--Choline Detoxifies and Protects/ Life Enhancement ~~

- fyi -Very interesting article....maybe check it out.
Choline detoxifies and attenuates immune inflammation. brain protective and anti-again effect.

-Choline Uptake in the brain Decreases with Age

Choline has long been known as an important nutrient for the body and [b]rain;1a for example, choline is used to make the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is (among other things) important for memory and focus as well as for muscular contraction.

Importantly, choline uptake in the [b]rain decreases with age. Following choline ingestion, “[b]rain cytosolic choline-containing compounds increased substantially in younger subjects. Older subjects showed a much smaller increase in brain choline-containing compounds.

We originally formulated a choline formulation to help improve our memory, focus, and concentration by increasing our [b]rains’ supplies of choline and cofactors, years before this paper was published showing the age-associated decrease in choline uptake by the [b]rain. Our new formulation, containing no sugars, is an improvement on a long-lived good idea.

--Choline Serves Many Functions

“A factor contributing to the special vulnerability of cholinergic neurons to loss with age or in dementia may be their need to use a limited supply of choline for multiple and competing purposes.

It is known, for example, that when supplies of choline are low, phosphatidylcholine in cell membranes is broken down to free choline for other more urgent uses. In fact, as reported in another paper, “despite the presence of a pathway for endogenous synthesis of choline, a choline-deficient diet impairs growth, memory, and hepatic [liver], renal [k]idney], and pancreatic functions in mammals.”

Read entire article here <http://www.life-enhancement.com/magazine/article/2378-choline-detoxifies-and-protects>