IAHF List:

Your help is needed to push RP to call for a
RECOUNT of this obviously rigged primary.

& RP GOT ROBBED!!! LHS Rigged this election via Diebold machines
exactly the way Bev Harris of Black Box Voting Predicted.


Several of us have backed this up in case anyone tries to remove it from
cyberspace, but it proves election fraud has just occured in NH on a
massive scale. This is a screen capture made from the
Boston Globe (newspaper) website showing Associated Press real time
precinct vote totals before they got rigged by LHS associates which counted
81% of the NH vote via their rigged Diebold machines.

Also see this:

Hand Count
Shows 15% For Ron Paul

By zooamerica | January 9, 2008

This would have placed Dr. Paul in 3rd place, just as the polls were
showing before the primary…


The computer counted votes are the problem.

Not a single hand count township showed less than 10%

Supposedly, Ron Paul got 8% - this does not make sense.

richmond is hand count 34% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

lyman is hand count 28.7% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

Orange is hand count 25% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

Harts location is hand count 25% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

wentworth is hand count 24% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

goshen is hand count 17.68% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

marlow is hand count 16.6% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

cornish is hand count 14.8% for dr. Paul…100% reporting

Rumney is hand count 14.5% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

croydon is hand count 14 % for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

dorchester is hand count 13.89% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

effingham is hand count 13% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

albany is hand count 12.9% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

antrim is hand count 12% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

south hampton is hand count 12% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

sullivan is hand count 12.61% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

troy is hand count 12.21% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

mason is hand count 11.88% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

newport is hand count 11.45% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

charlstown is hand count 11.3% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

Allenstown is hand count 11.16% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

bristol is hand count 11% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

warren is hand count 11% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

Strafford is hand count 11% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

washington is hand count 11.02% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

lancaster is hand count 10.9% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

springfield is hand count 10.6% for Dr.Paul…100% reporting

wilton is hand count 10.37% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

Northfield is hand count 10.3% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting

mont vernon is hand count 10.25% for Dr. Paul…100% reporting


Join me in demanding a manual recount by doing
the following:

1. Contact href="mailto:electionlaw@doj.nh.gov">color="#003377">electionlaw@doj.nh.gov

2. Contact Ron Paul's campaign via this form
on their website: href="http://www.ronpaul2008.com/contact/form">http://www.ronpaul2008.com/contact/form

Note: Today I had a long conversation with
Walter Reddy of href="http://www.libertybroadcastnetwork.org/">www.libertybroadcastnetwork.org
Walter quit his job in Connecticut a year ago in order to stump for RP full
time as a volunteer. He has run afoul of hiqhly questionable interference
from some people on Ron Pauls Campaign Staff, as has Jim Condit Jr. or href="http://www.votefraud.org/">http://www.votefraud.org Walter
monitored the poll results, but no one in the RP campaign helped him, the
campaign interfered with his efforts and held a big party for RP at a
time when all those volunteers should have been helping Walter monitor the
results from the election. Why???

I'm not fully at liberty at the present time
to divulge what we are doing about this. Suffice it to say we are working
on this immense problem, utilizing some amazingly cool contacts that are
helping us bypass the campaign which we don't trust at this point and
we need your help in the following way. [color:"#0000ff"]If you
contact the DOJ in NH, and RPs campaign, just let us know so we can have a
paper trail in case we need to turn up the heat to try to smash on through
to the other side.

When you swing a sledgehammer at a slab of
concrete long enough, you'll start seeing cracks. Every day I go out to the
woodpile, grab an axe or a maul, and I beat the living @#$$@$##$@ out of
firewood. Keeps me sane in the face of this madness. Also helps cut down on
my electric bill to heat with wood. The level of corruption we're up
against is monumentally huge, but together, all of us are going to smash
through it and we're going to save our country from its planned

It bothers me that 9 people unsubscribed from
the IAHF list yesterday. I guess they were people who just didn't have the
intestinal fortitude to hang in there in this battle. That is a shame! When
the goin' gets tough, the TOUGH get

Now is NOT the time to quit,
folks! I've been swimmin' around in the DC cesspool since 1989 and this is
just gettin' interesting! Have faith that in time, WE WILL PREVAIL! WE HAVE

If you appreciate
this effort by IAHF to smash through this wall of corruption, please let us
know via a donation via paypal at
href="http://www.iahf.com/index1.html">color="#008000">http://www.iahf.com/index1.htmlcolor="#008000">  or please send us a check at IAHF 556 Boundary
Bay Rd., Point Roberts WA 98281

For Health Freedom,
John C. Hammell, President
International Advocates for Health Freedom
556 Boundary Bay Road
Point Roberts, WA 98281-8702 USA
800-333-2553 N.America
360-945-0352 World

Last edited by Russ; 01/12/17 05:08 PM.

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