
I have remained silent on social media about this issue for many years because anyone who posts about this becomes an open target. Today I find myself fighting a bigger battle and the least of my worries is losing a few Facebook friends or experiencing hateful accusations. I need my friends and family to know what is happening to my family. I need you to hear my heart and read the facts. Before casting judgement, will you hear the words of this mother who is fighting for her children?

House Bill 3063. If passed in the state of Oregon, in the coming weeks, our four children will all be immediately expelled from school. This is not just an Oregon issue. Families across the US need to be aware of the aggressive political climate that is creating bills like this in multiple states and the rising discussion of a Federal mandate.

To those who do vaccinate: This post is not an attack on you. I have no feelings of judgement towards you. I was in your shoes not long ago. This is an issue that could also harm your family’s rights and I am posting this for your benefit as well. Don’t miss the opportunity to protect your RIGHT to medical freedom. There may be a day where you need to make a different choice for your child and you must have the right to do so. If medical freedom is not respected here, there will be potential for more freedoms to be lost.

This bill will come with major impact on homeschooled children as well. Everyone needs to be aware of what is happening.

My children are partially vaccinated. I was pro-vaccine for many years. I trusted the government regulatory committees. I couldn’t imagine that safeguards wouldn’t be in place to protect the general public and children no less.

Two of our children have experienced vaccine injury. One that was life-threatening at the time, and one that will cause multiple life-long struggles. (I am not sharing details because I wish to protect my children’s privacy.) Eventually we discovered a gene mutation that exists in our family that causes a much higher risk of vaccine injury. We also have a family history plagued with auto-immune disease which is another major risk factor. Together, with our doctor, we have chosen to not subject our children to the heavy metal toxins that are in vaccines.

I am not here to convince anyone that they shouldn’t vaccinate. I respect the choice of parents. The issue here is THE RIGHT TO MEDICAL FREEDOM.

Vaccines come with risks. You may not be aware because the reading of the informed consent insert seems to be a practically nonexistent practice anymore, but they come with serious risk factors. (BTW- you can easily find those inserts online.) WHERE THERE IS RISK OF HARM OR DEATH, THERE MUST BE CHOICE! Mandating violates the right to:

Medical Freedom
Bodily Autonomy
Religious Freedom
Right to a free and public education

The proposed law change will mandate the full schedule of vaccines for all children through grade 12 and will deprive any child who is not up to date on every vaccine the right to public, charter, private, or virtual (online) education. It will also prohibit the attendance of any “children’s programming” that is held in a facility that also contained a licensed daycare or preschool. (Yes that means MANY churches will be off-limits.)

Before you conjure up the understandable assumption that a mandate that trades medical choice for education is a good idea and that will be for the benefit and protection of kids, I’d like you to review some very important facts about this critical decision regarding HB 3063.

- In 1986 Congress passed the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program that granted legal immunity for vaccine manufacturers and set up a tax payer funded vaccine court to pay victims of vaccine injury and death. The federal government has paid out 3.8 Billion dollars to vaccine injured families so far. (While the manufactures themselves are protected from liability.)

- VAERS (govt run Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) lists over 20,000 reported deaths, permanent disabilities and life-threatening reactions from 1990-2018. *See comments for data per category.)

- If a child has medical reason to avoid or delay vaccinations (as do ours), they will NOT be grated a medical exemption. Many vaccine injured children will still be required to have full vaccination on schedule.

- A doctor can’t issue a medical exemption without the approval of the Oregon Health Authority (OHA). They follow the C D C contradictions guideline which only warrants exemptions for children who have experienced seizures, anaphylaxis, or encephalitis from a vaccine or who have cancer, are undergoing chemotherapy, or have advanced diseases like HIV. Exceptions are only giving for life-threatening reactions and not when the vaccine is likely to cause harm or severe disability. Even if a child has AIDs, if they are currently stable, they are required full vaccinations without delay.

- Children with a family history of autoimmune disease, or with genetic mutations that cause them to be at a higher risk of vaccine injury (as ours do), will NOT qualify for an exception. In fact 99.99% of children do NOT qualify for a medical exemption under the current narrow guidelines. Our family is one of MANY that have serious health risks to consider but who do not qualify for a medical exemption under these extremely narrow guidelines.

