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Aquarius: The Age of Evil

This is one of the most important documentaries ever produced.

The Bible exposes the method used to deceive the entire world (except for a small group) in the time shortly before the return of Christ. The globalist-industrialists have implemented global government which they call "The New World Order". This globalist system is nearly complete and is based on - what the Bible calls - "the lie". It's vital that you know what the lie is so you are not deceived. This video explains exactly what "the lie" is and how you can avoid it.

Video Description

In this video, filmmaker Keith Thompson takes an in-depth look at the agenda behind the world government (New World Order), the Catholic Church, the Venus Project, the Zeitgeist movement, modern Masonry, and you will understand the big picture that so many are missing today.

See An intelligent, in-depth introduction to scripture

See How Chemtrails Will Help the Anti-Christ

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Last edited by Russ; 10/25/22 07:36 PM.

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