Now that we know how the system works. Meaning how dentist, the ADA and the medical system wants to just leave you to die but allowing you to spend all kinds of money for their greed, I want to explore how we solve our issues.

I am putting together a list of possible solutions that we could explore or go down either now or in the near future.

It is very clear to me that right now there is NO stable non-toxic, bio-compatible etc etc dental material that is out on the market. Every single current product has side effects and they are all rather nasty now or later on in life.

So this is what I have come up with so far:

1. Diet along with added minerals might allow teeth to heal themselves. The raw diet seems to have holes in their theory along with the author's credibility might not be all good. However, with change in diet eating mostly raw but cooked meats along with proper mineral's might be the answer. This will require more research.

2. Medical ways to grow back teeth.

a. The people in Canada who have the ultra-sound for use of growing back teeth. Out of all the google searching I have done, there is very little to say about if they could actually grow teeth or repair teeth.

b. The people in the UK who use stem cells to grow teeth. Again there has not been much said since 2004 but they are suppose to have testing coming out in the next year from what I have been reading.

c. There is suppose to be about 6 other companies out there also looking to grow teeth. So something might happen anytime now.

3. Coming up with our own material to use in the mean time. What I propose is the use of plastic not from petrochemicals. Right now there is a huge movement due to oil prices (image that) that are making plastic out of corn and other types of vegetable sources. These plastics are find their way in just about everything. In the near future our laptop, desktop and electronic product will be made out of these types of non-toxic, non-leaching, bio-degradable healthy plastic. Why would this be important? Because, someone who was smart enough could replace their toxic petrochemical plastic with these non-toxic dental products for your mouth. This would at least for the time being solve a issue with finding a replacement dental material. This is at least my own thinking and I do not know of any company at this time coming out with a dental product like this. But hey we could pull our resources and start our own company. Just a thought anyway.

4. Trying to go with the least amount of dental material. For me I have 2 temporary crowns in my back teeth that are made out of some kind of plastic. I have a lot of composite fillings that happened in 1992 that I do not really have reactions too at all. To find out what they are made out of, I would have to find the biological dentist in Las Vegas, NV that did them. I have yet to hunt down that dentist. But the thought I had here is to remove the temporary crowns and just fill in the teeth with the same composite material and using diet and minerals and see if my teeth happen to grow back. Or use the same material to make temporary crowns out off till a better solutions comes out.

Any other ideas that have worked for other people or want to talk about please add to this.

Thank you.