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Everything I Know About Mercury

Related: The Emotional Effects of Mercury

Related: Rachel Reenstra: "Chemtrail Lung": What Chemical Aerosol-Injection is Doing to Your Body

Related: Interview with Russ Tanner: "MERCURY: The Profound Physical and Emotional Symptoms"

Related: Mercury is Destroying Your Health in Dozens of Ways and Everyone is Exposed

Related: The Mercury Apocalypse: Chemtrails Contain Mercury!

Related: "Mercury, Chemtrails, Detox, and The End of the Age"

What Is This?

I am continuing my research on mercury and mercury detox.

Instead of maintaining a private file on my computer with notes, I decided to make a sticky post here so others can benefit from this information as it becomes available. Because this is literally my "note pad", it may not be perfectly organized, but I'll be adding to it often.

Hopefully this information is beneficial to those suffering.

My Mercury Story

In case you're interested, I also have written my complete personal story about my battle and recovery from mercury toxicity. Click here to check it out.

This is not medical advice. This is only my attempt to share my personal research and experience. If you need help, consult a practitioner of your choice - while you still can.

Nutritional Effects

Mercury binds to (and therefore inhibits the availability of):
  • Selenium
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc (zinc often used for mercury spill cleanup)
  • Iodine
  • Sulfur (mercury blocks protein metabolism by occupying cysteine sulfur binding sites)

Biological/Chemical Effects

Mercury is extremely reactive and blocks numerous chemical-biological pathways in the body.
  • M blocks the conversion of thyroid hormone T4 (thyroxine) to T3 (triiodothyronine)(18)
  • M blocks the DHEAS pathway resulting in elevated testosterone which obstructs the homeocysteine -> glutathione pathway which results in lower glutathione levels which results in hindered metal detoxification.(19) This explains the current epidemic of precocious puberty.

Biological Effects

  • Thimerosal (ethylmercury) is an immune system suppressant ((Haley))
  • Thimerosal (ethylmercury) inhibits Phagocytosis (the cellular process of engulfing solid particles by the cell membrane) at 1 nanomolar (Phagocytosis is the first step in our "innate" immune system). ((Haley))
  • Aluminum - Used as an adjuvant in many vaccines that contain thimerosal (ethylmercury). Aluminum mixed with mercury increases toxicity perhaps 100x. ((Haley))
  • Antibiotics - Prevented animals from excreting mercury in studies. Also dramatically enhanced the toxicity of thimerosal (ethylmercury) to neurons in culture. ((Haley))
  • Tetracycline - 1974 study showed people wearing contacts using mercury-based contact solution got red eyes when taking Tetracycline because of the highly toxic interaction between mercury and tetracycline. ((Haley))
  • Doxycycline is a Tetracycline drug(17)
  • Antibiotics that increased the activity of glutathione reductase: streptomycin sulphate, gentamicin sulphate, netilmicin, teicoplanine, thiamphenicol, and ampicillin(16)
  • Antibiotics that decrease the activity of glutathione reductase: cefotaxime and cefodizime(16)
  • Testosterone dramatically affects toxicity of Thimerosal (ethylmercury). High testosterone children have a significantly higher autism rate. ((Haley))
  • "Milk allergies and antibiotics will stop a child's ability to get rid of mercury."(1)
  • Mitochondria in the liver are vital for ammonia detoxification. Mercury is known (or strongly-believed) to damage mitochondria hindering ammonia removal from the body. Chemtrails show several unique mercury-specific symptomatic indicators; in other words, chemtrails - in all likelihood - contain mercury.

