The Story of Pattie and Breast Cancer

In 2002 I had breast, neck and lymph cancer. Totally trusting my doctors, I was scheduled for surgery and radiation. The day before my surgery, a friend of some 30 years called me and proceeded to tell me about her ovarian cancer cured with alternatives. I had done prescription drugs all of my life (58 then) and had no knowledge of alternative meds. My spiritual guide was obviously working overtime now.

I went for it--I didn't want to lose my breast. I cancelled my surgery and went to Oceanside to learn about bloodroot. To shorten my very long story--my tumors came out in 10 days. I didn't tell any Western docs that I did natural herbs--I had to lie to them in order to get tests done to prove to myself that I was free of cancer.

I lost most of my close friends (in their fifties) to cancer and I became furious when I discovered the coverup and greed in the medical industry in relation to cancer treatments. The more I researched, the more lies I found and at times felt like I was in the twilight zone--how could they keep natural cancer cures from dying people!! To top it off, most of my friends didn't believe me either, until I showed them my photos--thank goodness I took photos. I also stole my ultra sounds and medical records from the hospital, as proof.

For the past three years I have changed my diet (used to be a fast food freak), gave away most of my unnecessary material stuff, moved to a smaller house, eliminated a few negative friends, do not do any prescription drugs anymore, etc. etc. My life was great: I was optimistic, happy and thanked my higher spirit every day for leading me to natural medicine.

Then, last month I felt another lump in the same breast, same spot. I was totally shocked--what did I do wrong?? So back to the drawing board I went. I no longer go to Western doctors; so I made an appointment with a naturopath, specializing in cancer. He asked me if I had any root canals--I had one on the right front top--done in the year 2000. It was on the same side as my breast cancer and it had been bothering me lately.

I was in shock again--how could dentists do these procedures without much research and caution?? So not only is Western medicine a greed mongrel; the dental professional is included. I don't blame the doctors or dentists; I blame the schools they attend, pharmacy companies and the government. The professionals, obviously, are just following the money trail.

I was directed to and meet the most compassionate holistic dentist and my root canal tooth is being removed next week. My sinuses have been bothering me again too, just like in 2002--I have major bacteria growing in that root canal according to the photos he showed me. I have also started on my herbals again to rid my body of the bacteria left behind.

All I can say, I feel really blessed to have a spiritual guide that is keeping me alive for some really big reason, which I am sure will be revealed to me when the time comes.

I hope that you will convey this message to others who might be in the same situation I am in regarding their teeth and their health. I have learned that ALL of our body parts are connected--everyone of them.

Alive and Kicking,

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