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Chemtrails? But Why Would They Do This To Us? #30603
01/19/08 08:53 PM
01/19/08 08:53 PM
Russ  Online Content
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Chemtrails? But Why Would They Do This To Us?

I've been asked for my opinion on this question, so I'll give it my best shot with what I currently know.

It's a tough question, but in short, I believe they are accomplishing several things at once.

First, they are attempting to kill the older, retired population (above 65).

Why would they want to do this?

Because of their evolution-rooted secular-humanist religion states that once a person becomes an "eater"—that is one who no longer "produces" useful things in an economy but instead only leaches off the labor of others by becoming a recipient of social security (their belief, not mine)—then these people should no longer be allowed to live. They are parasites to an economy (again, their belief, not mine).

The constituent in chemtrails that accomplishes this is barium salts. Barium in the human body causes a considerable rise in the rate of heart attacks, but only among those over 65 years old. It raises blood pressure and depletes potassium which, of course, is very dangerous for the elderly.

Second, they are attempting to weaken the immune system of all people in the western European countries and in the United States and Canada (chemtrails are notably absent in Asian countries) so they can introduce a pandemic that will be "socially accepted" as a natural occurrence. The bug for this job is the Avian Bird Flu (H5N1).

In order for H5N1 to have the impact they desire it to have—that is, to kill the maximum amount of people possible—they have to presensitize people to it. Weakening the immune system before exposure is one way to be sure it is fatal to the largest number of people. Mycoplasma found in chemtrails has a devastating long-term effect on the immune system and is often not found using standard hospital tests. Even though H5N1 is easy to destroy using household detergent, it can be deadly to the immune-compromised person.

They have been mentally preparing the populace of all of these countries to accept the "danger" of this strain of the bird flu for years now through all strands of the mass media. Having the populace mentally conditioned to accept this scenario discredits the idea that it is an artificially-induced event even before it happens.

I would direct people to read and understand U.N. Agenda 21 for more details about their justification of the mass killing of populations, including that word we hear so much about today: "Sustainability".

In the chemtrail mix is also titanium shards which appear to pierce lung tissue making the proliferation of airborne disease much more efficient. This also serves their interest of making sure H5N1 spreads rapidly and thoroughly.

A primary component of chemtrals is aluminum dust at about 1 micron. Aluminum at this size is harmful to several body systems and is especially dangerous to those who have been exposed to mercury, whether it be through amalgam (i.e. "silver") dental fillings or vaccines or coal-burning power plants or tattoo inks.

People in Louisiana have experimented and found that chemtrails there contain lead, arsenic, and mercury. The deleterious effects are these toxins are well known.

Mercury is especially harmful. It has been put into amalgam dental fillings, vaccines (in it's most harmful form), eye washes, ear washes, and had been sprayed on foods and cotton crops to control fungus growth for decades, even though it is known to be a weak fungicide.

Mercury attacks every body system and the brain, and mercury is known to cause nearly every major disease found today. Mercury works slowly over a period of months or years and accumulates in the body. The symbol of medicine is the Roman staff of the god Mercury (Hermes in Greek).