Mercury-Associated Ailments and Diseases

Comprehensive List
  • Acne - Opportunistic infections cause by general immune suppression.
  • Allergies - Gut wall deterioration via mutated intestinal flora)
  • Apathy, Feelings of (especially toward property and personal affairs)
  • Asthma
  • Autoimmune Diseases (through methionine mimicry and other processes)
  • Amylotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
  • Ankylosing spondylitis
  • Arterial Sclerosis
    • Mercury activates an enzyme called phospholipase D (PLD) in cells which line blood vessel walls (endothelial cells). This activation causes the release of phosphatidic acid which damages the cells.(2) These damaged cells then accumulate cholesterol-based plaque leading to arterial sclerosis.
    • Kuopio Ischemic Heart Disease Risk Factor (KIHD) study: 2,005 men (ages 42 to 60) without heart disease are divided into four groups based on hair-mercury content and tracked for an average of 12 years. Those in the top 25 percent for hair mercury had a 60% increased risk of death from CVD. Those same men had a 70% increased risk of coronary heart disease.(7)
  • Acid Reflux - Caused by reduced digestive fluid production.
  • Alzheimer's Disease (See Beating Alzheimer's) Quote From Book Review: "He had the mercury removed from his teeth and it did not change things. However,some time later when his gums were x-rayed a tiny sliver of mercury was found in the gum tissue. He had surgery to remove this minute piece of mercury and at the moment of its removal he experienced complete lucidity."
  • Aneurysm
    • "The predisposing cause of aneurism is usually some constitutional tendency to arterial disease, which may perhaps be created by intemperance, syphilis, or the abuse of Mercury."(12)
    • Drs. John A. Kolmer and E. V. Mastin find globules of mercury in tissues of an aneurysm of the aorta of an African American which produced considerable erosion of the bodies of the 2nd through 5th dorsal vertebrae. During manipulation of the tissues, several large globules of mercury were discovered and a myriad of globules in the remainder of the wall of the aneurysm and the eroded tissues of the vertebrae.(11)
  • Anorexia Nervosa
  • Anxiety
  • Aspergers
  • Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Autism
  • Balding (hair loss) - Mercury induces hair loss through 2 known mechanisms:
    • Mercury raises dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which is well-known to kill hair follicles leading to hair loss and balding.
    • Mercury increases PGE2 (prostaglandin E2) levels leading to hair loss and balding. As usual, mainstream media reports the relationship between PGE2 and hair loss(14) but completely omits the critical relationship between mercury and PGE2.(15) Mainstream media (once again) blames genetics (mother nature) so they can ignore the fundamental solution, which is to eliminate mercury exposure, and instead promote profitable patentable compounds. We see the age-old machiavellian business model at work here. The regulatory agencies, which are wholly-controlled by big pharma, allow/promote the use of toxic mercury compounds (dentures, amalgam fillings, mercury-containing vaccines), then corporate-controlled mainstream media blames the resulting diseases on genetic deficiencies, pollution, or nature.
  • Blood in the Urine
  • Borderline Personality Disorder
  • "Brain Fog"
  • Bruising, Easy (and other vitamin C deficiency diseases as mercury displaces vitamin C)
  • Bruxism (Grinding Teeth)
    • "[Mercury's] normal pathway ... is via the trigeminal nerve which innervates all your teeth. The mercury enters and wanders to the trigeminal ganglion. This ganglion not only innervates teeth but also various masticatory muscles. The symptoms some people exhibit at night, the chewing and grinding of teeth, in most cases are caused by the poisoning of the trigeminal ganglion with mercury. The mouth of these people simply needs to be detoxified, and the chewing will stop."(13)
  • Bulimia
  • Calcium, Elevated Blood
  • Cancer
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Circadian Rhythm, Shifted (inability to sleep on a normal schedule)
  • Colitis
  • Constipation
  • Crohn's Disease
  • Dementia
    • I have heard from several people now who's parents plunged into dementia just weeks after having dentures installed. Considering that the red coloring in dentures is often made from cinnabar (mercury ore), this makes sense.
    • "...I decided to investigate the coloring agents in denture acrylic. It turns out that the pink coloring agents are cadmium sulfate and mercury sulfate."(8)
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Dizziness (loss of equilibrium)
  • Dysbiosis
    • Mercury mutates microorganisms in the gut which cause small perforations in the gut wall. Bacteria and fungus enter the gut wall and excrete acids that disable normal gut wall function leading to D.(10)
    • Helpful article: Mercury and Dysbiosis
  • Elevated Homocysteine (increases risk of heart disease)
  • Endocrine-Related Issues
  • Environmental Illness
  • Enlarged Prostate (Elevated DHT)
  • Farsightedness (see Nearsightedness)
  • Flatulence (gas)
  • Floaters In the Eyes
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Gastritis
  • Hair loss (Balding�Elevated DHT, Stimulates PGE2)
  • Headaches
  • Heart Arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat)
  • Heart Disease (see Arterial Sclerosis)
  • High Cholesterol
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Hyperglycemia
  • Hyperacusis (sensitivity to certain sounds)
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Immune Suppression (weak immune system leading to frequent general illness or numerous opportunistic infections)
  • Insomnia
  • Iodine Deficiency
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Juvenile Arthritis
  • Leaky Gut Syndrome
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Lupus Erythematosus
  • Magnesium, Deficiency
  • Manic Depressive Disorder
  • Memory Loss, Short-Term
  • Mole Formation (especially on the neck, underarms, inner thighs, and feet)
  • Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Myasthenia Gravis
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Nearsightedness & Farsightedness
    • Hg (mercury) alters thyroid function which changes eye interocular fluid pressure resulting in modified eye focal length resulting in N & F.(9)
  • Nose Bleeds
  • Oily Skin (Elevated DHT)
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Outbursts of Anger
  • Panic attacks
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Phobias, General
  • Photophobia (sensitivity to light from weak iris response)
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Salivating, Excessive
  • Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
  • Sciatica
  • Selenium Deficiency
  • Self Esteem, Lack of
  • Shyness
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Social Separation/Isolation
  • Spider Veins
  • Suicidal Thoughts
  • Sundowning - The phenomenon that occurs with those who have dementia where their symptoms get worse later in the day. This probably occurs because they typically remove their dentures at night and therefore have effectively stopped their mercury exposure by morning lessening symptoms. (The red coloring used in many/most dentures is based on mercury and cadmium.)
  • Tinnitus (Ringing In the Ears)
  • Ulcers - Ulcers are caused by the H. pylori bacteria This bacteria damages the lining of the stomach and small intestines causing about 10% of people with with this bacteria to develop ulcers. Mercury blocks the proper functioning of the gut immune system, arguably the largest part of your body's immune system. Mercury inhibits the production of Secretory Immunoglobulin A (SIgA) which is a critical part of your gut immune system. Low SIgA levels is believed to result in the overgrowth of H. pylori resulting in ulcers.
  • Vitamin C Deficiency
  • Weight Gain
  • White Coating On the Tongue
  • Yeast Syndrome/Candida
  • Zinc Deficiency
  • ...and many more.

