Swirl abstractDr. Tenpenny's Website
News from OsteoMed II and DrTenpenny.com Sept 21, 2009
clay by wall-Iraq

Dr. Clay is back!
We're proud of you, Dr. Clay, and we're glad he is home.
Dr. Clay is scheduling patients on Fridays throughout the fall season. Make your appointment today! 
If you were an Osteomed patient years ago, you are always welcome in our office to be seen by any member of our multi-specialty team!
Phone (440) 239-3438
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Parker Hannifin, headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio is a global manufacturer of motion control products, including fluid power systems, electromechanical controls and related components.
About Insurance:
Your insurance may pay for a portion of your program.
You may be interested in CareCredit. This program will can cover your office visits and even your supplement program.
You can apply on line.
Most of our patients get between 30 and 85% of their money refunded AFTER their deductible has been met.


Back to School
A Problem Paying Attention
is not a Ritalin deficiency! 
Summer is over and we're settling back into our school routines. Teachers may be sending notes, suggesting that your child has trouble paying attention and is disrupting class, or that your child can't seem to focus. She may even recommend a trip to the doctor to determe if your child needs medication for hyperactivity.
Don't do it! There is no valid test for ADHD, attention-deficient hyperactivity disorder. The diagnosis is completely subjective and the need for drugs cannot be objectively measured.
Find/Treat the Cause 
A study in the Journal of Pediatrics way back in 1995 reported that children who ate sugar had an increase in adrenaline levels leading to difficulty concentrating, irritability and anxiety. Another study, published in Biological Psychiatry, found that Vitamin B6 was more effective than Ritalin in a group of hyperactive children. A third study found that children with magnesium deficiencies were characterized by excessive fidgeting and learning difficulties. These are just a few of the many studies indicating an association between nutritional deficiencies and attention and behavior problems.
Dr. Mary Anne Block, author of "No More ADHD" and a good friend of mine, was recently on The Montel Show describing the problems with diagnosing ADHD and serious issues with long term use of Ritalin and other psychotropic drugs.   

Make your appointment TODAY and find out the underlying cause of your child's struggles. It could be food allergies, a neurotransmitter imbalance or a vitamin deficiency. We have treated patients from 39 states and 8 countries. We're looking forward to helping your family thrive!
Make an appointment today and get your kids on track! 440-239-3438. 
Texting, Cell phones
and Your Teens
Teens Texting 
Mobile phones and wi-fi may be a bigger threat to the health of our children than we're being told. 
One government report, prepared in France, suggests both can damage the developing brain - and now mobile phones are being banned in every primary school in the country.

French judges are also supporting local residents' groups in their call to have mobile phone cell towers dismantled.  Radiation from the masts has been blamed for insomnia, headaches, fatigue and cancer in communities living close to a tower.

These moves will concern telecoms companies everywhere, and will encourage pressure groups that have campaigned for greater control of mobile phones, masts and wi-fi networks.

Osteomed's neurotransmitter program  , can help maximize sluggish brains. Our program applies to both children and adults. Call today for an appointment 440-239-3438.
The company we use for the urine testing bills your insurance for payment, so there are no upfront lab costs for this testing.
Trees in MI 
Activism: Get Involved
Mass Vaccination is coming. 
If you have any doubt that mass this is true, review the six archived Swine Flu Alerts. The information is plainly outlined.
Look critically at what the mainstream media is telling you and look for other sources of information before you believe it. Mike Adams, from Natural News, has this to say about the media's current information.
What can you do? You must say no to protect your health. Spread the word. Partner with like-minded neighbors and friends. Send this letter to your local Sheriff, the most important person to have on your side.
Why do I add an "activism" section to every eNewsletter?
I am a firm believer that we get the community and the world we deserve only if we are actively involved. There are many options for contribution, from the environment and recycling to the oceans and vaccines. Get involved; let's make a difference in the world!
As stated years ago by Margaret Mead, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

Matt--casualSeptember is       National Cholesterol Education Month

September is a good time to get your blood cholesterol checked. However, just knowing your "good", "bad", and "total" cholesterol levels is not good enough. Approximately 50% of people suffering from heart attacks have shown "normal" cholesterol numbers.
Now there is an advanced cholesterol testing technology which accurately measures both the density and number of lipoprotein particles. Measuring the lipoprotein subgroups is the only way to completely assess risk your cardiovascular risk factors.
Four patients can have the same LDL level but not have the same risks. The smaller the particles, the higher your risks of a heart attack or stroke. For example, four patients can have the same LDL cholesterol level of 125 mg/dl, but can have completely different risks for developing heart disease and a heart attack.  
LPP particle sizes

Osteomed offers the LPP test so you can find out your true risks and start get suggestions to get heart-healthy today!
And while you are getting you blood drawn, ask to also have your 25-OH Vitamin D levels checked. As we approach the winter season, this is the most important parameter for avoiding the flu. Your insurance will be billed for this test!

Time to get healthy through food and lifestyle choices and good supplements. 
Vitamin D3 and many other supplements are now available through our website store. It is save to take up to 10,000 IU daily through the winter! 
The Experiment Continues:
So What Are We To Believe?  
Book Signing
A travesty is about to happen: Mass vaccination, and I'm sure, there will be attempts at suggesting mandatory vaccination. But look at this:
On September 16, experts said that the death rate from the pandemic H1N1 swine flu is likely lower than earlier estimates.
And: "It's mildest in kids. That's one of the really good pieces of news in this pandemic," Dr Marc Lipsitch of Harvard told a meeting of flu experts being held by the U.S. Institute of Medicine. (Even though kids are the top target for flu vaccines that are going to start the second week in October.)
Then on the very same day:
The Canadian government sent more than 200 body bags to some remote Indian reserves in Manitoba, sending a jarring message that the H1N1 flu will be deadly. 
Does the right hand know what the left is doing..eh, I mean, saying?
Avoid the flu shot and stay healthy th Osteomeds' Wellness Pack. Orders yours today! 440-239-3438
Please join Dr Tenpenny on Facebook.
(she posts, there almost daily!)
Your continued support for Osteomed is  truly appreciated. 
Thank you.
Economic Uncertainty?
Is your 401(k) shrinking?  Do you have a Plan B if things are not going the way you have planned?
Recession proof your income. Email PVetter@osteomed2.com for more information about how to take charge of your future.
Save 25% on
your first appointment with Dr Grant
Acute injuries  -- such as ankle sprains, hematomas, strained backs and tennis elbow -- are responding to this new technology in as little as 3 treatments!*  Get back in the game! Make an appointment with Dr. Matt Grant for a full structural assessment and treatment with our new acuscope and myopulse technology 
Dr. Tenpenny says, "I've been to treated by chiropractors my whole life. Dr Grant offers the best chiropractic adjustments I have ever had. We are so glad he is part of Osteomed!"
Offer Expires: October 2, 2009. Offer transferable to family members and friends.
*chronic problems require more visits. 

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