--( fyi ALERT, ADULTS! star
--Michael Jackson/ "Man in the Mirror"
--NEW MJ DOCUMENTARY~~ (March 2017)
(With Ernest Valentino) --(Approximately 1 hour 30 minutes) ~

--This may be rated 'R'. Please adults, check it out before allowing children to see this. It comes from youtube, BUT they still put all kinds of different RATINGS on youtube! I'll see if I can get the address, (click on). Some problems? A man that never grew up. A child at heart. Some question his sexuality. Gay? Mentally deranged? Pervert? Child Molester? Later in life, sued for molesting a child. Became addicted to drugs. (several million $$$'s)

fyi Adults, please view this BEFORE allowing children to see it. I found it to be so sad, that his earthy father, Joe, beat all the children.....and forced them to become a musical legend, because of 'his' sickness?
