Dear Russ,

Over ten states are actively pushing legislation that would ban a parent’s right to choose whether to vaccinate their children, and federal agencies are looking for opportunities to increase adult vaccination rates.

These pushes to restrict your choice are happening even as new, groundbreaking studies demonstrate that vaccines do, in fact, cause harm.

Your right to make your own decisions about vaccinations is under threat.

As a non-profit entirely dependent on our members’ support, the need is urgent. We have 48 hours left to reach our funding needs to continue our campaign for your right to choose. Every dollar increases our ability to make an impact–NOW!

Help us fight these bad vaccine bills! This donation is not tax-deductible but allows us to directly lobby against this legislation.

Help us with our educational campaign, including an exclusive and original documentary about the dangers of the HPV vaccine! Your gift is 100% tax-deductible.

Russ, you are a crucial part of the largest movement to protect access to natural health in the US. We can only continue the fight with committed members like you. Thank you, profoundly, for your support!

View and share our trailer for the upcoming documentary here!

In health and wellness,

Emily Porter
Membership Director

Contact Us

Alliance for Natural Health USA
3525 Piedmont Rd. NE
Bld. 6 Ste. 310
Atlanta, 30305
(202) 803-5121

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