Hi there. I've been thinking about this issue as well. I've recently read a book called "Meth = Sorcery" by Steve Box that theorized that methamphetamine is an end-time drug and how its effects mimic the biblical definition of sorcery in that there were lots of run-ins with the spiritual realm on meth. I took this idea further to consider if the pharmaceutical industry is also dabbling in institutionalized sorcery since they create prescription methamphetamine and all manners of psychoactive drugs.

It seems that a drug itself isn't necessarily sorcery, especially things like antibiotics that have very little noticeable effect on the mind. But any psychoactive drugs, even SSRIs, act on our minds, just may be that. An altered state of consciousness seems to be the criteria for sorcery where either natural or synthetic substances are taken to channel the spirit world.

It would definitely be worthwhile to understand exactly what constitutes sorcery so that we can identify modern sources of sorcery.