SOLVED Issue Using Adobe Premiere Elements on Windows 7 64-bit (and other 64-bit systems)

After much research, I have discovered that many people are having a host of issues getting Adobe Premiere Elements to work on 64 bit operating systems, especially Vista and Windows 7.

I had numerous issue where dialogs would not work, or would not allow me to enter values in text boxes. It was also impossible for me to create a new project. The dialogs used for exporting videos also did not allow me to performs all of the necessary steps to complete the task.

I have found a solution that has not been suggested anywhere else.

After working on this issue for a while, I thought it may come down to a permission issue. After following these steps, I am having no issues with Premier Elements and it is working perfectly on my Windows 7 64-bit system (finally). By the way, I am still using Premiere Elements CS3 and have it working perfectly on Windows 7, 64-bit (after performing the steps below).

I won't be detailing the individual steps as they can be found easily online.

1. Create a new user account with Administrator privileges.

2. Switch to that new account and grant Administrator privileges to your primary user account. To the surprise of many, newer versions of Windows does not grant Administrator status to the default account created during installation. You cannot grant Admin status from your own account. You have to do it from another account with Admin privileges.

3. Reboot

4. Log in as your primary user (which now has Admin privileges).

5. Uninstall Premiere Elements. Make sure to remove your preferences during uninstall as well.

6. Reboot and log back in on your original user account (which now has Admin privileges).

7. Reinstall Premiere Elements.

At this point, everything worked perfectly for me.

I hope this saves many people a lot of time and money.

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