
Today, your urgent support is needed more than ever. As the end of 2016 approaches we are waging two critical campaigns with enormous implications for our nation’s future.

First, we are battling to ensure the end of the Obama era is not paired with a bonanza of special interest policy give-aways through under-the-cover of darkness executive actions. Agencies like the Food and Drug Administration will rush middle of the night rule changes that will threaten public health, enrich campaign contributors, and hurt consumers. HELP US FIGHT TODAY.


Special Interests Button 

At the same time, we are on the cusp of launching a comprehensive campaign to educate President-elect Trump. We are assessing OPPORTUNITIES, CHALLENGES, and THREATS posed by the incoming administration.

WE are energized.

WE are hopeful about our movement’s prospects.

WE are eager to engage and educate a new administration. 

Help Us Educate Trump

We know you are a supporter of our 20-year effort to protect consumers, safeguard choice in healthcare, and make capitalism work for our public health. Unfortunately, our fight requires constant vigilance to protect the gains we have made and to secure the victories ahead. PLEASE RENEW your commitment to our cause at this HISTORIC TIME with a generous year-end gift.

AND NOW YOU CAN DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT: An anonymous donor will match every gift made to ANH-USA before Dec 31. Please give today!

Take our message to Capitol Hill by supporting ANH’s lobbying efforts. These gifts are not tax-deductible but have an immediate impact;

  Alternatively, your tax-deductible gift will help build our grassroots army and legal war chest
to fight the FDA.

We never take government money. We are 100% dependent on folks like you. 

At ANH-USA we are fully committed to fighting for you by increasing our movement’s capacity to influence decision-makers, fight crony capitalism, and stop threats to public health. Help us scale up our grassroots, legal, and legislative strategies in 2017.

Help Us Fight in 2017 Button

We are grateful and ever inspired by our members’ commitment to natural health. Thank you for your support!

In health and wellness,

Emily Porter dig signature

Emily Porter
ANH-USA Membership Director 

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