Just wanted to share that I finally found the doctor I was looking for. Not only do I have chronic fatigue from mercury, but also bipolar disorder. I found a psychiatric/medical practice who deal with mercury toxic patients. At least these people know that mental illness comes from heavy metals and not from the sky. They immediately ordered an amino acid analysis, essential fatty acid analysis, and some other test. They added some supplements and are going to follow me through chelation (Andy Cutler's way) and they even know all about him which made me very happy. They might even sign his consulting agreement and have him consult on my case. They said they were going to get me feeling better and stronger before I continue with chelation, e,.g. support for my fatigue,, etc. The best part was that they take my insurance and now at least my insurance will cover the DMSA because the'll give me scripts. Just thought I'd share my good news.