Conversations I've Had With People Regarding Amalgam or Vaccine Experiences

Female, 20's: Been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Goes from doctor to doctor for 5 years trying numerous medications. Nothing changes. Become bedridden. Researches and finds out about mercury in amalgams. Has a few removed (as was affordable at the time). Fibromyalgia symptoms decrease immediately to the point she is able to return to work. Has more amalgams removed months later. Symptoms continue to decrease.

Male, 30's: Has amalgams since teen years. Now has many mercury symptoms. Against advice, he has amalgams removed by conventional dentist. No special mercury precautions taken. His wife calls me anxiously and says he is now unable to work and has been diagnosed with fibromyalgia.

Female, 30's: Has all amalgams removed by convention dentist using no special mercury protection. The next day she is hospitalized for 3 days for generic pain, fatigue, headaches, and stomach issues. Doctors have no idea what is wrong.

Female: Gets several amalgams placed in early 20's. Within days, becomes severely nearsighted. Now having full-scale mercury symptoms.

Male: Shyness, terrible anxiety, panic attacks. Problems began to occur just after amalgam placement a few years ago.

Female: Nurse experiences 50% hair loss and loss of libido within weeks of taking a flu shot which her job required. (flu shots contain mercury).

Female cleans up remains of broken Compact Fluorescent Light bulb (CFL) and begins experiencing common mercury symptoms: Pain/muscle soreness, loss of strength in hands, swelling, unable to move wrist, pain in neck, shoulders and legs, general fatigue/tiredness, and weight gain.

Spoke to a woman whose mother got dentures. Within days, the mother falls into severe Dementia (condition persists today). Dr. Huggins states that the red coloring in some dentures contains a coloring agent made of cadmium sulfate and mercury sulfate.(8) Some inks used for red tattoos also contain mercury. Cinnabar, the natural ore of mercury, is red.

Spoke to a woman who had 3 mercury tests nearly the same time. Hair test showed very low mercury. Blood test showed very low mercury. Urine Challenge test showed extremely high mercury. This experience underscores the fact that blood and hair tests are useless in detecting mercury toxicity (Haley). Although it does work, the Urine Challenge test is normally not recommended because it mobilizes a lot of body-mercury, which can be dangerous.

The vast majority of people that I've spoken to were told to conduct a simple blood test by their doctor to detect mercury poisoning. Blood tests are useless in detecting mercury toxicity. If your practitioner is using a blood test to test for mercury, you may want to consider finding a practitioner who knows better.

