhage and clot to death. The world will consider this a miracle and become convinced this person is "the Christ".

The globs, utilizing such fake miracles, will have the ultimate power to control the world population because the world will do whatever this person says believing him to be the Christ. The globs will have achieved their multi-generational conspiracy of achieving god-like control over the world through their agent/actor playing his role in the great deception.

"Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders..." -2 Thessalonians 2:9

"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High." -Isaiah 14:12-14

Link of the Day

Aquarius: The Age of Evil Stunning, timely; contains critical information for all during this time in history.

Herb Facts

Bupleurum root (Bupleurum chinese) is considered one of the best Chinese herbs for treating serious liver problems such as hepatitis and cirrhosis, especially when combined with other herbs that have liver-specific actions. Bupleurum contains compounds known as saikosides, which have been shown to protect the liver against damage from drugs and environmental toxins. Bupleurum helps prevent fatty liver, clears liver congestion, slows tissue changes resulting from chronic hepatitis, and reduces levels of the liver enzymes involved in cell death. Through its action on the liver, bupleurum may also indirectly lower serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Bupleurum also has a beneficial effect on the gallbladder. In addition, bupleurum has been shown to reduce alternating chills and fever associated with upper respiratory infections and is commonly used to treat the common cold and flu, even in children and pregnant women. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, bupleurum is combined with licorice for treating hepatitis and with scutellaria for restoring normal liver function.1-7

10/23/2023: Asteroids

Why do so many movies and children's cartoons display a threat of asteroids hitting the Earth?

Because this is part of the globs plan to scare the public into surrendering their freedom in exchange for supposed protection.

Listen careful to today's link-of-the-day (below) for details.

Link of the Day

The Threat of Asteroids Planned?

Herb Facts

Safflowers are a bitter herb often used for children’s ailments, such as chicken pox, fever and measles. Safflowers made into a hot tea induce perspiration and are therefore, considered by Western herbalists as a natural remedy for colds, flu, and fevers, including scarlet fever. Chinese herbalists recommend safflowers for promoting menstruation and soothing abdominal pain, as well as for healing sores and wounds and treating measles.

Safflowers stimulate the production and release of bile, helping to relieve gallbladder dysfunction, gallstones, jaundice, liver congestion and stagnation, sluggish liver function, and menstrual problems related to liver congestion, including amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea. Safflowers also act as a mild laxative and blood purifier, eliminating toxins and waste acids, including lactic acid. Safflowers are commonly used for arthritis, bursitis, gout, and skin rashes, including psoriasis.

Chinese research suggests safflower flowers may decrease the risk of coronary artery disease and reduce cholesterol levels. Safflower oil has also been shown to reduce cholesterol.

Polysaccharides found in safflowers have demonstrated the ability to enhance immune function in mice.

Safflowers are high in chromium and essential fatty acids, and supply modest amounts of vitamin A, potassium and selenium.

Safflower flowers and seeds should not be taken by pregnant women—purified safflower seed oil is considered safe. However, according to Ayurvedic medicine, as well as some Chinese herbalists, safflower oil promotes ill health and should not be used as a cooking oil. This may be due in part to its tendency for rancidity as a polyunsaturated oil. Recent research does seem favorable for oleic-rich safflower oil which exhibits the qualities of a monounsaturated oil, encouraging balanced cholesterol reduction and much slower deterioration.

10/22/2023: Emotionalism

How-The-World-Really-Works Insight

The second Psalm provides a 10,000 foot view of the globalist agenda for the world and the reason they are doing it. In fact, the globs are working to outlaw the Bible because it actually exposes their plans. They have to prevent public access to it to help prevent the globs horrific crimes against humanity from being exposed, just as the Catholic church did historically. I'm not speaking against Catholics themselves, just exposing what this "church" did as a system as a matter of historical fact.

The second Psalm says:

"Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us."

The "bands" referred to in this verse are the good, reasonable, logical Biblical commandments essential for any functional civilized society.

The globs want a dysfunctional society. They thrive from lawlessness and immorality. In fact, this is the only way they have been able to rise to positions of power.

The law of God is fulfilled in this: Love God and love your neighbor. Gods system is a love-based system based on faith, peace, and love. Those who rule are those who serve with love and compassion. It is a transparent, constructive system that builds.

The law of the globs is this: Do as thou wilt is the whole of the law. The globs system is a survival-of-the-fittest system, which is a war-based system based in conflict and suffering. Those who rule are those who gain the power to subvert others. It is a subversive, destructive system that destroys.

The "bands" of God are the restraints for controlling evil, so it should be no surprise that globs want to break the bands. They want to break the restraints that make it hard for them to gain power, although they still will (or actually already have) using subversion, deceit, and destruction.

There is a lot of information in this single, short Psalm, but for those who are willing to know the stunning precision of the Bible, this course is absolutely essential and I highly recommend it: Learn The Bible in 24 Hours

Link of the Day: The New Age Infiltration of the Truth Movement This video answers many perplexing questions for those searching for truth.

