--'Safe Vaccine = 'LIE'--

"The greatest lie ever told is that vaccines are safe and effective" ---Dr. Len Horowitz
"THE ONLY WHOLLY SAFE VACCINE IS THE VACCINE THAT IS NEVER USED." (Dr J. Shannon of the National Institute of Health, U.S.A., June 23 1955.)

[This is a 200 year old lie. No vaccine is safe unless you include death, numerous diseases and serious brain damage in the definition of safe!! As you would expect from Social dominators, vaccinators have a different definition e.g. Dr Offit terms 'safe' as 'benefits outweigh risks'! And see FDA definition below.
Breastfeeding is safe (so is NOT vaccinating) and most people use that definition, but not the medical mafia.
The long line of withdrawn vaccines and Vaccine Disasters reveal the truth. If vaccines were "safe" they wouldn't need safety tests. Even the UK government has paid out for MMR deaths but still says it is safe and doesn't kill! Have a look at Profits vs. Safety also. Also the thousands of medical citations, Media stories, VAERS and package inserts are closer to the true story.]
fyi // wow / CHECK IT OUT!

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." [John 14:6]