The Truth About The Legislation Against Geoengineering

Although emotionally I am an optimist, at the core, I am a realist. As such, I must constantly put my emotions aside and deal with truth, no matter how hard it may be.

Many have heard about the legislation that is coming out against "geoengineering" in various states. As well-intentioned as it may be, this legislation will change only one thing. It will provide false hope for the population. This false hope will further delay good people from becoming actively involved in exposing the truth about the spraying.

False hope is an effective and commonly-used weapon used against the population. As long as a person—and hence the population at large—has hope, they are far less inclined to become actively involved in a cause. They will quickly defer to their personal appetites and desires rather than add to their workload by being involved in a fight against evil.

An example of the use of false hope against the population is the invented left-right paradigm. Globs-owned media constantly portrays a left-against-right fight so perfectly balanced that the left sometimes wins and the right sometimes wins.

This construct is designed to control the majority of reasonably-logical persons. It provides hope when they win and it provides an excuse for the descent into tyranny when they lose.

Globs want a descent into tyranny, but while doing this, they must convince the reasonable/logical people that they are losing "justly", "fairly", and "democratically". This belief that the battle is sometimes lost democratically or "justly" causes reasonable/logical people to accept the loss and feel helpless to do anything about it.

Since the globs, at this time in history, control everything big, including elections and the flow of information, they are able to fabricate this "balanced" right/left battle.

Since the globs want a descent into tyranny, they write the script to have the right win just enough to keep them in a prolonged state of false hope, however, they make the left win more often and win more important battles so as to gradually caress the entire system into tyranny. This scheme keeps the whole of the population thinking either

1. they have won the battle, or

2. they lost fair-and-square and therefore must accept it. Whichever side someone is on, they are deterred from being actively involved in the battle.

Back to the geoengineering bills.

A very similar scheme is being used to keep the public uninvolved in this battle. This scheme also provides false hope to keep the public uninvolved in any effective solutions.

The globs introduce a bill to stop "geoengineering". The informed portion of the public—those who know jets are intentionally releasing toxic substances on the population—believe such a bill will stop chemtrails. Since this portion of the public—"the informed"—believe progress is being made in the battle against the spraying, they delay becoming actively involved.

So there you have it. Mission accomplished. The informed have excused themselves from this battle because they believe a solution is on the way. The globs have won the battle. They have effectively continued daily spraying the public while they allow an "anti-geoengineering" bill to slowly creep through the legislature to give the public just enough false-hope to prevent them from getting actively involved.

But it gets worse.

These bills, when finally passed, will do nothing to stop the spraying. Because the spraying is wholly denied by the military, and because the spraying is categorized internally as a secret program for "national security", it will not be stopped by this legislation. Even if all 50 states pass anti-geoengineering bills, the spraying will continue.

The information about "national security" has been provided by a recent whistleblower. Pilots and military personnel who know about the spraying are told that it is part of a weapon detection system; that the particulates they are intentionally saturating the atmosphere with is part of a missile detection system. Of course, this is a cover story. Such systems do not require use of the world's most toxic metals which have been found to be in the spray: mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium, etc..

Furthermore, just as the globs control all U.S. regulatory agencies, the globs quite literally control the governments of all nations globally, and so any future wars are purely theater for the globs own profit and control.

Those who have discovered that the globs have long-since seized control of all nations know the depth of the deception that is being perpetrated upon the entire world at this time in history. The globs-owned media go to great lengths. They weave intricate stories to keep some believing that the nations are acting on their own. These stories utilize the same sophisticated propaganda techniques and neurolinguistic technology that keeps many from believing that U.S. regulatory agencies are captured.

Despite the fact that this bill will not end the spraying, there will be a change. In fact, this change is already happening.

New methods and technology are being expanded all over the world which make trails shorter, non-persistent, and even make some invisible to the naked eye. I personally witnessed this change in Jamestown, New York (2007), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2013), and in Bangor Maine (2009). Whereas the skies daily looked like a war zone containing dozens of trails at any given time throughout the day, the spraying gradually changed so that the vast majority of trails are short and non-persistent. Now, in many locations, most people don't see the trails unless they continuously watch the skies. Long persistent plumes are still used occasionally throughout the month to make this dramatic change in plume length less obvious to the casual observer.

As this legislation passes in more states, this short-trail technology will be expanded so no long, persistent trails exist anymore. Since the public—and many activists—already have been convinced that short trails are "normal, harmless condensation trails", they will believe that the legislation worked and that the spraying has stopped.

Before this scheme was implemented, you had 2 factions of people:

1. Those who saw the sudden appearance of long, persistent trails, did research, and knew they were nefarious (a large minority), and

2. Those who saw the trails but believed "the government wouldn't do that", and chose to believe the trails were simply harmless water vapor, just as globs-owned media told them (a moderate majority).

Both of these factions had pretty sizable numbers.

After this legislation is passed in many states, and after the majority of these areas have been switched to short-trail technology, the proportion of people in these 2 groups will change dramatically. You will now have these 2 factions:

1. Those who smell and taste the fallout from the trails and therefore know the spraying continues even with short, non-persistent trails (a very small minority), and

2. Those who don't smell and taste the spraying and also witness the absence of long, persistent trails and therefore believe that the legislation was effective (a very large majority).

The first group is very small. The second group is very large. The group of people that will know that spraying continues will have diminished to a very small number while the faction that believes the spraying is not happening will have grown to a dramatic majority.

Once again, mission accomplished for the globs. They have effectively neutralized their opponents. Spraying will continue utilizing short, non-persistent trails which globs-owned media will continue to refer to as "harmless jet contrails". The globs agenda will have benefitted greatly from the passage of these bills. The opponents of the spraying will have been effectively silenced.

Do not be deceived.

There is a way out of this however, and that is the subject of a future article.

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Last edited by Russ; 01/23/24 05:41 PM.

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