Daily Herb Facts

Ylang ylang oil’s sweet floral scent is commonly described as a mixture of almond and jasmine. The uplifting, even euphoric fragrance of the oil is reputed to have aphrodisiacal effects. In fact, ylang ylang oil is often used in aromatherapy for psychosexual complaints, including the treatment of frigidity and impotence. Ylang ylang oil is also regarded as a psychological agent with antidepressant and calming properties, and has been shown to be an effective sedative for anxiety, anger or hysteria, insomnia, nervous tension, PMS, and stress-related disorders.1-6

However, ylang ylang oil’s actions are not limited to the psyche; it is also an excellent physical relaxant with soothing, sedative properties. Ylang ylang oil is mainly employed therapeutically to reduce high blood pressure and normalize cardiopulmonary rhythms, slowing tachycardia, palpitations and hyperventilation—even the smallest amount applied topically can have a significant effect.2-4,6

Ylang ylang oil is also highly antispasmodic. In particular, the oil’s spasmolytic, stabilizing qualities are considered beneficial for addressing asthmatic conditions of a “nervous and allergic” origin. Esters found in ylang ylang oil are primarily responsible for this antispasmodic activity.6

In addition, ylang ylang oil contains the sesquiterpene caryophyllene—sesquiterpenes are essential oil components that possess strong odors and provide anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. The esters in ylang ylang oil also possess some antifungal activity.6,7

Clinical research suggests that ylang ylang oil may prove to be an effective alternative to drugs for preventing nausea and vomiting. The area of the brain associated with vomiting is stimulated by the neurotransmitter acetylcholine; thus, many anti-emetic drugs work by inhibiting the action of acetylcholine. Since ylang ylang oil contains borneol (an alcohol), which exhibits anti-acetylcholine activity, inhaling the oil may help inhibit nausea and vomiting.7

Furthermore, ylang ylang oil has been found to be of benefit in skin and hair care. Ylang ylang oil acts as a scalp stimulant and its moisturizing qualities have a rejuvenative effect on the skin, including oily skin.1-3

Although ylang ylang oil offers many benefits, it should be used with caution. Ylang ylang oil is believed to provide analgesic effects, possessing opiate-like properties that may enhance the effects of opiate drugs such as morphine and codeine. In addition, according to a study published in the Journal of Pharmaceutics, ylang ylang oil significantly enhances (sevenfold) the absorption of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) through the skin. Ylang ylang oil can also cause headaches with heavy use.3,7

NSP's Ylang ylang oil is 100% pure, organically-grown, steam-distilled Cananga odorata flower oil. Product of Madagascar or Comoros. Certified Organic by EcoCert.

1Schiller, C., Schiller, D. Aromatherapy Oils: A Complete Guide. NY, NY: Sterling Publishing Co., 1996.
2Wildwood, C. The Encyclopedia of Aromatherapy. Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press, 1996.
3Damian, P., Damian, K. Aromatherapy: Scent and Psyche. Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press, 1995.
4Chevallier, A. The Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants. NY, NY: Dorling Kindersley, 1996.
5Bown, D. Encyclopedia of Herbs & Their Uses. NY, NY: Dorling Kindersley Inc., 1995.
6Schnaubelt PhD, K. Advanced Aromatherapy. Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press, 1995.
7Buckle RGN, J. Clinical Aromatherapy in Nursing. San Diego, CA: Singular Publish., 1997.

10/21/2023: Emotionalism

Why so much focus on emotions? Why do governments, media, commerce, and various "religions" organizations around the world put so much focus on "how you feel"?

Answer: Because they know how humans work, and they know that the weakest and most vulnerable and most manipulatable part of people is their emotions.

The globs goal is to reform the world into something that gives them all power and control. This process of centralizing power goes against all natural law, and so they utilize the largest human vulnerability to convince people to act against natural law, against common sense, against logic, and even against their own best interests. Even though the changes globs are making are against individual self interests, they must convince the world the opposite is true. They must convince the world they are acting in the best interest of the people.

They accomplish this by amplifying emotions chemically and psychologically.

They do this chemically using substances such as mercury that quite literally amplify emotions. Mercury does this by blocking neuro-regulators like gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) which is the nervous systems chief neuro-regulator. Mercury also blocks the critical enzyme catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) which down-regulates adrenaline, norepinephrine, dopamine, and estrogen. Without this critical enzyme, negative, fear-based emotions are amplified. This results in general fearfulness, anxiety, obsessiveness, jitteriness, looping thoughts, insomnia, and all things fearful. This is one of the reasons globs have done everything they can to expose humans to mercury for decades.

Mercury is in:

\/accines - Injecting a super poison into humans goes against all ethics of science. It is, in fact, not science at all.

CFL and fluorescent light bulbs - Remember how they got rid of safe incandescent bulbs in the name of "saving the climate"? It has nothing to do with climate. If you break one bulb in your house, you will be exposed to mercury daily.

