Message from: VIAL (Vaccination Information and Liberation) For
more information, please visit and Educate BEFORE You
Vaccinate!!! Your Children...Your Choice...Your Rights...
> This morning on The Today Show there was an interview with the
Newsweek author, Geoff Cowley, who currently has published the cover story
article that trivializes / insults the plight and condition of
vaccine-injured / autism spectrum children. Vaccines, in fact, are never
even mentioned. However, even if you, personally, haven't explored that
road yet, the article insults the tens-of-thousands of children on the
autism spectrum. This article makes them out to be: quirky; quaint; with
just a personality variant; with minimal challenges; with an imbalance of
empathizing vs. systemitizing skills; and, just extremely male. They even
try to downplay the fact that there is a disorder operating here. Key to
the article is a Dr. Simon Baron-Cohen, a psychologist from Cambridge, who
has a book out entitled The Essential Difference. His thesis is that autism
is an imbalance between two kinds of intelligence: that with which to
understand people and that with which to unde!
> rstand things. This article illuminates that our quirky, quaint kids have
a shot at being engineers with a 700 score on the math SAT's. It doesn't
emphasize severe learning disabilities. It doesn't mention severe pain. It
doesn't mention severe speech and attention deficits and dangerous lack of
self-help skills. It doesn't mention multiple physiological system
shutdowns. It doesn't mention physiological / neurological / immunological
destruction and disruptions - and domino effects. It doesn't mention the
pain, frustration, fear, sensory terror and behaviors caused by these. The
Today Show didn't mention ANY RESEARCH WHATSOEVER. We cannot let the
American public and American parents be sidetracked from the real issues and
REAL independent, unbiased RESEARCH, by some guy's theory that deludes,
deflects, and distracts to the detriment of children.
> Please call in your comments to the Today Show at (212) 664-4249, and
press "4" for the comment line. Please have every member of your family do
so, as well. Please distribute this request to your lists. Thank you.
> Bobbie, Kelly, Teri
> Action For Angels

The Captian
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