The biotech and agricultural industry is now aggressively pushing 'Missouri Monsanto Bill' through the state legislature

In a move to gain total control of the farming industry, three resolutions have been proposed in the state of Missouri. Saint Louis, Missouri is the home of biotech giant Monsanto's headquarters. These laws have been deceitfully written to appear to support modernization and progression in farming, while in reality their passage will severely limit the rights of small farmers to reuse organic seeds and preserve livestock lines. Small farmers provide consumers with their primary source for local, non GMO, organic foods. It is essential to take action to protect small farmers in individual states, particularly in light of the recent signing of the Monsanto Protection Act by President Obama. (

House Joint Resolution 11 has already passed in the Missouri House
House Joint Resolution 11 (HJR 11) is proposing an amendment to the Missouri Constitution to protect "agricultural technology" and "modern and traditional" farming practices in Missouri. Two other similar bills (HJR 7 and SJR 22) have been proposed, as well. HJR 11 has already passed in the House and is now being aggressively pushed through the Missouri Senate. Proposals to change the wording of the amendment to make the resolution more protective of small farmer's rights have been rejected.

The bill currently proposes to add a new section to Article l of the Missouri Constitution, Section 35. This addition to Section 35 states the following: "That agriculture which provides food, energy, health benefits, and security is the foundation and stabilizing force of Missouri's economy. To protect this vital sector of Missouri's economy, the right of farmers and ranchers to engage in modern farming and ranching practices shall be forever guaranteed in this state. No state law shall be enacted which abridges the right of farmers and ranchers to employ agricultural technology and modern and traditional livestock production and ranching practices, unless enacted by the General Assembly".
In reality, modern farming and agricultural technology generally refers to genetically modified seeds and animals.


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