My Personal Experience


  • Fatigue - Began couple years before removal; Could only work 4 hours per day; Extreme fatigue after BM (nap often required). Fatigue gone day after amalgam removal. Returned after chemtrail exposure in 2005.
  • Dark circles under eyes - Began couple years before removal. Gone day after amalgam removal
  • Constipation - Began about 10 years before removal. Increased in severity over time. Gone day after amalgam removal. Returned after chemtrail exposure in 2005.
  • Nausea After Eating/Metallic Taste in Mouth - Began last year before amalgam removal. Gone immediately after amalgam removal.
  • Ringing in the ears (tinnitus) - Began in teen years, a few years after amalgam placement. Became severe last few years before removal. Would have spells of loud ringing that would drown out all other soundand last 5 to 30 seconds. Completely day after amalgam removal. Returned after chemtrail exposure in 2005.
  • Weight Gain - Weight shot up from 180 (32" waist) to 250 in about 5 years. Unable to lose weight. Weight loss began without trying within 1 year after amalgam removal. Lost a couple inches off waist without exercise.
  • Thinning Hair - Began to be noticeable the last year before removal. After removal, hair loss stopped. Loss began again during heavy chemtrail exposure in 2006.
  • Candida - Redness under arms, itchiness on skin - Gone day after amalgam removal. Returned sporadically after chemtrail exposure in 2006.
  • Insomnia - Typically 2 hours to get to sleep. Day after amalgam removal, took 5 to 10 minutes to get to sleep. Mild sleep issues began again in 2006 after heavy chemtrail exposure.
  • Low Immune Function - Very physical all my life: Racquetball daily, biking, weight lifting daily. Couple years before removal, a single workout would cause flu-like symptoms. Problem gone day after amalgam removal. Problem returned after heavy chemtrail exposure in 2006.
  • Low Blood Sugar - Gone immediately after removal. Problem returned sporadically in 2006 after heavy chemtrail exposure.
  • Tingling in Hands & Feet - This happened several times per day. Problem stopped day after amalgam removal. Problem started again to lessor degree after heavy chemtrail exposure in 2006.
  • Constantly Feeling Hot - Always felt uncomfortable if room temperature was above 70 degrees. After removal, this went away immediately.
  • Grinding Teeth at Night - This increased the last couple years before amalgam removal and became so bad that I would wake up with blood in my mouth. Gone the day after amalgam removal.
  • Heartburn - After nearly every meal. Had to take HCl (hydrochloric acid) supplement to control it. Problem gone the day after amalgam removal. Problem returned with heavy chemtrail exposure in 2006.
  • Oily Skin - In mornings and after eating oily foods, or sugar or caffeine. Problem gone immediately after amalgam removal. Problem returned with heavy chemtrail exposure in 2006.
  • Cracking Joints - All major joints cracked. Neck would make grinding sound when turning my head. Problem gone after amalgam removal. Problem returned with heavy chemtrail exposure in 2006.
  • Sweating During Sleep - Woke up with drenched sheets. Problem only occurred last year before amalgam removal. Gone after amalgam removal. Problem returned somewhat with heavy chemtrail exposure in 2006.
  • Tight & Twitching Muscles - Daily problem. Gone after amalgam removal. Problem returned with heavy chemtrail exposure in 2006.
  • Sweating on Skin Contact - Sitting on booth at restaurant, left sweat on booth. Put arms on table would leave visible moisture within 2 minutes. Gone after amalgam removal. Problem returned with heavy chemtrail exposure in 2006.
  • Loss of Breath/Heart Weakness - When simply standing up, would have to pause to catch breath. Gone day after amalgam removal. Heart would beat very hard when trying to get to sleep. Gone day after amalgam removal. Problem returned with heavy chemtrail exposure in 2006. Problem now managed with reduced potassium intake.
  • Itchy Eyes - Eyes would itch horribly several times a day. Would have to rub them. Problem started shortly after amalgam placement. Problem gone immediately after amalgam removal.
  • Sensitivity to Sudden Noises - Strange issue, like being unable to divert attention from ears. Clapping hands were painful. Problem began about 5 years before amalgam removal. Problem stopped day after amalgam removal. Problem returned somewhat with heavy chemtrail exposure in 2006.
  • Moles - Had slow continuous formation of moles (beginning as skin tags) in high lymphatic drain areas (neck, underarms, inner thighs, lower back). This is caused by mercury elimination through these areas which causes mutations. Problem began when amalgams were placed in teen years. Problem accelerated in last 5 years before amalgam removal. Problem stopped completely after amalgam removal. Problem returned somewhat with heavy chemtrail exposure in 2006.
  • Eye Sensitivity to Light - Eyes hurt when exposed to bright light suddenly. Never seems to totally adjust to bright light. Problem stopped just after amalgams were removed. Problems returned with heavy chemtrail exposure in 2006.
  • Eye Persistence - Persistent images (images that remain after looking at something bright) continued for longer and longer times after exposure to bright objects or light. This became more pronounced the last 2 years before amalgam removal. Problem stopped immediately after amalgam removal. Problem returned somewhat with heavy exposure to chemtrails in 2006.
  • Dramatic Reactions to Caffeine and Sugar - When ingesting caffeine or sugar, I would have powerful "high" which would turn to a dramatic low about an hour or two later. Ingesting caffeine or sugar after 3pm would cause me not to be able to get to sleep until very late, and I would have a horrible night of sleep. After amalgam removal, I could drink any amount of caffeine or sugar and experience only a slight high after. No amount of sugar or caffeine would interfere with sleep. Problem returned with heavy chemtrail exposure in 2006.
  • Shifted Circadian Rhythm - I was unable to sleep on a normal cycle. I usually could only get to sleep in the morning after sunrise. Shifting my sleep cycle was difficult. After removal, it was easy to shift my sleep cycle and get on a normal cycle at will.
  • Grogginess After Oversleeping - Beginning with amalgam placement in early teen years, if I slept for 30 minutes or more over my usual 7 hours, I would feel groggy and fatigued and have brain fog the entire day. Problem stopped immediately after amalgam removal. Problem returned somewhat after heavy chemtrail exposure in 2006.
  • Aches and Pains When Underslept - Beginning with amalgam placement in early teen years, if I got less than 6 1/2 hours of sleep, I would feel tired and very achy all day. After amalgam removal, I could go up to 3 days with little sleep each night with little consequence (still feel good). Problem returned somewhat after heavy chemtrail exposure in 2006.
  • Stomach Gas and Cramping - A constant problem since amalgam placement in early teen years. Problem stopped nearly completely just after amalgam removal. Problem returned somewhat after heavy chemtrail exposure in 2006.
  • Sugar Cravings - Had severe sugar cravings almost all the time. Problem stopped after amalgam removal. Problem returned after heavy exposure to chemtrails in 2006.
  • White Coating on Tongue - Had this since just a few years after amalgams placed. Problem stopped within days of amalgam removal. Problem returned somewhat after heavy exposure to chemtrails in 2006.
  • Inability To Digest Fats - Beginning about 10 years before amalgam removal, I found when I ate food high in fat, that I would get these symptoms: Headaches, Achy Joints, Tiredness, Brain Fog, Cold Skin. With some research I discovered that this is caused by an under active liver not producing necessary enzymes. Under these conditions, fats in the blood cause red blood cells to stick together and become unable to pass through thin capillaries. This causes oxygen starvation and consequently, pain (and sometimes coldness). I managed the problem with Fat Grabbers and Lecithin. This problem stopped immediate after amalgam were removed. This problem returned with heavy chemtrail exposure in 2006.


Most of my emotional issues occurred very soon after amalgam placement in my early teen years.

