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Cindy from New York: My Mercury Story

Way back in 1974 I had a mouthful of accumulated cavities that I had postponed attending to. Consequently, I had 12 teeth filled within a six week span of time. Within two months after completion I began having panic attacks, vague body aches, digestive disturbances, difficulty swallowing and rapidly deteriorating vision. I landed in the hospital for a complete round of standard tests, which all yielded negative results. The doctor, not knowing what else to do, put me on five tranquilizers a day.

In the years that followed, all the problems intensified. Food intolerances were added to the list. White flour, sugar and aged foods made me spacy and something hijacked my memory, which made working at any job extremely difficult. The fatigue and brain fog became so bad that it was all I could do to drag myself through my days at work. Needless to sway, I was an underachiever. I had no energy left over to achieve anything.

It wasn't until after my daughter was born that I heard of a homeopathic doctor in ****, PA who put me on a low yeast diet, an antihistamine and a form of caprylic acid. After a month of this regimen I was feeling much better than I had in hears. After about 3 months passed however, all my symptoms had gradually returned full force so I made the trek back down to see the doctor and begged him for more "medication". Again, I felt much better after the treatment only to have it return again in a few months.

At least now I had a remote clue as to what was wrong. Foods in my diet were feeding the candida, but what was causing it to be so persistent? Why couldn't I shake it? I wasn't until much researching that I found that some people never get cured until they have all of their dental amalgams removed and replaced. I started thinking back to when all of this began and BINGO! I went right back to the time of the dental work. It all made perfect sense. Prior to the fillings I was as healthy a a horse. Rarely ever sick.

I have since, through research and trial and error, come up with an arsenal of supplements that make my life tolerable and give me adequate energy to live normally but still not enough vitality to live life fully, so through much consideration I have decided to have all of my dental work replaced. At the present time I have had all the preliminary work done and am waiting for my first appointment in a week with a dentist trained in the proper protocol. I will let you know how all turns out upon completion.

The Captian
Today they call you "crazy". Tomorrow they call you "ahead of your time."
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