--REPUBLICANS= First John Boehner Resigns THEN Keven McCarthy Drops Out!/ New York Time (10/9/15)
--First John Boehner Resigns THEN Keven McCarthy Drops Out!

--New York Times
McCarthy Withdraws From Speaker’s Race, Putting House in Chaos


--Kevin McCarthy Drops Out of Speaker Race

Representative Kevin McCarthy announces that he is withdrawing from the race for House speaker, adding that “a new face” is needed to unite the Republican conference.
WASHINGTON — Representative Kevin McCarthy of California abruptly withdrew on Thursday from the race to succeed Speaker John A. Boehner, blindsiding his House Republican colleagues and throwing their already tumultuous chamber into deeper chaos with no clear leader in sight just weeks before a series of high-stakes fiscal battles.

As lawmakers ate barbecue and sipped sodas during what was expected to be a pro forma vote to select Mr. McCarthy as their nominee, he did an about-face, saying that he had concluded he could not unite the increasingly fractious Republican majority.

“I am not that guy,” said Mr. McCarthy, with his wife and family by his side, according to members who were in the room. Moments later, Mr. Boehner, who learned of Mr. McCarthy’s decision only minutes before he announced it, declared the vote postponed and the meeting adjourned even though there were two other candidates in the running, underscoring the weakness of the field.

Representative Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin during a House Ways and Means Committee hearing in June. Mr. Ryan has said he will not seek the speakership.
Congressional Memo: Amid the Would-Be Speakers, Paul Ryan Sticks to His ‘No’OCT. 7, 2015
Representative Jason Chaffetz of Utah, right, is a potential rival to Representative Kevin McCarthy of California.
Path to Speaker’s Gavel Winds Through Gantlet of Far Right’s Demands OCT. 2, 2015
Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky in Washington on Wednesday after the Senate approved a temporary spending bill.
Spending Bill Passes, Averting a Shutdown SEPT. 30, 2015
Representative Trey Gowdy said Tuesday that he was not interested in becoming majority leader.
House Republicans Start the Search for a Leader and a Message in 2016 SEPT. 29, 2015

Some Republicans, including Mr. Boehner and Mr. McCarthy, are pressing Representative Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin, the party’s nominee for vice president in 2012, to step up. Mr. Ryan, however, has repeatedly said he does not want the job, a point he reiterated Thursday even before his colleagues left the meeting.~~