  • Depression - Lived with this throughout teen years (after amalgam placed). Very severe. Didn't know I had it. Gone day after amalgam removal.
  • Suicidal Thoughts - Lived with this throughout teen years (after amalgams place). Constantly wanted to die to escape emotional pain. Gone day after amalgam removal.
  • Anxiety - Inner anxiety and general fear since teen amalgan placement. Gone within weeks of amalgam removal. Problem returned with heavy chemtrail exposure in 2006.
  • Poor Memory - Able to remember concepts and people's faces. Not able to remember names, date, or places. Problem began with amalgam placement in early teen years. Problem increased in severity about 5 years before amalgam removal. About 2 years after amalgam removal, short-term memory improved to being far better than ever before. Long-term memory also improved dramatically. The change was dramatic. I began remembering the names of school-mates from 6th grade. Problem partially returned with heavy chemtrail exposure in 2006.
  • Shyness - Extremely shy and withdrawn throughout teen years after amalgam placement. Gone about 1 year after amalgam removal. Huge personality change for the better.
  • Fear of Commitment - Inability to trust myself or desire to wait for something better. Gone about 1 year after amalgam removal.
  • Fear of Confrontation - Could not confront anyone. Avoided uncomfortable situations. Fear done about 2 years after amalgam removal.
  • Apathy about Personal Issues (money/property/health) - Problem started after amalgam placement in teen years. This problem was gone about 2 years after amalgam removal.
  • Short Attention Span - Difficulty listening and focusing on conversation. Often acted hyper (Autism/ADHD?). Problem began with amalgam placement in teen years. Problem gone about 1 year after amalgam removal. Problem returned with heavy chemtrail exposure in 2006.
  • Poor Reading Comprehension - Drifting mind make it impossible to stay focused. Mind would drift while reading and would have to read paragraphs over and over. Problem started after amalgam placement in teen years. Problem gone about 1 year after amalgam removal. Problem returned with heavy chemtrail exposure in 2006.
  • Critical Personality - Was critical of myself and other people. Began a few years after amalgam placement. Gone about 1 year after amalgam removal.
  • OCD-Like Symptoms - Lack of organization caused anxiety. Inability to multitask. Problem went away day after amalgam removal. Problem returned somewhat with heavy chemtrail exposure in 2006.
  • Erethism - Excessive sensitivity or rapid reaction to stimulation of a part of the body. A state of abnormal mental excitement or irritation. This is likely a result of mercury-induced GABA (a neuroregulator) deficiency.
  • General Fearful Thoughts - Experienced fearful thoughts of bad things happening all the time. Especially true during times like driving; Would imagine car accidents, etc. These thoughts prevented me from sleeping in car while moving. After amalgam removal, there were no fearful thoughts. Sleeping in car is no longer a problem. Problem returned slightly after heavy chemtrail exposure in 2006.
  • Fear of Public Speaking - Mind would continuously have thoughts of messing up or becoming embarrassed before or during public speaking. Make public speaking difficult and fearful. Problem within a year after amalgam removal. Problem returned somewhat after heavy chemtrail exposure in 2006.
  • Fear of Dark - Mind would continuously have thoughts of horrible things happening in dark rooms. Make being in dark places difficult and fearful. Problem stopped soon after amalgam removal. Problem returned somewhat after heavy chemtrail exposure in 2006.
  • Fear of Heights - Mind would continuously have fearful thought of falling when in an elevated place. Problem stopped within a year of amalgam removal. Problem returned somewhat after heavy chemtrail exposure in 2006.
  • Racing Thought Trying To Sleep - Problem began in teen years. Grew in severity last 10 years before amalgam removal. Problem stopped immediately after amalgam removal. Problem began again with heavy chemtrail exposure in 2006.
  • Vivid Dreams - My dreams became very vivid the last 5 years before amalgam removal. It got to the point where I occasionally could not tell if something really happened or was a dream. Problem stopped immediately after amalgam removal. Problem returned somewhat with heavy chemtrail exposure in 2006.
  • Looping Songs or Phrases - This is a problem that started in my early teen years (after amalgams were placed). It became noticeably more intense the last 5 years before amalgam removal, and finally became horribly distracting the last year before amalgam removal. The problem stopped completely after amalgam removal; A dramatic change. The problem returned to a medium degree after heavy chemtrail exposure in 2006.

  • Personal symptomatic analysis suggests that mercury is present in chemtrails, being that I have seen a dramatic return of many mercury-related symptoms (after 4.5 years without) with the appearance of chemtrails.
  • My suspicion confirmed when TV station detects mercury in chemtrail sample. Sample also contained lead, arsenic, aluminum, barium, mycoplasma, and mold spores.

Controlling Symptoms of Mercury Poisoning

Easy Bruising

This is caused by Vitamin C deficiency because mercury interferes with Vitamin C metabolism. This makes it necessary to substantially increase dosages when you're mercury toxic.

Depending on weight, people often take between 2000mg and 8000mg per day. It's best to spread the dosages out over the course of the day because Vitamin C is water soluble and levels decrease over time.


This is caused by severe magnesium depletion by mercury. Solution: Increase magnesium intake to between 1600mg to 3200mg per day. Excess magnesium is harmlessly eliminated through the kidneys. Effect is cumulative so intake could be decreased to about half after a couple days.

Mercury's blockage of magnesium explains why those who are mercury toxic often show elevated calcium in blood tests. When magnesium is blocked, calcium cannot be utilized and therefore remains elevated in the blood.

