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Welcome To the Creation and Evolution Forum

This forum attempts to get to the bottom of the age-old conflict between a belief in complex design through natural processes over time and complex design by a Designer.

Since there are many heavily-promoted misconceptions about the Bible in the media, and because the theory of evolution is supported by so much science that is now being exposed as "junk-science", discussions about coverups, media distortions, conspiracies and political agendas are all at home in this forum.

Whether your are a Creationist or Evolutionist, you are welcome to make your case here.



Countering the spin on the talk origins website, this comprehensive wiki provides the ammo you need to see through the deception.

A Critique of Douglas Theobald’s "29 Evidences for Macroevolution"[/b]
In "29 Evidences for Macroevolution," Dr. Theobald sets forth the evidence that he believes proves scientifically that all organisms share the same biological ancestor. In this critique, I argue that his evidence is insufficient to establish that proposition.

[b]Our Solar System: Scientific Evidence for Creation (video)[/b]
This video provides scientific information directly from a space sciences engineer that strongly evidences creation. He continues by providing statements by evolutionists that clearly reveal their inability to reconcile even the most fundamantal scientific information regarding our solar system. An excellent video for all to watch.

[b]Redefining Evolution: The Grand Retreat Begins (video)[/b]
This is a 10-minute video demonstrating how the compliant media is working together with pop-science to rescue evolution. This video reveals the blatant retreat underway from evolution's original claims.

[b]Creation vs Evolution - Part 1 of 2 (video)

Creation vs Evolution - Part 2 of 2 (video)
An excellent video exposing the media lies promoting the theory of evolution. This video also speaks about junk science and its incessant promotion in public text books.

Lies In the Textbooks (video)[/b]
Kent Hovind provides and excellent expose of the junk-science and outright lies that are being forced upon schoolchildren in a blatant attempt to discredit the Bible using public tax dollars.

[b]Evolution's Moral Implications (video)[/b]
Every belief system has an implicit set of consequences. Many people are now realizing that a belief in evolution has the ability to profoundly affect personal behavior and the foundations of society as a whole.

[b]The Evolution of Man Scientifically Disproved in 50 Arguments
This is a very interesting article from the 1920's that is certainly worth reading. The information is quite in-depth and it provides a well-rounded view of evolution's many fatal flaws.

Drama In the Rocks: How New Sediment Discoveries Debunk the Fossil Record Hypothesis[/b]
The old claims about how sediments are deposited are the basis for dating and categorizing fossils, but new discoveries about sedimentary science are causing scientists to completely rethink these claims.

[b]Do Amino Acids Self-Assemble Into Proteins?
A short explanation by Dr. Kenyon that amino acids cannot assemble into proteins without the help of the mind-bogglingly complex machinery in the human body that was obviously designed just for this purpose.

Why Was the Flat-Earth Myth Promoted? (video)
This video exposes the real reason why evolutionists claim that Christians used to believe that the Earth was flat. This video exposes yet another lie used to defame Biblical integrity in the minds of those who have no knowledge of the Bible.

The Irrational Atheist
"The Vox is in the henhouse, with the scent of Dawkins’s blood in his nostrils and a mouthful of Hitchens’s feathers! Harris, alas, doesn’t make it out of the book alive and the emergency team is still waiting to see if Dawkins will pull through after receiving one of the most visceral literary lobotomies ever inflicted in publishing. In the culture wars between New Atheism and The Rest of the World, The Irrational Atheist is 'must-read' material."
—Ian Wishart, Investigate Magazine

Astounding Computer Animation of DNA-Related Processes (video)[/b]
Amazing CGI visualization of molecular biology's central dogma. It shows animations of DNA coiling, replication, transcription and translation. It was created by Drew Berry of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research.

[b]Creation / Evolution Debate: Dr. Kent Hovind vs Dr. Ben Waggoner (video)[/b]
An interesting debate between two brilliant men: Dr. Kent Hovind is a renown creationist who has toured speaking and lecturing on the creation/evolution subject hundreds of time. Dr. Waggoner is a biology professor from the University of Central Arkansas.

[b]Scientific Truth Journal Explores Evolution (animated video)[/b]
An animation showing how archaeological discoveries are made and then categorized (comedy).

[b]Evolutionary Processes Caught On Camera (animated video)[/b]
A short animation demonstrating the depths of evolution.

[b]Earth Science Associates
Did you know that scientific evidence abounds to support the biblical accounts of creation and the flood? Were you aware that reports outlining this evidence passed peer review, and were published in the open scientific literature? Have you heard that, decades later, this evidence still stands unrefuted by the scientific community?

Dinosaurs in Ancient Cambodian Temple[/b]
Did mankind and dinosaurs coexists, as the Bible implies? This website may help settle the question.