Either directly or indirectly, mercury may cause:
  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Autism (contrary to popular belief, there is very strong medical evidence linking autism to mercury)
  • Nearsightedness & Farsightedness (by altering interocular fluid eye pressure)
  • Autoimmune Diseases (through methionine mimicry and other processes)
  • Amylotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
  • Ankylosing spondylitis
  • Myasthenia Gravis
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Alzheimer's Disease
  • Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
  • Borderline personality disorder
  • Anxiety
  • Panic attacks
  • Dysbiosis
  • Leaky Gut Syndrome
  • Acid Reflux
  • Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Endocrine-Related Issues
  • Aneurysm
  • Depression
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCS)
  • Manic Depressive Disorder
  • Hyperacusis (sensitivity to certain sounds)
  • Photophobia (sensitivity to light from weak iris response)
  • Heart Arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat)
  • Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Juvenile Arthritis
  • Lupus Erythematosus
  • Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
  • Environmental Illness
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Sciatica
  • Gastritis
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Colitis
  • Crohn's Disease
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Anorexia Nervosa
  • Floaters In the Eyes
  • Bulimia
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Yeast Syndrome/Candida
  • Uncontrollable Weight Gain
  • Hair loss (Balding—Elevated DHT)
  • Constipation
  • Flatulence (gas)
  • Shifted Circadian Rhythm (inability to sleep on a normal schedule)
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Hyperglycemia
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Immune Suppression (weak immune system leading to frequent general illness or numerous opportunistic infections)
  • Tinnitus (Ringing In the Ears)
  • Grinding Teeth While Sleeping (Bruxism)
  • Insomnia
  • Excessive Salivating
  • Enlarged Prostate (Elevated DHT)
  • Heart Disease
  • High Cholesterol
  • Elevated Homocysteine (increases risk of heart disease)
  • Headaches
  • Mole Formation (especially on the neck, underarms, inner thighs, and feet)
  • Dementia
  • Blood in the Urine
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • "Brain Fog"
  • Dizziness (loss of equilibrium)
  • Short-Term Memory Loss
  • Cancer
  • White Coating On the Tongue
  • Oily Skin (Elevated DHT)
  • Shyness
  • General Phobias
  • Outbursts of Anger
  • Feelings of Apathy (especially toward property and personal affairs)
  • Suicidal Thoughts
  • Social Separation/Isolation
  • Feeling of a Lack of Self Worth
  • Spider Veins
  • Easy Bruising (and other vitamin C deficiency diseases as mercury displaces vitamin C)
  • Selenium Deficiency
  • Zinc
  • Deficiency
  • Vitamin C Deficiency
  • Iodine Deficiency
  • Magnesium Deficiency
  • Elevated Blood Calcium
  • ...and many more.

I would not be surprised if, in the future, these massive KC-135 tankers are used to distribute pharmaceutical drugs that further hinder people's ability to think straight and function normally, as the powers-that-be have always profited from disaster, chaos, and war. They also profit from illnesses that maintain the populace in a dramatic state of fatigue and brain fog, as this will ensure that their corrupt activities go unhindered.

This is a short overview as I see it at this point. Of course, their methods are subject to change at any time due to changing conditions, so who knows what the future will bring but God himself.

Is Mercury Poisoning Intentional?

Deadly Immunity

New Age Bible Versions

Hovind: Lies In The Textbooks

Junk Science: Global Warming Myth Busted

The Sons of God and Biblical Prophecy, Michael Heiser

The Lincoln Assassination and the Jesuit Connection, Jon Eric Phelps (MP3)

Biblical Sorcery and Modern Drugs

Kennedy On Secret Societies

Bush Nazi Family Ties

Loose Change

The Bar Code and the Mark of the Beast

One Nation Under Siege

Our Solor System

From Freedom To Fascism

Biological Warfare: Experiments On the American People

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Confessions of An Ex-RX Drug Pusher

The Government Always Tells the Truth

The New Order of Barbarians

Return of the Nephilim Video

The Dangers of Evolution, Hovind

The Declaration of Independence

Chemtrail Inundation in Jamestown, New York

FORUM: Vote Fraud

The Captian
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Re: Chemtrails? But Why Would They Do This To Us? #30604
01/20/08 04:50 PM
01/20/08 04:50 PM
Aaron  Offline
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Thanks for your overview of the chemtrail problem, Russ. What do you think about the weather modification theories?

Whatever they're doing I'm sure that they're up to no good or they would publicly reveal the existence of the program.

My Present Theory #30605
01/20/08 07:29 PM
01/20/08 07:29 PM
Russ  Online Content
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Weather manipulation? I personally don't think so.

According to Biblical prophecy, the ultimate purpose that the ruling families of this world (referred to in the Bible as the "merchants of the Earth"—i.e. rich international traders/importers/exporters) have is to market mankind as being the master of his own destiny, that is, his own god (via a faith in evolution), and then they will present their "master", that is, their god (the owl god, i.e.—the god of knowledge (gnostic=knowledge)—i.e. Satan) as the god of the world. This will be the antichrist (which can also be translated "ante"-christ, "ante" meaning "in place of"—falsely in-place-of, of course).

So, the Biblical scenario about Satan attempting to coerce the entire world into worshiping him is the diabolical pinnacle of history that occurs just before Christ returns.

So, what does this have to do with chemtrails.