Fatigue/Achy Muscles

I nearly completely eliminated this problem by taking a combination of 2 Adrenal Support per day and 1 Thyroid Support per day.

For some people, this could be related to a fungal (mold) issue, as modern chemtrails have been tested and shown to contain mold spores. An excellent solution for this is Yeast/Fungal Detox.


While mercury toxic, I nearly completely eliminated heartburn by taking PDA in the middle of every substantial meal.

Heartburn is usually caused by a low acid condition in the stomach. This is why adding acid to the stomach normally solves this problem.

Mercury binds to chlorine in the stomach's hydrochloric and interferes with the body's digestive acid production. This causes a low acid condition. Under this condition, acidic gasses form and attempt to work their way up through the stomach and esophagus causing heartburn.

Ringing in the Ears

Eliminate caffeine and sugar. Even a single sip of coffee would start the ringing again. Zero caffeine and sugar stopped ringing with moderate chemtrail/mercury exposure. Later, with heavy exposure, the ringing was only reduced to manageable levels.

It is my theory that excitotoxins, such as mercury and MSG, cause the false firing and eventually the death of the cells in the ear. These cells convert the physical motion of the tiny hairs that pick up sound waves (stereocilia) into electrical impulses.

Racing Thoughts While Trying to Sleep

I have been able to keep this manageable using GABA.

This was one of the most difficult symptoms to live with as it literally took me 2 hours to get to sleep each night, and nothing I tried taking helped, until I found GABA. It didn't make the problem go away 100%, but it did make the problem manageable.

Sugar Cravings

I controlled this completely by taking 2 GTF Chromium each day. This made my sugar cravings go away completely.

I tried using Chromium Picolinate but it had no effect at all. I found some research stating that it was just a patented form that is useless to the body.

Mercury Detox

There are three schools of thought dominating the process of mercury detox today:

1. The Cutler Protocol (DMSA)

The Cutler Protocol was developed by Dr. Andrew Cutler who wrote the book Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment, which is considered one of the standard sources of information about mercury toxicity.

The Cutler Protocol involves the use of DMSA and Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA) to remove mercury from the body.

DMSA has been the substance of choice for years for detoxing mercury from children who have autism. Many (or most) children who complete this protocol have had complete relief from autism symptoms, despite the media blackout on this information.

Unfortunately, the FDA recently made DMSA much harder to attain by effectively changing it's classification from an over-the-counter supplement to a by-prescription-only drug. Companies that produce DMSA have confirmed this in response to our queries.

Neverthless, many have experienced marked improvements in their mercury-related conditions using The Cutler Protocol. As a result, many now passionately endorse it.

The advantage of this method is that it normally has manageable side effects because of limited mercury redistribution. The disadvantage is that DMSA may become difficult to attain, and probably will become much more expensive due to the new FDA restrictions. You will (eventually) have to find a doctor that understands mercury and DMSA, which is difficult because doctors are typically not properly trained in mercury treatments and therefore don't understand the diagnosis or health implications involved.

You can learn more about The Cutler Protocol by clicking this link:

2. Oxidative Stress Relief (OSR#1)

Oxidative Stress Relief (N,N'-bis(2-mercaptoethyl)isophthalamide) is a new product associated with the renown Dr. Haley.

Dr. Haley has done remarkable work exposing the pharmaceutical coverup of the relationship between vaccine-induced methylmercury (very similar in reactivity and structure to Thimerosal's ethylmercury and believed by chemists and biologists to have the same health effects) and autism (and numerous other diseases). He has served as chemistry chair for the University of Kentucky and is well known as a leader in helping people find solid information in relation to mercury and autism.

OSR#1 is a product associated with Dr. Haley and is being marketed as a generalized anti-oxidant. Nevertheless, the chemical structure of the product dictates is usefulness for the removal of mercury from the body. It's possible that the product is marketed as a generalized supplement to avoid the prohibitive FDA costs involved in attaining FDA permission to make other claims.

Many across the internet are touting their personal successes using OSR#1 with their autistic children and with their own cases of mercury poisoning. On the other hand, there has been a considerable anti-OSR smear campaign from pharmaceutical and mainstream media, which often indicates that a product is a potential threat to pharmaceutical profits.

OSR#1 is expensive and because of high demand, is currently only distributed through doctors. The manufacturer's website -- CTI Science -- states that OSR#1 may become available directly to the public when the company is better able to keep up with current demand.

The advantage of this method is that is has only a limited potential for mercury redistribution, although Dr. Cutler has claimed that mercury redistribution with this product may be somewhat more problematic than with DMSA. The disadvantage of this product is that it can be difficult to attain (which may change in the near future) and is currently expensive.

Following is a link to the manufacturer's website:

The product is currently available for sale to the public at this location: (link unavailable)

Dr. Haley (inventor of OSR) speaks about OSR:

3. The Sulfur Method

It is becoming more accepted to perform mercury detox in 3 stages:
  • Phase I: Shallow Lower Body Detox
  • Phase II: Deep Lower Body Detox
  • Phase III: Upper Body Detox

Detox of the head is normally saved until last to protect the brain against additional mercury damage caused by redistribution of mercury from the lower body.

When taking mercury detox supplements, most people initially take very small amounts and then increase over a period of weeks. When they begin to feel bad, they back off a little.