[b]Kent Hovind's Court Case and Conviction

Kent Hovind, renown evolution critic and Christian advocate, was convicted of tax crimes in 2006. Upon investigation, it is apparent that the entire case against Hovind is replete with legal errors, disregard for legal procedure, and simple bullying—an age-old IRS MO.

More and more investigators and legal experts are concluding that the IRS operates on an entirely illegal premise (violation of Article 1, Section 9 of the Constitution of the United States) and may be the bully at the center of the largest case of financial fraud in history.

As astounding as it may sound, numerous experts agree that IRS court cases are regularly littered with illegal procedures and a complete disregard for law. The case against Hovind appears to be no exception.

We have provided links to this information to help all people—whether they be ardent evolutionists or scholars of intelligent design—realize that corruption in governments is rampant and unless it is stopped by the people who ultimately hold the power of the land (the common people), then this corruption will only spread.

We hope this information inspires you to take action and to become part of the solution to corruption in both government and corporations.

Free Hovind Official Website
This is the official website for information and alerts regarding Kent Hovind. Please visit and consider signing the "Free Hovind" petition and donating to the cause.

the Edinburgh Creation Group
Interesting and thought-provoking videos about creation and the Bible.

A Partial Update About Hovind's Case by Lindsey Springer[/b]
An eye-opening and detailed account of the abuses against Hovind by the IRS and its agents. This report also reveals blatant abuses by the court system and possible coercion by so-called Christian organizations.

[b]Penalty Protester
This website contains detailed documentation about the Hovind case. Click the link near the bottom-right corner of the home page entitled "Hovind Case".

Larken Rose
Larken Rose is an advocate for truth in IRS law and proceedings and publishes information related to abuses by the run-away agency.

America: Freedom To Fascism (video)
Hollywood filmmaker Aaron Russo's "Freedom To Fascism" is a groundbreaking film about the illegality of the Internal Revenue Service. This film is getting attention. Check it out.

"FOUR STARS (Highest Rating). The scariest damn film you'll see this year. It will leave you staggering out of the theatre, slack-jawed and trembling. Makes 'Fahrenheit 9/11' look like 'Bambi.' After watching this movie, your comfy, secure notions about America -- and about what it means to be an American -- will be forever shattered. Producer/director Aaron Russo and the folks at Cinema Libre Studio deserve to be heralded as heroes of a post-modern New American Revolution. This is shocking stuff. You'll be angry, you'll be disgusted, but you may actually break out in a cold sweat and feel a sickness deep in your gut; I would advise movie theatre managers to hand out vomit bags. You may end up needing one."

[Linked Image]
Aaron Russo with Nick Nolte, Hollywood Actor

America: Freedom To Fascism: The Official Website
Please visit the website and buy the video and show it (or loan it) to everyone you know.

Historic Interview of Aaron Russo by Alex Jones (video)[/b]
This is an excellent interview of Aaron Russo—award winning Hollywood filmmaker—that contains a wealth of information ranging from the IRS to 9-11 to the upcoming tracking chip.

[b]No Law: Not Guilty! (video)
Juror Marcella Brooks speaks to the National Press Club about her experience in the IRS case against Gaylon L. Harrell.

The 861 Evidence
Theft By Deception
"Read the questions the government refuses to answer about how a person is supposed to determine their taxable income."

31 Questions & Answers About The Internal Revenue Service
A fascinating document that answers most of the questions raised about the legality of the IRS.

Supreme Law
A wealth of information and a fascinating website filled with legal information about the IRS and the legality thereof.

Other Things That May Interest You

Smoking Tooth Video (video)
See just how much mercury vapor comes off an amalgam filling while it's still in your mouth.

How Mercury Causes Brain Neuron Degeneration (video)
Excellent animation from the University of Calgary showing exactly how mercury causes brain neurons to degenerate.

Dr. Boyd Haley on Autism (video)
Know someone experiencing autism? Know someone with a child who has autism? Please watch these 4 videos.

Vaccines: The Risks, The Benefits, The Choices[/b]

VACCINES: The Risks, The Benefits, The Choices is an outstanding video! It provides you with the information you need to make informed decisions. This brand-new updated edition covers all current childhood vaccines in detail and uncovers a web of misinformation that has permeated conventional medicine for years. The future of vaccinations is also covered.

This video exposes enormous amounts of vital (fully-documented) information that the mainstream media has completely failed to report. This information is so compelling, it will cause even the most difficult skeptic to rethink their position and reconsider their most fundamental beliefs about vaccines.

[b]Vaccines: The Risks, The Benfits, The Choices - Parent Manual[/b]
  • Understand the origin and history of the concept of vaccines.
  • Learn what the current medical literature actually says about vaccines, including their risks and their benefits.
  • Learn why mainstream media reports information contrary to the current medical literature.