Well, in order for these events to take place, there has to be widespread (global) corruption so that the leaders of all nations of the world will join in allegiance to this Satan. The only way for this type of corruption to be enabled without uprisings among the masses is to do several things to the masses to facilitate this end:

(1) Dumb them down

People must be dumbed down to a point where they cannot recognize corruption and are unable to comprehend this master plan but not so dumb that they cannot continue to function in society. This enables the merchants to exert a tighter control on society without stopping the flow of money to their Chase Manhattan banks, Morgan & Stanley monoliths, Rockefeller foundations, and Standard Oils.

(2) Occupy them

Incessant sports, entertainment, materialism, pornography, and kids-in-a-cage exploitation (Real World, Road Rules, America's Next Top Model, etc.) keep the minds of the masses busy satisfying every urge and desire and curiosity rather than being engaged in keeping murderous evil tyrants from enslaving and killing the entertained.

(3) Fatigue them

Pharmaceuticals, food additives, heavy metals in vaccines and dental fillings and tattoos... These all work together to create fatigue, laziness, brain fog, and general confusion so the work of the merchants can continue with undue hindrance from the masses.

(4) Turn them against each other (divide and conquer)

The spread of disinformation about real issues (like chemtrails) and the relentless promotion of false science supporting fairy tails (such as evolution) creates multiple factions among people which can then be easily turned against each other using carefully worded media propaganda to make each faction believe that the other is the real enemy of "freedom and democracy". This also keeps people occupied and keeps them using up valuable time and other resources fighting each other rather than focusing on the real murderers of their bodies and true robbers of their souls.

(5) Kill them

Population reduction is important for them so as to keep the masses to "manageable numbers".

So, these are a few of the tactics that chemtrails help accomplish.

They fatigue people, they dumb them down with tremendous brain fog and other mentally debilitating symptoms. They occupy them with medical bills and doctor visits for upper-respiratory conditions or other more serious diseases. They kill elderly people ("eaters" as the merchants call them) with barium-induced heart attacks. Then they hire morally-deficient sell-outs (Quackwatch) to spread disinformation so as to turn people against each other.

Chemtrails accomplish all of these things (and more) to the end of further empowering the already rich and powerful to take what little is left for the common man, woman, and family, and to finally bring all of them into the false faith that the man who will come and bring peace to the world is the Christ when in fact, it is only a replacement (ante).

I have read patent information about technology that enables voices to be transmitted directly into the heads of people once they are thoroughly ionized (filled with metal particulates) that involve barium and aluminum. I suppose there is a chance that this could be an attempt to influence people mentally in a very direct way and perhaps to recreate Pentecost when the anti-Christ arrives.

I have also read about the damaging effects that barium and aluminum have on crops.

It has been said that in order to control the mind of a man, you need simply to control his mouth. I suppose there will be severe food shortages in the future that will serve two purposes:

(1) To artificially fulfill the dramatic events of the Bible (drought, famine, etc.) in order to make it look as if the anti-Christ is actually the Christ, and

(2) to bring everyone into submission to taking The Mark of the Beast through "beneficent" food programs (give us your soul and we'll let you eat).

The Bible teaches that those who receive the mark will not be happy they did:

[color:"brown"]"And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he [color:"darkblue"]shall be tormented with fire and brimstone[/color] in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name."[/color]

—Revelation 14:9-11

Finally, the real Christ will come upon a world full of disillusioned and rebellious "world citizens" and will clean house for the second-to-last time.

Chemtrails may work in more ways to this end than I am aware of, but this is my present theory.

The Captian
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Re: Chemtrails? But Why Would They Do This To Us? #30606
01/21/08 12:14 AM
01/21/08 12:14 AM
Aaron  Offline
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That's pretty good, Russ. Yes, I see how the Antichrist could be coming in the near future.

To be more precise I think that the Illuminati refer to the elderly and many others as "useless eaters".

I notice how much people get caught up in sports and in TV shows and it doesn't make sense to me. Of course I've lived a life that has been much harsher than what most of them have experienced. That has opened my eyes to the evil that is in the world.

A Christian email friend that I have said that she believes that chemtrails might be real but conspiracy theories distract her from worshiping God so she tries to ignore them now. Maybe she has a point but I told her that I can't ignore the writing that I literally see in the sky. God has shown me something that most people can't see and I hope that he will use my knowledge to accomplish something good.

