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3 November 2011 - Update on West Australian Trip

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Vaccination WA Seminar Vaccination - Making the Right Choice 

Tonight, I will be presenting the last seminar in what has proven to be a grand West Australian seminar tour. The conversations I've had, the warmth and kindness I've received from the people out in this gorgeous part of the world are past any describing.  


From the first event in Busselton to last night's talk in Jurien Bay (and if you haven't ever been here, you don't know what you are missing - it has got to be one of the most stunning parts of a totally stunning coastline!) this trip has been nothing but a pleasure.


Thank you to those who have taken the time to talk to me, share their stories and support. Thank you to everyone who has put my husband and myself up in their homes - without that, we could not have afforded to run this series of information seminars.  


To James, Anna and Jeremy for always being there. To Tony and Dineke of the Cervantes Lodge for offering us such a beautiful suite for our stay - thank you just doesn't seem to cut it but it's the best I can do and the words are from the heart.


As I said, tonight will be the last night of this seminar tour and this ultimate event will be held in Geraldton at the QEII Centre. You can book your tickets at the link below or else, just come along and pay at the door.


If you know of someone in Geraldton who may not have heard of this talk, please let them know so they don't miss out. I have heard from many people who would have come to our earlier seminars but they didn't find out until it was too late so please, take a moment to help your friends by telling them about this talk.


There is some very important news for our WA members below so please be sure to read through this newsletter and if possible, to participate in the action alert below.


Until next time - stay well, stay safe and stay healthy!



Vaccination - Making the Right Choice

Click any link below to book your tickets - individual tickets are $15 each / $20 if two people come together.

Vaccination - Making the Right Choice - GERALDTON WA - Single Ticket
Vaccination - Making the Right Choice - GERALDTON WA - Double Ticket  


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A politician who thinks that parents who don't vaccinate "are not terribly smart" 


Barry Haase MP
Barry Haase can't understand why anyone would not vaccinate
Mr Barry Haase is the Federal Member for Durack in West Australia. A few days ago, he wrote an opinion piece (or should that be an opinionated piece?) on vaccination which you can and should read by clicking here. It is important to be aware of the attitude of our parliamentarians because if they continue to hold such incorrect opinions about parents who have made an informed choice not to vaccinate their children, it might affect whether or not we continue to have that right going into the future.

I have tried to make an appointment to see Mr Haase to discuss this with him and to show him that parents who don't vaccinate are intelligent, loving and caring people who have done a huge amount of research and have made an informed choice. Many of these informed parents live in his electorate, in fact.

Unfortunately, Mr Haase does not have the time to see me nor will he ever have the time to speak with me on the phone. Busy man.

You can read more about this in the blog post I uploaded yesterday, Elected leaders don't have to listen?

Some of our great WA supporters have already taken the time to write to Mr Haase (contact details below) and I have uploaded their incredible responses (you can tell by reading that these parents actually ARE terribly smart!) to a new blog post entitled Parents who don't vaccinate ARE terribly smart!

If you would also like to write to Mr Haase and tell him why you have chosen not to vaccinated (if that was your choice) or why you think that making an informed choice on this issue is essential - no matter what that choice is, please do so using the details below and be sure to send me a copy of your email at meryl@avn.org.au or, if you use a fax machine, you can fax to 02 6678 0894.

Mr Barry Haase, MP
Liberal Party
PO Box 6022
House of Representatives
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600


Tel: (02) 6277 4154
Fax: (02) 6277 8576



Electorate Offices:

2B/209 Foreshore Drive
Geraldton WA 6530
Tel: (08) 9964 2195
Fax: (08) 9921 7990


PO Box 1856
Broome WA 6725
Tel: (08) 9192 7216
Fax: (08) 9192 8860



WA Support Group
Support groups for parents in WA
The AVN is facilitating the creation of support groups for parents in West Australia. We will not be running these groups but rather, we have spoken personally with many people who feel that local support is essential and who are willing to find venues, schedule the times, perhaps arrange for guest speakers, etc.

If you would like to be involved in these new groups either as a participant or a guest speaker, please join our new discussion list by sending a blank email message to wavaxsupport-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

Say a little bit about who you are, what suburb you live in and why you want to join this group and you will be approved to join this list..

In order to make this work, it will take many people - each doing a very little bit. Please join in and help provide information and support for parents in WA who need it. 



LW 8 The newest issue of Living Wisdom - number 8 - is now out. If you are already a subscriber or a member and your membership or subscription is expiring, please renew promptly to avoid allowing your membership to lapse since at this point, we are unable to accept new members - only subscribers.

