There are a lot of great ways to get the mercury out, the problem is that everyone want to detox too fast. You expect a 1 week cure, like when you get antibiotics from your doctor.

You DONT need to feel pain to know its working

It could take you up to 2 years - ARE YOU MENTALLY PREPARED TO SPEND 2 YEARS OF YOUR LIFE ON THIS??? Its all psycological

Start 2 months of this liver detox - 1/4 dose to start - to full dose over 2 months - if you ever feel ill, then take a few days off and start again 1/2 dose -

Can take things like digestive enymes and probiotic, HCL - see below - but no DMSA yet


Start with 50MGS DMSA with some cilantro tincture 2 droppers same time - do 1 dose per day for 2 days and then 3-5 days off

How do you feel - hopefully just a little annoyance - this is good - keep doing it. Take some Fruits Of Life powder if headachy - see below

Stay away from concentrated minerals and vitamins in pills

Mannatech has a Phytomatrix that is good - start 1/2 dose 6 months

Fruits of Life from Garden of Life for natural antioxidants - 2 X a day

Probiotics and digestive enzymes - digestion - gas/constipation issues - take 1 year max and then ween yourself off - cant let your body think its going to take this for life

Bromelain - 500mgs X2 - inflammation - soar muscles

Krill oil - inflammation and pain - 2000mgs a day

HCL betain - if heartburn or you dont need it

Liver - milk thistle and soy lecithin - minimal doses as directed

Sea salt

calcium magnesium - best - 1/2 dose to start --

juicing is okay if can keep the thing clean!!!

good luck