I had all 4 of my mercury fillings replaced yesterday. I thought I only had 3, but the dentist found a big old amalgam underneath a crown. Surpize! The whole things went quite well, and I believe the dentist used the proper protocol (oxygen, rubber dam, etc.). My main symptoms for the past 20 years have been very chronic headaches/migraines, along with a diagnosis of M.S. and chronic flu-like achiness. After the dental appointment, I went for I.V. Vitamin C. I felt extremely calm and clear lastnight, and I'm not sure if that was from the removal of the fillings or from the Vitamin C. I'm hoping it was the fillings ! I also took 5 DMPS pills lastnight and tomorrow I go for EDTA I.V. chelation. I also tested high for lead, which is very interesting, since I can't imagine where or how I was exposed to lead. I'm trying to figure out if the main culprit for the headaches has been the lead or the mercury. I did wake with a headache today, but it could be related to all 3 hours of dental work I had yesterday, as my jaw is also sore. I'm assuming I'll need to continue chelation for a while before everything is cleansed. If anyone has any thoughts or stories to share, I would love to hear from you.