If you don't already subscribe, please make a conscious decision to do so today as subscriptions to Living Wisdom support your freedom of health choice by keeping the Australian Vaccination Network operating.

There are a range of subscription and membership options available. Please click on the links below to choose the one that suits your situation or, if you'd prefer, you can fax your information and credit card details to - 02 6678 0894; post a cheque or money order or your credit card details to AVN, PO Box 177, BANGALOW NSW 2479. You can also make payment directly into our Westpac Bank account but if you do, please be sure to email meryl@avn.org.au with the details and to leave your name as identification. Someone has made a payment on August 12th and the only ID was DEPOSIT BENDIGO BANK PROFESSIONAL M/SHI so...if you are the person who made this payment, please drop Meryl and email so she can update your details.

The bank details are (Please note - this is for memberships / subscriptions - donations should not be paid into this account):

Living Wisdom
BSB: 032591
Account number: 188215

To subscribe via the internet, please click on any of the following links (more options are available on our subscription page):

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New Books, Resources and DVDs just in!  
Whilst we are limited on taking new memberships and donations, ANYONE can buy our books and DVDs and we have some fantastic new titles to offer our readers which are absolutely 'must reads'! Remember, your purchases and subscriptions help keep the AVN strong

Below are a few of the newest.

The DEAL for Happier, Healthier, Smarter Kids
by Dr Peter Dingle
The Deal
The DEAL (Diet, Environment, Attitude, Lifestyle) by Dr. Peter Dingle- A Twenty-first Century Survival guide for parents. This is a fantastic book, one of those ones you can''t put down. Dr Dingle is a senior lecturer in environmental and nutritional toxicology and leading researcher in health and environment at Murdoch University, WA.  

by Don Chisholm
Have You Got the Guts
The message is this, "We are not what we eat, we are what we absorb and this is the very issue Don has concentrated on for the last 10 years. It is with this concept that conditions that have lasted for decades have disappeared in just a few months.
Sugar cravings cured, energy increased, short term memory improved, 47 years of diarrhea  gone in 60 days, autistic children going to normal school, operations cancelled, all by learning the simplicity of being healthy and it is all done by simply improving the gut.

The Great Cholesterol Deception
by Dr Peter Dingle 
Cholesterol Deception
This book provides a thorough, clear and concise explanation of the real problem we face it is not a heart attack or stroke. The real problem is the modern pharmaceutical industry. For many, these drugs are the beginning of a viscous cycle of drug dependency. If you're sick or being sick and sick of taking drugs, this is the book you need to arm yourself with to change that!

Investigate Before You Vaccinate Postcards
Postcards Back
Investigate Before You Vaccinate Postcards

At just $7.50 for a pack of 25 (including postage within Australia), these postcards are a fantastic way to help others learn what questions they need to ask before deciding whether to vaccinate or not.

Burzynski: The Movie

Burzynski Movie

by Eric Merola (1 hr 48 mins)  

We are quickly approaching the point where 50% of all Australians will be diagnosed with cancer at one point in their lives. With the 5-year survival rate for those treated conventionally with chemotherapy and radiation at only 2.5%, it is clear that there must be a better way. Dr Burzynski has found one of those 'better ways' but those whose livelihoods depend on maintaining the status quo, want to stop you from knowing about his treatment. $20 plus postage




The Virus and the Vaccine


Virus and Vaccine 

by Debbie Bookchin and Jim Schumacher

Vaccine contamination is medicine's dirty little secret. Only this secret is now out of the bag. The polio vaccine is and was contaminated with at least one (and possibly dozens) of pathogenic viruses - one of why, SV40 - is associated with cancers in humans and lab animals. In this page-turner, read about how this information was covered up for decades, how doctors and government officials lied to keep this information 'in house' and how one of vaccinations 'miracle cures' has turned out to be a cause of cancer in children and adults for the past 50 years.

$34.95 plus postage


Vaccination & Homoeoprophylaxis? A Review of Risks and Alternatives - 7th Edition

Vaccination and HPA classic since 1989, Vaccination and Homoeoprophylaxis has just been completely updated and re-released in its 7th edition. For anyone who wants to know about how homeopathy can be used to not only treat but prevent infectious diseases - without the dangerous ingredients and side-effects found in medical vaccines, this book is the best overview of the issue. Dr Golden has conducted a multi-decade study on this issue and cites research from around the world comparing the safety and effectiveness of both medical vaccination and homeopathic preventatives.
$53.00 plus postage


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