Ghost Gunner: Leveling the Playing Field

Those who seek out positions of power tend to be paranoid,
hypocritical wimps. Consider the issue of firearms. Politicians
have many thousands of mercenaries (soldiers and "law enforcers")
wielding all sort of deadly weapons--guns, tanks, missiles, drones,
etc. Yet those same politicians pee themselves at the thought of
the rabble owning semi-automatic rifles. From their twisted,
elitist perspective, it's perfectly fine for them to swipe many
billions of dollars from their subjects to spend on all manner of
armaments, but if YOU want to possess a rifle, they think you
should have to ask their permission, and register it, and make sure
they always know what you own.

They also expect to be allowed to do things in secret, while
claiming the right to spy on you and everyone else. As far as they
are concerned, it's none of your business what they do, or what
weapons they have, but it is their business to know everything that
you do and everything that you have. Of course, they will pretend
that their goal is to protect you from the "criminal element," but
you'd have to be pretty dense to actually believe that. Why do you
suppose they mostly whine about civilians having weapons that: 1)
are used in only a tiny percentage of actual crime, and; 2) are the
most effective types of weapon for resisting "government"
aggression? You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure it
out. People who gravitate towards political office think they have
the right to rule you. That's the job they applied for. And, of
course, extorting you and bossing you around could be rather more
difficult if you are better armed than their enforcers. So they
hand out machine guns to their mindless thugs, but have tantrums
about you having a 30-round magazine.

As I've said before, I own an AR-15 mainly because I want to have
the ability to kill "government" agents (an ability I really hope I
never need). That's also why I want lots of other people to own
similar weapons: so that in a violent conflict, "government" loses
and the people win. As much as that idea might make statists foam
at the mouth, the alternative--"government" being able to do
whatever the hell it wants--is a lot scarier. The control freaks
want a huge imbalance of power, and they will keep using bans,
taxes, regulations, registration, background checks, waiting
periods, and all manner of other obstacles and limitations, in an
effort to keep the subject class.

Then along comes "Ghost Gunner" (, which gives
the rabble a way to produce their own "undocumented" AR-15's (among
other things), easily and inexpensively. While I think this is
awesome for a very serious reason--to prevent outright tyranny--I
also find it rather amusing watching the control freaks having
tantrums about it. Hilariously, the only narration needed for the
video below was "government" parasites whining about it, while
doing their fear-mongering routine. Behold:

As an aside, I bought my AR-15 (made the old-fashioned way, by a
major gun manufacturer) back when Clinton was pushing his misnamed
and bogus "assault weapons ban." I figured anything he wanted that
badly for me to NOT have, I should probably have. I think the same
could be said of Ghost Gunner machines: the control freaks hating
and fearing them is all the endorsement they need, for those of us
who value freedom. I think it's awesome being able to watch
technology leveling the playing field, and messing up the massive
imbalance of power that narcissistic sociopaths have tried so hard
to create. For about the price of one AR-15, you can now buy the
machine to make as many as you want. (Their web site has info about
"legal" issues, for those who care about such things.) Everything
else you need--the "80% lower receivers" and all the other parts--
can be legally purchased online without an FFL (Federal Firearms
License). OR… you might be able to…


In light of my current vehicle situation (my car has been put out
of its misery), the folks at Freedoms Phoenix and Ghost Gunner have
graciously decided to help me out by raffling off a Ghost Gunner
machine. Normally these machines are $1,500--which is a pretty dang
amazing price as it is--but for $20 you can buy a chance to win
one. ($50 will get you three tickets.) I can't thank Ernie Hancock
and Cody Wilson enough for helping me out this way, and it will
also be pretty dang cool for whoever wins it. Hmmm, I guess me
buying a ticket in the raffle meant to benefit me might be a little
weird. Darn. Anyway, here is the link to get raffle tickets:


Larken Rose

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