Red Tattoo Ink - In the mid-2000's media began heavily promoting tattoos for a very specific reason. Many of the inks contain metals like cobalt and manganese. Red ink coloring often contains cinnabar which is the red oar of mercury. Newer inks are safer but old, dangerous inks are still widely used.

Coal Burning Power Plants - These release hundreds of pounds of mercury into the air, but governments refuse to install cleaners that would remove over 99% of mercury emissions while only raising power cost by about 1%.

Amalgam ("silver) Dental Fillings - These have been outlawed in some countries, but most wester countries allow - and even promote - their usage despite the fact that they emit dangerous amounts of mercury 24/7.

Chemtrails - They are now spraying mercury from the sky as exposed in this study.

Globs heavily encourage emotionalism psychologically by placing it in all types of media. They do this by promoting the idea that humans have innate super-human powers that are being suppressed by some evil people. This artificial empowerment leads to the corruption of individuals which induces more chaos (see yesterday's article) causing yet more problems. These problems are leveraged used by globs to further justify the removal of personal rights in favor of increased government power.

We are not here to rule over each other. Quite the opposite. We are here to love and serve one another with humility. Artificial self-empowerment leads to pride and corruption. Love and humility are the true forms of self empowerment and lead to strong relationships and profound peace, but these do not serve the goals of the globs, so globs have redefined "love" as something "loud and proud" instead of gentle and humble.

This chemical and psychological promotion of emotionalism is ultimately intended to suppress the individual's ability to think logically while making the individual feel "empowered". Have you seen all the "super human" movies that have emerged in recent decades? Such media is promoted for the specific goal of stripping individual freedoms and empowering government, all while making the individual feel "empowered". A very crafty deception that many fall for.

Replacing intellect with emotion prevents the individual from making the logical connections necessary to realize what horrors are being done to them in the name of "saving the planet" and "helping humanity", all while the globs sequester power by stripping personal rights ("for your own safety") and empowering governments ('for your own safety"). In order to make you concerned about your safety, they must create danger and/or the illusion of danger, and this is done daily in big media.

The chemical and psychological promotion of emotionalism combined with the artificial and intentional creation of fear and danger is specifically executed to make global government more acceptable to the public. In fact, these very mechanisms are used to make some emotionally-based individuals actually fight for globalism never realizing they are fighting for their own demise.

See The Problems They Cause and Leverage to Promote Globalism

Link of the Day: "Follow Your Heart": Using Emotionalism To Control the Population

Stinging Nettle acts primarily as a diuretic by increasing urine volume and decreasing systolic blood pressure. Stinging nettle’s diuretic properties have prompted its use for hypertension (high blood pressure) and urinary and kidney disorders. The German Commission E recognizes stinging nettle for the treatment of urinary tract inflammation and prevention and treatment of kidney gravel (stones). In addition, stinging nettle’s styptic (ability to stop bleeding) action has made it useful for treating nosebleeds and uterine bleeding. Stinging nettle is also reported to be antispasmodic. While the presence of scopoletin contributes to stinging nettle’s anti-inflammatory activity, other substances such as caffeic acid, provide antiedemic and antispasmodic effects. Furthermore, according to herbalist Brigitte Mars, from the Rocky Mountain Center for Botanical Studies, stinging nettle is very beneficial for women because it builds the blood and helps cleanse the kidneys and liver. Liver health is especially important for a healthy reproductive system, since the liver breaks down excess hormones. Mars also recommends stinging nettle for women with anemia and irregular menses. Since stinging nettle may potentiate the effects of diuretics, concurrent use should be avoided. Stinging nettle has also been shown to enhance the anti-inflammatory effect of diclofenac. Stinging nettle is contraindicated in pregnant or breast-feeding women, because of its diuretic and uterine stimulant properties. Furthermore, stinging nettle should not be used if there is fluid retention resulting from reduced cardiac (heart) or renal (kidney) function.3,5,6,8

10/20/2021: Chaos

Why has the government prematurely released so many criminals back into society in recent history?

The powers-that-be want more government power. They ultimately want centralized global government. Creating chaos is part of the process that is used to scare the public into giving government more power.

The government claims that they can only protect you from the chaos if you will surrender your rights and freedoms (they falsely claim that freedom is the problem).

Why do they want your freedoms?

Because freedom is a zero-sum game. When you surrender your rights, they a transferred into the hands of someone else. In this case, that someone-else is government.

With your power to make personal decisions removed and transferred into their hands, they will leverage your powerlessness to force medical procedures and personal containment on those who expose their corruption. This is how they eliminate those speaking out against corruption in government.

So, creating chaos is part of the process glob-controlled governments use to eliminate resistance to their corruption.

They know they are corrupt.

They know you know that they are corrupt.

To succeed in their corrupt plans, they must remove those from society who are speaking out against their corruption.

This is one of the reasons they prematurely release criminals back into society.

Link of the Day: The Threats Being Used To Implement Global Government

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Last edited by Russ; 10/29/23 01:26 PM.

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