I've posted a few times in last couple weeks mainly b/c I was having my fillings replaced starting this Thursday. I've been reading and reading and came to the conclusion that my 1st grade son has NLD which is non verbal learning disorder that is rarely diagnosed if at all until 3rd-4th grade. Very sweet, above avg. reader, very innocent, "sensitive". I've theorized this is from combo of mercury in my fillings and vaccines and environment. The problem is how to go about confirming it all without subjecting him to traumatic testing (which I feel is unnecessary except maybe an MRI to r/o lesion as this is a right-sided brain issue). I've just sent hair samples of my son, daughter and me. The plot thickens as I read on and on about chelation and alternative therapies. My 5 you daughter has exhibited troubling behavior over the last year and a half of sensory issues and oppositional behavior and tantrums, some social withdrawal. I didn't put them all together until last nite that she is exibiting Aspergers-like symptoms even though it is rare in girls. I do not want to subject my kids to blood tests etc. as that whole process would be quite traumatic and I don't believe necessary. Yet if I don't have confirmation on some level, people won't believe me if I explain a "relief" of symptoms after simple therapy such as clay baths, dietary changes. School teachers would be the ones who would see the changes (on social issues), but it's almost summer and they won't have same teachers. I gave a book to my son's teacher and said I felt he had NLD and I gave info to guidance counselor also but have not had official talks with school. NLD is usually dealt with by accomodating the student. I want to alert the school on one hand which would mean some testing like verbal IQ and performance IQ, but on the other hand I feel there is a possible "cure" here and he may not need accomodating...The LL Bentonite Clay sounds good, but they are advertising for themselves. Any dangers in trying these? I am seeing a holistic doc for the first time on Friday and will ask these same issues. I'm trying to weigh unnecessary trauma and money versus necessary testing, etc... Thanks for any input!