Dear Russ Tanner,

A Byronchild world exclusive report released March 7, 2005:

"A Dragon By The Tail"

On the eve of an historic, billion-dollar world vaccination campaign, a leaked
transcript ignites questions of vaccine safety and research corruption. Meanwhile, US senators fast-track a bill to protect vaccine manufacturers from
litigation. With millions of lives at stake, and billions of dollars to loose,
will a merger of philanthropy, big business and compromised science win an epic race between corporate agendas and medical ethics? In this world exclusive report, byronchild exposes how the most powerful medical research bodies in the United States compromise their vaccine safety research for vested interests, as they assist in a global vaccine policy, while a bill looms in the background to protect it all.

By Lisa Reagan. (Published on

On January 24, 2005 -- the same day the Global Alliance for Vaccines and
Immunization (GAVI) announced the receipt of $750 million for its historic world vaccination campaign -- seven US Senators introduced Senate Bill 3. The bill is an unprecedented act giving comprehensive liability protections to vaccine manufacturers, restricting Freedom of Information Acts on drug/vaccine safety, and pre-empting states' rights to ban mercury from children's vaccines, all under the bill's official title: ''Protecting America in the War on Terror Act of 2005''.

Meanwhile in Texas, after receiving an internal transcript that allegedly proves the Institutes of Medicine's report denying a link between childhood vaccines and autism last year was "predetermined", a US District Court judge has ordered the worlds' "big five" vaccine manufacturers to "produce any and all documents relating to payments made to, or stock ownership" by the seventeen members of the IOM's Immunization and Safety Review Committee.

This complete article is available in the 'articles' section of our New Medical Awareness Seminars website at

For a highly informative DVD offering the most comprehensive overview of vaccine information available, order Dr. Tenpenny's latest presentation: "Vaccines: The Risks, The Benefits, The Choices." Offering the most comprehensive overview of vaccine information available, this seminar guides you step-by-step through vaccination history, conflicts of interest and the lack of scientific data to support the current vaccine protocol. For this insightful DVD, as well as other educational material regarding vaccines, check out our website at


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