- The Secretary of Health and Human Service (HHS) was tasked with providing Congress a report on their efforts to monitor vaccines safety, adverse events and efforts to promote the creation of safer vaccines. In the past 30 years they have not completed ONE required report.

- In 2014 Dr. William Thompson, the top C D C Scientist, admitted that he committed fraud on the only CDC sponsored study investigating autism and the MMR vaccine by omitting statistically significant data. All documents have been turned over to Congress and Rep. Bill Posy. Dr. Thompson has yet to be subpoenaed by Congress. The C D C continues to site his original statement to reassure the public.

- The C D C vaccine schedule has not been adequately tested for safety. and it does not factor in an individual’s genetic susceptibility to vaccine adverse reactions. The Institute of Medicine has also stated that reactions cannot be predicted by doctors because there are gaps in vaccine safety science. In 2013 the IOM reported “No studies have compared the differences in health outcomes that some stakeholders questioned between entirely unimmunized populations of children and fully immunized children” Additionally, “the long-term effects of the cumulative number of vaccines or other aspects of the immunization schedule have not been conducted.”

- The number of vaccines on the schedule has almost quadrupled in the last 60 years. 1960= 5 doses. Today=72 doses

- In Oregon, this bill is being proposed as an “emergency” due to the public health crisis of a recent Measles outbreak. This “crisis” is FIVE children who have contracted Measles this year. Measles spreads very easily and it is a concern, but to give you some perspective, 1 in every 10,000 measles cases end in death. (See comments for stats on Measles and you’ll see why the idea that this is an “emergency” bill is absurd.)

- Oregon is above the needed herd immunity level needed to protect the public from outbreak. There is no emergency and the data shows that the existence of religious or philosophical exemptions is not posing a public health threat.

- Because this bill is being proposed as an “emergency”, upon passing, it will go into effect IMMEDIATELY. That means that non-compliant children will be immediately expelled from school. For us, that means that our kids will not be able to finish the school year at their private school (of which we have paid full tuition for up front). Our daughter, Emma, who is a 4.0 student and a National Honors Society member, will not be able to finish her Senior year. She will not be able to complete her college level dual credit classes (which we paid college tuition for in addition to her private high school tuition). She will not get credit for the courses she has worked so hard to excel at. None of our children will receive credit for the school year that we PAID for and they have been earning in the classroom this year!

- This legislation will prohibit students from enrolling in virtual school as well. (Because unvaccinated kids sitting at home in front of a computer are such a huge threat to those in the classroom???? This makes NO sense!) (BTW: We have also paid for online foreign language classes for our two high-schoolers and this legislation would prohibit them from completing that course as well.)

- This legislation will abolish religious exemptions, infringing on the basic constitutional right to the freedom of religion.

- This legislation will prohibit non-compliant children and teens from attending church or any “children’s activities” if the church or facility also houses a preschool, daycare. Many churches will be off-limits. Homeschool co-ops that are operated in buildings that also have licensed daycares/preschools will only be allowed to accept fully vaccinated students.

- This legislation gives the OHA the right to ADD ANY NEW VACCINE into the required schedule at their discretion. Failure to comply with any additional vaccine that is added in the future will ban the student from attending school. Yes, they can add the HPV and you as a parent will not have the right to decline if you want your child to be in school. (It’s not on the mandated list right now, but at the hearing there was something said that eluded to it being listed on a proposed version that hasn’t yet been released.) Many parents vaccinate but choose to abstain from giving their child this highly dangerous under-researched vaccine. Parents: BE AWARE!!

- Hep B: Almost exclusively transmitted through sexual intercourse and sharing dirty needles. Your kindergartner must be vaccinated to be at school despite the fact that this isn’t a disease that you can catch on the playground. But… if a student or teacher are actually infected with Hep B? They have the right to be in school. They can’t be denied access to school. But your healthy child who simply doesn’t have the vaccine will be denied education. (This vaccine is given to newborns. It contains 250 mcgs of aluminum. The FDA limits 30 mcgs for an 8-10 lbs baby over a 24 hr period. Not to mention the countless others that they receive in their first 2 months that can exceed 1,200 mcgs.)