[b]Autism: Jenny McCarthy on "The View" saying "They Can Recover!" (video)
This is an inspiring conversation with Jenny McCarthy. It's interesting that whenever Jenny makes a reference to vaccines, Barbara Walters is quick to jump in and make sure the pharmaceutical industry is protected.

NBC Interview: J.B. Handley On Autism and Mercury Poisoning (video)
A rare interview on NBC that reveals the connection between mercury toxicity and autism. There is a cure!

Dr. Haley On Autism (video)
Dr. Haley, Chemistry Chair for the University of Kentucky, made important discoveries about the connections between the mercury in vaccines and autism. When Haley exposed this information to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), they ceased funding any research on mercury. Now, although the connection between mercury and autism is understood and clearly evident, lack of funding prohibits any in-depth studies from providing further evidence and solutions in this regard. Some consider the actions of the NIH criminal or a crime against humanity.

Eye On the Flu Shot (video)
This video contains some great Canadian humor and wisdom about vaccines and the ingredients they contain.

Bill Cooper on Vaccination Dangers (audio)[/b]
An eye-opening presentation exposing the dangers of vaccines that are rarely revealed to the public.

[b]Smoking Tooth Video (video)
See just how much mercury vapor comes off an amalgam filling while it's still in your mouth.

How Mercury Causes Brain Neuron Degeneration (video)
Excellent animation from the University of Calgary showing exactly how mercury causes brain neurons to degenerate.

Dr. Boyd Haley on Autism (video)
Know someone experiencing autism? Know someone with a child who has autism? Please watch these 4 videos.

Mercury Goes To Washington (video)
An great video showing FDA hearings, personal conversation with Dr. Boyd Haley, and a Senators opinion about the truth involving mercury-based "silver" dental fillings.

Local News Station Confirms Barium In Chemtrails (video)
An actual local news station does an impartial piece on chemtrails in their local area.

Chemtrails and Morgellons: Dr. Hildegarde Staninger Interview (video)
One of the most bizarre and shocking videos you may ever see. Dr. Staninger exposes the connection between chemtrails and one of the newest and fastest-growing diseases in the world, Morgellons.

Chemtrails On German RTL-TV (video)
A well-done German video about chemtrails.

A Great Introduction To ChemTrails
Never heard of chemtrails? Watch this first.
Biological Warfare: Experiments on the American People

Are ChemTrails Really Legal?
Astounding U.S. Law Allows Anonymous Chemical & Biological Testing On Citizens
Public Law 105-85

This Is An Excellent Documentary On ChemTrails
A more in-depth investigation of ChemTrails.
Chemtrails Documentary by Clifford Carnicom

Chemtrails In Animated Movies
Mental conditioning for the masses
Over The Hedge —2006, Dreamworks Animation SKG
Cars —2005, Pixar, Buena Vista (Disney)
Open Season —Sony Pictures Animation and Columbia Pictures

Chemtrails in Satellite Photography
The MODIS Rapid Response System was developed to provide daily satellite images of the Earth's landmasses in near real time. True-color, photo-like imagery and false-color imagery are available within a few hours of being collected, making the system a valuable resource for monitoring chemtrails.

ChemTrails Hall Of Shame
Barium Contamination Found In Drinking Water

Millions of Bees Die - Are Electromagnetic Signals To Blame?
"Bees in the US are dying of some unknown cause - millions of them are leaving their hives and do not come back. What is happening? The problem has got a name - colony collapse disorder - but no apparent cause."

The ChemTrails Data Page (Rense)
Numerous Articles and Pictures The World Over

ChemTrail Central
Analyzing ChemTrails and Taking Comments

Don't Chemtrail Me Bro Productions
Another great chemtrail website.

ChemTrails 911 - Exposing Aerial Crimes and Aerosol Operations
ChemTrail Legislation And Legal Information

Aerosol Operations: Crimes and Coverup
The How And Why Of ChemTrails

Ethylene Dibromide
EPA Information About This Dangerous ChemTrail Additive

ChemTrail Forums
Intelligent Conversation About ChemTrails

Look Up and See the Pollution Raining Down on You
Pictures, Organizations And Links Against ChemTrails

ChemTrails Over New York
Pictures And Links About ChemTrails Over New York And New Jersey

Canadian ChemTrails
News And Awareness About ChemTrails

ChemTrails Over My House
My Personal Pictures, Jamestown, New York
ChemTrails, Jamestown, New York, 11/14/2005
Numerous Chemtrails Photos, Jamestown, New York

Striking Photos

Are Your Representatives Representing You?
Keep a close eye on your government and your representatives with this invaluable resource:

* This is not legal advice.

The Captian
Today they call you "crazy". Tomorrow they call you "ahead of your time."
Global Skywatch Learn about Chemtrails - You're breathing them now! World-class supplements
Mercury Talk Why you are sick.
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