About a year into my CFS I found a tick in my backside. I had considered Lyme but really didn't want to entertain the possibility especially after reading Lyme discussion forums where the people were suffering miserably with no way out (at least Mercury people have chelation).

After my recent filling removal I have seen a worsening of symptoms. I have been getting numb lips and increasing brain fog and fatigue.

I had already done some reading about Lyme and how the list of symptoms is similar to Mercury Toxicity, Candida, Thyroid, (name chronic condition here)...

I'm reading some of the alternative experts who believe Lyme is now spread through mosquito and fleas as well as ticks. Harvard researchers estimate 200,000 new cases every year. Meaning that a LOT of people can be infected but won't know it, consider it or ever get diagnosed.

It took me a while to warm up to the idea of Mercury poisoning and taken me longer to consider Lyme. I've read that Lyme has a synergistic (negative) effect with Mercury (like Candida does).

A lot of people with Lyme are getting relief with a newly published protocol developed by Stephen Buhner.

Scroll to middle of page:

To my suprise and joy I am responding well to Smilax and am also taking Andrographis, Knotweed and Cats Claw. In fact I had a truly amazing morning and sleep after taking 3 Smilax caps last Friday and my brain fog is all but gone in just a few days.

If your recovery has hit a plateau you might consider that Lyme could be a co-factor. Ignore all the reasons why you shouldn't have it and consider it. If these guys are correct and it can come from mosquitos then everyone probably has the lyme bacteria in their systems.

Anyway, give one or more of Buhner's supplements a try and see if they help. The Smilax is supposed to kill Lyme Spirochetes and mop up toxins also. The Knotweed and Selenium help counteract the quinolic acid which is a by product of the lyme.

The Sarsparilla costs me $5 US, the best $5 I ever spent.