Dear Subscriber,

About a year and a half ago I retired from public speaking and
doing interviews, in order to work on a couple huge projects (the
main one being "The Mirror"). However, I am now going to make ONE
exception, to be a keynote speaker at Anarchapulco
( this February 19th to 26th down in
Acapulco, Mexico. At the event, when I'm not speaking, I'll be
chatting with whomever happens to be there, until I pass out from
sleep deprivation. Oh, and the first hundred people to register who
enter "LARKEN" as the "promotional code" will get 10% off the
ticket price.

So I hope to see a bunch of radical anti-"government" extremists
down in the postcard paradise known as Acapulco in a few months.
People keep asking me where I will be appearing next. This is the
ONLY speaking engagement I have planned, and then I'm back to being
retired to work on other stuff.


Larken Rose

P.S. For any who missed it, here is the interview I did with Jeff
Berwick on a recent episode of "Anarchast":

The Captian
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