Re: Chemtrails? But Why Would They Do This To Us? #30607
01/22/08 03:11 AM
01/22/08 03:11 AM
Russ  Online Content
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I sadly don't go to church anymore because of the incredible apathy that I have found exists among so many church members. The people I've encountered (not all of them) are so skilled at making excuses not to get involved in things that would rob them of their time fishing, watching sports, or playing Everquest.

In one way it blows my mind but in another way it's perfectly logical because the Bible prophesied about the "end time", a time when church goers would become lazy and hire preachers who were "ticklers of their ears" (made them feel good) rather than tell them the truth (like hell is hot).

I don't like people to talk to me in a way that is deceptive but makes me feel good. I much more prefer a friend, family member, or wife that would have the love and the guts to say, "Hey, you're wrong about this." I would love them for that. It takes a true friend. I also love preachers who remind me that hell is very real and I had better keep myself pure so my conscience can be clean for my appointment with the Messiah (we all have one).

I would be so thrilled to find a church that is politically involved and motivated to make a difference in the area in which it resides. In fact, this is the job of the church. We are the watchmen on the wall, and if we are unwilling to tell people about chemtrails or similar crimes against humanity, then we are not doing our job as Christians.

The Church was to be looked at as a place people can go to find truth. It should not, therefore, be surprising that most scientific institutions and places of higher education were founded by Christians.

It's so disappointing when so-called Christians make excuses. When I was working with the political party, it was like pulling teeth to get people—including Christians—involved. This is our job. We should be fulfilling the role of the watchmen and uncovering corruption everywhere we find it.

Well, this is how it is, and I hope that, in the difficult days to come, people finally realize that it would have been easy to fix problems 20 years ago that will end up killing them 20 years later. You know... Prevention/Cure; Except in this case, there may be no cure for chemtrails, at least not one available to the public.

Hold on tight and keep the faith. God didn't guarantee that it would be easy. He only guaranteed that we could handle what we encountered.

The Bar Code and the Mark of the Beast

Loose Change (video)

Kennedy On Secret Societies

...for by your medication were all the nations deceived.

The Captian
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Truth #30608
01/23/08 10:28 PM
01/23/08 10:28 PM
Aaron  Offline
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I see your point, Russ. I'm sad to say that I also quit going to church but I did so for different reasons.

For some reason God has allowed us to see the truth about the world system. I don't know whether that's a blessing or a curse. For most people, even Christians, ignorance is bliss. However, I cannot deny the truth.

Today the skies over central Ohio were clear and sunny. I know that the chem bombers will come back soon. I'll probably be watching the skies for the rest of my life.

Re: Truth #30609
01/26/08 11:47 AM
01/26/08 11:47 AM
Elvis  Offline
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Welp, my mother-in law goes to Quaker meetings ( even though she is a Hindu, but her hubby is descended from George Fox, one a the founders, ( and BTW, they are both as old as Methuselah) but I digress...
So, point is, she got em all to watch "Zeitgeist" ( an I know it's not a fave with y'all who are Christians...) Nonetheless, it's opened a door for political discussion an those folks are REALLY takin on board the political nightmare we all are sleepwakin through, an they are determined to be part a the change. They are not at all pleased with the chemtrails and are puttin their heads together on this one.
Gotta hand it to em.

Re: Truth #30610
01/28/08 02:46 AM
01/28/08 02:46 AM
Russ  Online Content
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No, don't like the Zeitgeist film myself. It's very deceptive and inaccurate.

Nevertheless, here's another issues people might want to take a look at:
(Really should listen to the entire thing. It gets more and more interesting.)

The Captian
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Re: Truth [Re: Russ] #37230
07/08/08 03:02 AM
07/08/08 03:02 AM
Lynnmn  Offline
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Wow Russ, (((( Smiles ))))

The dumbing down of America I've heard of that..
Dumb them down, Occupy them, fatigue them and turn them
against each other.. We've allready seen that happen..
But I guess it gets much worse huh..

Barium induced heart attacks...
Public health officals warn that people with heart problems
or respiratory diseases , such as asthma , should avoid
the smokey celebrations, staying upwind or indoors..

