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Welcome to the fluoride forum.

Fluoride has long been added to drinking water. Currently, about 50% of U.S. cities add fluoride to their drinking water for the purposes of improving dental health. This is done because it has been believed that fluoride strengthens teeth.

New evidence shows that the entire belief that fluoride strengthens teeth was perpetrated by the founder of one of the largest U.S. aluminum manufacturing companies. These types of companies, along with manufacturers of certain types of fertilizer produce large amounts of fluoride (considered a toxic substance in this form) as a by product. This toxic by product had to be specially disposed of. This process of disposal costs large amounts of money for these industries that produce it.

After the U.S. congress was convinced that fluoride was beneficial for teeth, it was convinced that it should be added to the water supply of U.S. cities. This new policy enabled these companies who previously paid large sums to dispose of this toxic waste to now be handsomely paid by U.S. cities to add it to the water supply.

It has been well known for years that fluoride in this form damages bones, can cause certain types of cancer, and actually makes teeth more brittle. It also dramatically increases aluminum uptake to the brain which has been associated--along with mercury--with Alzheimer's disease.

We have provided this forum for your education and enjoyment. Please feel free to post your comments and questions regarding fluoride here.


External Links & Resources

Water Fluoridation Promoted by ALCOA (video)
The coverups regarding fluoride are related to the economics of the aluminum manufacturing industry.

Tennesses News Station Says "Fluoride is Poison"! (video)
This news story finally reveals what activists have known for decades. The toxicity of fluoride has been known for decades yet has continued to be forced into water supplies, oftentimes, against the will of the majority of a community. Fluoride is know to cause certain types of bone cancer, kidney issues, thyroid issues, lower IQ, and much more.

The Fluoride Journal
Journal of the International Society for Fluoride Research

Second Look Web
A rational approach to public health issues.

Belgium Ban on Fluoride Supplements
"The Belgian Fluoride Supplement ban is much stronger than the many media "bites" intimated. Here's the translation of the original, printed with the permission of the Belgian publishers..."

Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy
"Chinese investigations have shown levels of fluoride in drinking water at levels of 3-11 ppm affect the nervous system without first causing physical malformations..."

Last edited by Russ; 10/03/22 10:15 AM.

Russ Tanner
of Herb Allure