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Welcome to the Mercury Amalgam / Mercury Poisoning Forum

We have a wonderful family of people here always willing to help and share their experiences with you. Feel free to search our wealth of information and to post your questions and comments and be a part of our informative and very friendly community.


This is an open forum designed to help people, so please feel free to post links to other websites when it's appropriate. You may also post links to helpful products as long as you are truly contributing to the content of this forum. If we determine that you are spamming or otherwise misusing the system, we will warn you and/or ban you from the system at our discretion.


New Features: Post Images & Shorten Links

The Easy Image Poster makes it easy to post images in your forum posts.

The Link Shortener makes it easy to post long or complex URLs in your posts by providing a shortened version of the link.

To use these features, just click the "Forum Extras" link near the top of this page.


Smoking Tooth Video (video)
See just how much mercury vapor comes off an amalgam filling while it's still in your mouth.

How Mercury Causes Brain Neuron Degeneration (video)
Excellent animation from the University of Calgary showing exactly how mercury causes brain neurons to degenerate.

Excellent Video: Intentional Mercury Poisoning: The Evidence
This is an excellent video that shows the conspiracy by government agencies and pharmaceutical giants to create fake research showing that mercury is safe. This video should be viewed by all parents and caretakers.

Dr. Boyd Haley on Autism (video)
Know someone experiencing autism? Know someone with a child who has autism? Please watch these 4 videos.

Mercury Goes To Washington (video)
A great video showing FDA hearings, personal conversation with Dr. Boyd Haley, and a Senators opinion about the truth involving mercury-based "silver" dental fillings.

NBC Interview: J.B. Handley On Autism and Mercury Poisoning (video)
A rare interview on NBC that reveals the connection between mercury toxicity and autism. There is a cure!

The Herb Allure Reference Area
Herb Allure has provided a new reference section with information about dental materials. If you'd like to see new materials added, please just let us know. Take a moment to check it out:

Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment, Dr. Andrew Cutler
If you are interested in serious information about the mercury amalgam issue, we highly recommend the finest book we've found on the subject.

Live Mercury Chat
At the kind request of one of our forum users, we have added a mercury chat forum that allows people to have real-time communication. It's fast and easy-to-use. To try it out, please clock the link below:

Mercury & Amalgam & Detox & Science Reference
Finally, we have a link to host of articles that may help you find the information you're searching for related to mercury toxicity, it's causes, solution, detox ideas, and in-depth technical information:

Introduce Yourself To Us
You may also want to introduce yourself to our forum members in the Introductions forum (the first one in the list) and tell us a little about yourself. You can click the link below to visit the Introductions forum.

Parents Against Everyday Poisons
Our children are exposed to an unprecedented number of chemicals due to aggressive chemical industry marketing. PAEP is dedicated to sharing information about toxic Home-Use Chemicals (HUC's) with Parents, Grandparents and the general public. So many Toxic Chemicals like scented fabric softeners, detergents, air fresheners and cleaning materials, have been marketed for Home Use that they have now become "Everyday Poisons".

Other Things That May Interest You

[b]The Symbol of Modern Medicine (Mercury)[/b]
Some interesting things you should know about the symbol associated with modern medicine.

[b]America: From Freedom To Fascism (video)[/b]
Is there a law requiring American citizens to pay federal income tax?

[b]Historic Interview of Aaron Russo by Alex Jones (video)[/b]
Hollywood producer Aaron Russo ("Trading Places", "The Rose") produced the groundbreaking film "America: From Freedom To Fascism". Check out this astounding interview between Aaron and Alex Jones.

[b]Chemtrails and Morgellons: Dr. Hildegarde Staninger Interview (video)[/b]
This is truly one of the strangest topics you will hear about in the near future: Morgellons. It produces polyester (nylon) fibers within the body that eventually extrude outside the skin. Dr. Staninger labels the nano-robots that assemble these fibers "man-made".

[b]Vaccines and Medical Experiments on Children, Minorities, Woman and Inmates (1845 - 2007)[/b]
Think U.S. health authorities have never conducted outrageous medical experiments on children, women, minorities, or inmates? Think again.

[b]Are Your Representatives Representing You?[/b]
Keep a close eye on your government and your representatives with this invaluable resource:

The Captian
Today they call you "crazy". Tomorrow they call you "ahead of your time."
Global Skywatch Learn about Chemtrails - You're breathing them now! World-class supplements
Mercury Talk Why you are sick.
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