Seems like they have been shoting barium over our heads for awhile now..
Decades worth.... Probably more then that...
Through fireworks and barium is highly poisonous...

They know it and they do it anyway...
And they warn us about it yet we can't excape it..
All thoses toxic ingrediants ignited over our heads...
And into our water supplies..

Ya.... Thats what they do....

Re: Truth [Re: Lynnmn] #39510
08/11/08 06:36 PM
08/11/08 06:36 PM
reardoc007  Offline
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If HN51 was released it would be the people with weakened immune systems that would survive.

The healthier the immune system, the more lethal the virus.

Re: Truth [Re: reardoc007] #39560
08/12/08 03:30 AM
08/12/08 03:30 AM
Russ  Online Content
Master Elite Member
Joined: Dec 1999
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First time I've heard that.

What's the reasoning for that?

The Captian
Today they call you "crazy". Tomorrow they call you "ahead of your time."
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Re: Truth [Re: Russ] #48580
03/16/09 04:56 AM
03/16/09 04:56 AM
Lynnmn  Offline
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Signs and miracles...

Share International on the Reappearence of Maitreya the World TeacherAbout the gradual emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher and the Masters of Wisdom.
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Maitreya The World Teacher He has been expected for generations by all of the major religions.
Christians know him as the Christ, and expect his imminent return. -

Chemtrails? But Why Would They Do This To Us?

Re: Truth [Re: Lynnmn] #48610
03/17/09 03:01 AM
03/17/09 03:01 AM
Lynnmn  Offline
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Chemtrails? Mercury..
Why would they do this to us??

Day of Declaration..

There be no room for doubt!

Maitreya is an Anuk or known as Annunaki. A fallen Watcher.
He will come claiming he is "Jesus" and try to imitate Jesus as the Messiah.
He is a False Messiah and False Prophet who will come to perform many miracles and herald the Antichrist as God.
He will perform miracles and speak religion but he is really the second beast of Revelation 13.
He will deceive many. Even most in the churches today.

Maitreya will be invited by the international media to speak directly to the entire world through the television networks linked together by satellites.
On this Day of Declaration, we will see his face on the television screen wherever we have access..

At the earliest possible moment, Maitreya will demonstrate His true identity.
On the Day of Declaration, the international television networks will be linked together, and Maitreya will be invited to speak to the world.

We will see His face on television, but each of us will hear His words telepathically in our own language as Maitreya simultaneously impresses the minds of all humanity.
Even those who are not watching Him on television will have this experience.

Something important to beware of is to NOT WATCH this worldwide television spectacle.
This Maitreya has dangerous mind control and hypnotic powers and will enslave the minds of those who watch him on television.

It also makes sense about the chemtrails that is comeing upon the world right now..
To condition all of us for this..
What Russ has said about this makes sense and when people see this..
There wil be no doubt that the reasons for it are true.
Project bluebeam and the endtime deception..
This is a supernatural event..
Yes the watchers..
The "giants where believed to be the offspring of fallen angels ( the Nephilim; also called Watchers) and human women..
The story of the giants derives from Genesis 6..
Also among the Quram texts are at least six, perhaps as many as eleven copies of the Book of Giants.
Enochic Book Of Giants (4Q532)

Re: Truth [Re: Lynnmn] #50789
06/09/09 03:06 AM
06/09/09 03:06 AM
Lynnmn  Offline
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Chemtrails Why Would They Do This To Us??

First, they are attempting to kill the older, retired population (above 65).

then they can introduce a pandemic that will be "socially accepted" as a natural occurrence.
The bug for this job is the Avian Bird Flu (H5N1).

Which will also kill the young..

And distribute pharmaceutical drugs that further hinder people's ability to think straight and function normally,
as the powers-that-be have always profited from disaster, chaos, and war..
In the Midst of War Fear and Famine..

A growing number of SIGNS & MIRACLES worldwide (crosses of light, healing waters, milk-drinking icons, weeping statues)
confirm Maitreya's presence among us, as do other remarkable signs of Maitreya's approach.

This is what he claims to be responsible for.
The Bible does not teach there will be a world wide revival during the time just prior to the Second Comeing of Christ,
but a world wide deception mainly through signs and wonders.
Again, the epistles speak of a falling away of the church toward the end of the age of grace.
{2nd Thessalonians 2:3}

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