Anyone noticed any patterns in migraine attacks? I'm thinking that mine are somewhat of an indicator of how toxic I am at a particular time. When I was getting the fillings regularly I had a lot of migraines, then they got better for a while. Then our house caught fire and I got some smoke exposure, probably mercury in it, and I had a bout of bad migraine attacks. Then after I had the root canal treatment, I had migraine attacks again. For what must be 18 months now or more though, I haven't had one. I've been on a careful mercury toxicity diet for the past year and I wonder if that is partly responsible. I noticed, before I knew anything of relatin to mercury, that eating a lot of onions or mint sauce would trigger an attack.

I have a bad bite, which dentists say can cause migraines, but I don't think so in my case, as I think the problem them would be persistent, rather than sporadical in relation to dental work and food. Also my mother has migraine attacks, and I think mercury related, and my father gets them occasionally, although not as bad. Of us all, I got them the worst, followed by acute headache and vomiting.