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Those Who Call Conspiratorialists "Paranoid"

"There are two types of people who call conspiratorialists "paranoid":

(1) Those who conspire, and
(2) those who are paranoid."

"Those Who Conspire"

People who conspire to commit conspiracies call conspiracy researchers "paranoid" in order to discredit their character and to disassociate them from the populace. Ironically, it works because much of the populace are fearful and don't want to be associated with those called "paranoid" in the media. Such are fearful and are easily manipulated by the opinions of others.

The act of associating paranoia with the analytical process of linking large crimes and coverups, is nothing more than a character assassination followed by social disassociation; an age-old political technique used by swindlers and corrupt media spin doctors.

So why do "those who conspire" assassinate the characters of conspiracy researchers?

Because they "fear" that if too many people find out about the conspiracy they are conducting, they will eventually be caught, punished, and properly prosecuted. By assassinating the character of researchers, "those who conspire" hope to create a division between those who know the truth and the general public. By doing this, they attempt to limit the number of new people who discover that large-scale-coverups are typically provable, and hence, they hope to be able to continue to conspire unhindered by a growing public awareness of their activities (ultimately in an attempt to avoid punishment).

"Those Who Are Paranoid"

The truth is, everyone I've ever known who has researched global coverups and conspiracies has eventually become full-blown a conspiratorialist (one who believes that large-scale coverups exist). Yes, everyone..

This occurred because it is really quite easy to research many large-scale conspiracies because there is no lack of hard evidence supporting them.

One of the most fascinating deceptions used by globalists is that their lies are so plain and easy to find that the public has trouble believing they are lies at all. It's like leaving your gold coins in a dish on your living room table. The thief avoids them assuming they have no value because they're in plain sight.

See Why Does Irrational Propaganda Work Better?

The only people who do not know about the massive and convincing evidence supporting (virtually proving) numerous current global coverups are those who:

(1) Have never heard about such things, or
(2) Have heard about such things but are too afraid to learn more; they simply don't want to know and prefer to remain "willfully ignorant" (ignorant on purpose).

People who study and recognize the level of corruption currently in many governments of the world are not fearful in making statements about conspiracies. They are being scientific and analytical, and they are exuding formidable courage to pursue this research. They are not afraid to face hard truth. In contrast, fearful people avoid hard truth.

The irony about this accusation (that conspiracy researchers are paranoid) is that those who do nothing to learn about corruption and large coverups are, in reality, the fearful ones.

It can rightly be said that "they can't handle the truth". Yes, the opposite (of what the commonly-promoted myth claims—associating paranoia with conspiracy researchers) is in fact true.

In the 90s, I held meetings to educate people about the corruption that was occurring in government. The vast majority of people who attended a meeting never came to a second meeting. When I questioned these people about why they never came to a second meeting, they nearly invariably said that the information in the meetings was "too scary".

The phrase "Land of the free; Home of the brave" associates freedom with bravery because the author knew and understood well that without bravery, freedom is not possible. This is the reason we are currently losing personal freedoms today:

Because the majority of people are too afraid to face the evidence that reveals large-scale conspiracies within government and large corporations. In contrast, conspiracy researchers are truly brave and compassionate people attempting to warn others and putting themselves at risk to do it. They are not only brave, they are noble. Putting your reputation at risk in order to help others is generally considered an act of love.


People are finally waking up and realizing the level of corruption that so profoundly affects their lives. For this reason, the national and global political climate will intensify exponentially over the next few years.

During this time, more people will become aware of global coverups and conspiracies, and this shift will require corrupt governments to pass laws inhibiting speech against governments and speech related to conspiracy research. Additionally, laws will be passed that will detain more of the populace who have studied coverups and conspiracies enough to publicly claim that they believe the evidence.

The Courage and Nobility of A Conspiracy Researcher

The Declaration of Independence is - in fact - a listing of government conspiracies perpetrated against the founders of the United States which caused them to - in fact - declare their independence from that conspiring, corrupt government. That family member, friend, and coworker you call a "conspiracy theorist" is the first one willing to sacrifice their reputation to expose corruption so as to restore integrity and security to government. Give them the respect they deserve.

Love is...
Honestly considering the information your brother/sister/son/daughter/father/mother/friend/coworker gave you, even if you think he/she's just a conspiracy theorist. They cared enough to face rejection for your sake and they were brave enough to face ridicule. Now give them the credit they deserve.

Further Research

Corruption In Media

Corruption in Politics

Corruption in Health Care

Corruption in High Places

Corruption in Arkansas

Corruption in Climate

Corruption in Textbooks

Corruption in Agriculture

Corruption in the Newsroom

Corruption in the Skies

Corruption Everywhere

Attached Files Conspiracy Theory.jpg
Last edited by Russ; 12/10/23 12:30 PM.

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