This is normally done because any detox makes you feel worse at first, and mercury detox can make you feel bad for a long time. By backing off on the amount of mercury detox supplements you take, you can continue to detox without it interfering with your life.

The advantage of this method is that it is inexpensive and uses readily available supplements. The disadvantage is that simple sulfur supplements may not hold on to mercury as strongly as DMSA or OSR#1, and therefore may have an increased chance of mercury redistribution and (therefore) symptoms during detox.

Phase I: Shallow Lower Body Detox

Lower body means everything below the head.

During this stage, we detox mercury stores that are easier to get to using sulfur supplements like chlorella or MSM, . The sulfur in these substances attaches to mercury (mercury and sulfur bind together) and pulls it out of body tissue into the blood.

Once in the blood, about 90% is removed by the liver and thrown into the large intestines along with bile. About 10% is removed by the kidneys and eliminates through the urine.

Once mercury is in the large intestine, it is readily reabsorbed by the body. It is vital to prevent this reabsorption by taking Algin, which absorbs the mercury and prevents its reabsorption.

During this stage, supplements should be taken that provide protection against mercury-induced oxidation.

Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids is generally used to protect the body against damage. Adults take between 2000mg and 8000mg spread out throughout the day.

Vitamin E with Selenium is generally used to protect the brain against damage. Adults take between 800iu and 1200iu per day.

This stage of detox generally takes 2 to 12 months.

Phase II: Deep Lower Body Detox

Lower body means everything below the head.

During this stage, we detox mercury stores that are harder to get to using two types of mercury mobilization:

(1) Cilantro
(2) A general sulfur supplement (chlorella, MSM, etc.)

Cilantro is known to remove mercury from the central nervous system.(3) It moves mercury, aluminum, lead and tin from the brain and spinal cord. These metals are then generally transported into "shallower" tissue stores such as connective tissues (tendons, ligaments).(4) This action is useful to get the mercury out of those locations and into tissue more accessible by sulfur supplements (see next section) that pick it up and carry it to the liver for elimination.

The use of cilantro with DMSA or DMPS has produced an increase in motor nerve function.(5)

Fresh cilantro can be used from the store. Use organic if possible. Start with very small amounts and increase over time.

You can use sulfur supplements like chlorella or MSM. The sulfur in these substances attaches to mercury (mercury and sulfur bind together) and pulls it out of body tissue into the blood.

Once in the blood, about 90% is removed by the liver and thrown into the large intestines along with bile. About 10% is removed by the kidneys and eliminates through the urine.

Once mercury is in the large intestine, it is readily reabsorbed by the body. It is vital to prevent this reabsorption by taking Algin, which absorbs the mercury and prevents its reabsorption.

During this stage, supplements should be taken that provide protection against mercury-induced oxidation.

Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids is generally used to protect the body against damage. Adults take between 2000mg and 8000mg spread out throughout the day.

Vitamin E with Selenium is generally used to protect the brain against damage. Adults take between 800iu and 1200iu per day.

This stage of detox generally takes 1 to 6 months.

Phase III: Deep Upper Body Detox

Upper body means everything above the neck (the head).

During this stage, we focus on detoxing mercury stores in the brain. We normally use 2 supplements for this:

(1) Alpha-Lipoic Acid
(2) A general sulfur supplement (chlorella, MSM, etc.)

The Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA) binds to mercury in the brain and pulls it into the blood. A sulfur supplement assists in this removal process.

Once in the blood, about 90% is removed by the liver and thrown into the large intestines along with bile. About 10% is removed by the kidneys and eliminates through the urine.

Once mercury is in the large intestine, it is readily reabsorbed by the body. It is vital to prevent this reabsorption by taking Algin, which absorbs the mercury and prevents its reabsorption.

During this stage, supplements should be taken that provide protection against mercury-induced oxidation.

Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids is generally used to protect the body against damage. Adults take between 2000mg and 8000mg spread out throughout the day.

Vitamin E with Selenium is generally used to protect the brain against damage. Adults take between 800iu and 1200iu per day.

This stage of detox generally takes 2 to 12 months.

The First-Born "A"-Type Personality and Mercury

It's well known that first-born children often have type-"A" personalities. These are types that worry more often than others, have higher stress levels, more depression, more general health issues, and higher rates of heart disease (when accompanied with higher levels of expressed anger or hostility)(6)

A small sampling of other health problems associated with type-A personalities include:

  • Facial Tension (Tight Lips, Clenched Jaw, Etc.)
  • Tongue Clicking or Teeth Grinding
  • Dark Circles Under Eyes
  • Facial Sweating (On Forehead or Upper Lip)

What no one seems to be talking about is that first born children absorb the highest levels of mercury when compared to siblings. In fact, so much mercury is transferred from mother to child that mothers often experience lowered mercury levels after pregnancy, as if they've been through a mercury-detox program.

Should we be surprised to find that all of the physical health problems and emotional issues that are so prevalent in first-born children are also those associated with mercury toxicity?

Something worth thinking about.

Dietary Considerations


  • Caffeine - Enables mercury to pass through cell walls ((Haley)). Eliminating caffeine from diet can ease mercury symptoms.

High Sulfur Foods

Sulfur mobilizes mercury form body tissue into the blood. Sulfur is good during mercury detox, but can cause symptoms to rise. It should generally be avoided before amalgams are removed.