- This mandate denies individuals and parents the right to informed consent and the right to make personal medical choices for themselves or their child.

- This is a CONSTITUTIONAL issue. The denial of access to education is a violation of the 14th Amendment. The denial of a religious exemption is a violation of the First Amendment. Our children will be discriminated against and will have their constitutional freedoms violated. (Not to mention the violation of the United Nations’ Human Rights Council)

- In addition to the medical reasoning behind our decision to discontinue vaccination for our family, we cannot ethically stand behind the use of vaccines that were created by the usage of aborted fetal tissue. This may not be a conflict for some, but it is for me and for our family. I cannot condone it or participate in it. It is a violation of our ethics and our faith. To mandate usage of a product that’s creation is dependent on abortion is a violation of our religious freedoms. There are many religions who hold official prohibitions against vaccines for even more extensive reasons (the inclusion of pig and other animal content), and their members will denied their right to education.

- Many Christians, churches, and clergy are remaining silent on this issue. Christian friends (and members of other religions), stand against this if you value your freedom of religion. Do not let this door of oppression begin to open. Stand against this if you want churches to be accessible to children who do not have ALL of the government mandated shots. (I do believe that Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me.” without checking immunization records first.)
My heart is breaking for the terrifying reality that so many parents are facing. Homeschool options will be limited and many families cannot have a parent quit working in order to homeschool their children. Many families can’t afford to make a move to another state, and there is a realistic concern that other states will follow suit as many have similar bills that are in the works.

Today I met a father at a rally I attended at the Oregon State Capital. His infant son is pictured below. I asked him to tell me about his son. This is what he said, “He is 14 years old and he was vaccine injured as a baby. He is autistic and he’s allergic to everything. Even though he was severely injured by this vaccine, he cannot get a medical exemption. He has an IEP and receives special services at school, but now they are going to take away his education too.”
My heart is also breaking for my kids. How do you tell your young child that he will not be allowed into his school because his DNA has a mutation that means he is at risk for vaccine injury and he is unable to comply with the requirements, but his classmates can continue to go to school?

I had to explain and prepare my children for what might happen. I found myself saying phrases that I never thought I’d have to say to them. “I want you to know that this is called discrimination and it’s not right. I’ll fight to keep this from happening as hard as I can, but it still might happen. I’m sorry that your freedoms are not being protected. You are not an unsafe person. You are not getting people sick. You are not any less valuable than the rest of the kids at your school. When people say mean things to you about not being vaccinated, here’s what to say….”
If you are in Oregon, PLEASE stand with us!! Please send emails and make phone calls to our senators and representatives. Please tell them that you stand behind the right to medical freedom and that you oppose HB 3063. I will post the email addresses in the comments for you.

If you care about this issue, I urge you to take the time to watch some of the testimonies at the hearing I attended last week at the Oregon State Capitol. I will post several videos of physicians, senators, representatives, nurses, and parents who oppose this bill with some amazing data and great concern for the health and educational impact this law change will have. (Two posted below and many physician testimonies are posted in the comments.)

If you would like to watch the hearing in it’s entirety, you can do so here. It’s 3 hours but very important to understand this debated issue.…

**Note: There is a lot of false information circulating around a Federal vaccine mandate. I wanted to clarify that there is no Federal bill being proposed or voted on currently. There was a hearing to discuss the issue and they will decide what to do with that information in 8 days but it is not a bill at this time. However, this discussion is concerning (adult mandates were also discussed from what I understand) and two days ago intentions were announce for a bill to be introduced by Texas Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. We should all be aware and now is the time to be vocal.
To do so, call this number and voice your opposition to mandated vaccines. (You’ll be routed by zip code to your state’s

Senators and Representatives. It doesn’t need to be complicated, simply state that you oppose mandated vaccines. 202-224-3121

Do not be idle. Do not ignore because you don’t have school aged children. Whether you are pro-vax, anti-vax, or somewhere in the middle, you need to know that this is a major threat to freedoms in America. We should ALL be very concerned.

Who will stand with me?

Last edited by Russ; 03/09/19 12:28 PM.

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