Below is a list of high-sulfur foods.

  • Asparagus
  • Avocado
  • Blueberries
  • Broccoli
  • Brussel Sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Caluiflower
  • Cabbage
  • Carrots
  • Cheese
  • Cherries
  • Chives
  • Coconut
  • Eggs
  • Garlic
  • Grapes
  • Grains
  • Kale
  • Kohlrab
  • Leeks
  • Legumes
  • Meat Protein
  • Mustard
  • Nuts & Seeds
  • Onions
  • Pak Choi
  • Parsley
  • Radishes
  • Red Peppers
  • Rutabaga
  • Shallot
  • Swiss Chard
  • Tomatoes
  • Turnips
  • Watercress

High Sulfur Preservatives

  • Sulfur Dioxide
  • Sodium Sulfite
  • Sodium Bisulfite
  • Sodium Metabisulfite
  • Potassium Bisulfite
  • Potassium Metabisulfite


  • Schizandra enhances
  • Vitamin B2 maintains
  • ALA can raise levels (increases de novo synthesis)
  • Milk Thistle increases intra-cellular levels; Silymarin (the active ingredient in Milk Thistle) prevents depletion by facilitating synthesis of
  • Asparagus stems are most abundant dietary source of
  • Broccoli contains
  • Methionine is an essential component for glutathione synthesis; increases bioavailability of
  • Cysteine is a component of
  • NAC is a precursor to; one of the most effective antioxidants for increasing levels of; stimulates synthesis
  • Selenium is required for activity of
  • Dairy products (milk, cheese) inhibit production of
  • Tylenol inhibits production of(1)


  • Study: Mothers with 10 or more amalgam fillings had children. Children with autism had 12-times less mercury in hair tests. Conclusion: Autistic children do not excrete mercury as well as non-autistic. ((Haley))

Related Articles

Mercury, Autism, and the Global Vaccine Agenda (A Must-Watch Video)

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The Dental Amalgam Conspiracy

Reversing Autism Facebook Group

Do Chemtrails Contain Mercury?

National Autism Association: What Causes Autism?


(1) Ayoub MD, D. "Mercury, Autism & The Global Vaccine Agenda."
(2) Science Daily, May 1, 2007, "Mercury's Link To Heart Disease Begins In Blood Vessel Walls",
(3) Omura Y, Beckman SL Role of mercury (Hg) in resistant infections & effective treatment of Chlamydia trachomatis and Herpes family viral infections (and potential treatment for cancer) by removing localized Hg deposits with Chinese parsley and delivering effective antibiotics using various drug uptake enhancement methods. Acupunct Electrother Res. 1995;20(3-4): 195-229
(4) Dr. Mercola, Mercury Toxicity and Systemic Elimination Agents,, last accessed 10/2/2009
(5) Ewan KB, Pamphlett R Increased inorganic mercury in spinal motor neurons following chelating agents. Neurotoxicology 1996;17(2):343-349
(6) Willams, R. B. (2001). Hostility: Effects on health and the potential for successful behavioral approaches to prevention and treatment. In A. Baum, T. A. Revenson & J. E. Singer (Eds.) Handbook of Health Psychology. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
(7) Jyrki K.Virtanen M.S.c., R.D.; Sari Voutilainen Ph.D., R.D.; Tiina H. Rissanen, M.Sc, R.D.; Jaakko Mursu, M.Sc, R.D.; Meri Vanharanta, M.Sc, R.D.; Kari Seppanen; and Jari Laukkanen, M.D., "Mercury Ups Heart Disease Risk" (last accessed 8/25/2010), Science Daily
(8) Dr. Hal Huggins, "It's All In Your Head", Avery Publishing Group, 1993, p.49
(9) J M Cross1, C A Girkin1, C Owsley1, G McGwin, Jr; "The association between thyroid problems and glaucoma", Br J Ophthalmol, 2008;92:1503-1505
(10) J. Wireman, MJ Vimy, FL Lorscheider, B. Marshall, SB Levy, S. Bennett, L. Billard; "Mercury Released from Dental Silver Fillings Provokes and Increase in Mercury- and Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria in Oral and Intestinal Floras of Primates", Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, April 1993
(11) John A. Kolmer, E. V. Mastin, "Globules of Metallic Mercury in the Tissues"; JAMA, May 4, 1918
(12) W. H. Smith, Smith's Family Physician, "Anerurism", 1873
(13) D Klinghardt, MD PhD, Dr. Patricia Kane PhD, Lecture at Eidgen�ssische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Z�rich, April 2003
(14) Helen Briggs, Clue to male baldness discovered, BBC Health News, March 21, 2012
(15) Sraer JD, Baud L, Sraer J, Delarue F, Ardaillou R., Stimulation of PGE2 synthesis by mercuric chloride in rat glomeruli and glomerular cells in vitro, PubMed
(16) M.Erat, H Sakiroglu, M. Ciftci, Effects of some antibiotics on glutathione reductase from bovine erythrocytes, Veterinary Research Institute, Brno, Czech Republic
(17) Doxycycline,
(18) Dr. David Ayoub, Autism: A Unique Form of Mercury Poisoning, Foundation for Autism Information and Research lecture, 2006

Last edited by Russ; 11/19/23 11:25 AM.

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