At the risk of being rude ,if someone's IQ is 105, Idon't want them handling my financial ,legal or medical problems.People with IQs over 120 are far more successful in almost everything including art, writing and music.
Ofourse there are many highly intelligent people who never went to college. Also there are too many people who are'nt intelligent graduating from third rate colleges like Virginia Tech.

Responding to the above quote:

I agree with that. Absolutely! But I have only ever passed on information gathered FROM qualified/experienced people. simply passing on that advice. Also from trying it out myself.
None of my information comes from "me", but from those who have studied for many years and mostly those who have gone through the illness themselves. Qualifications or not, firsthand real experience speaks volumes as well. Especially from those who have gone through the ringer. You will note that most things are not by prescription and if people wish to check the sources of the suggestions, they can do so. One example is the info I get out of the book by Andrew Hall Cutler's "Amalgam Illness, Diagnosis and Treatment". You'd be surprised at how many mercury toxic people have suffered at the hands of doctors who have made them worse, qualifications and all. Sometimes one needs to be studied and experienced in a particular area like this in order to be able to really help a patient and I believe Andy is ONE such professional. He's had many such patients injured by so-called "qualified" doctors.

All the things I ever pass on on this forum are from years of me being ill and reading and being online. If you are concerned with anything I am recommending, let me know. I have tried to provide the source or links to back things up.

And people can use their own brains and check if they wish. Certainly we have all been made ill in the first place by the "qualified" so let's definitely keep a balanced view of this an realise that they do not always have the answers and do often injure patients.

Oddly enough, some of the natural therapists have been the most helpful and safe. Because of doctors, I was shoved on antidepressants. They took me off them and put me on them so quickly that I almost took my own life due to the side effects and the fact they refused to listen to my real symptoms.

One doctor who practised in some natural therapy, LITERALLY saved my life, because he put me on a candida diet. Very simple, and at the time? very effective. No psychotherapy needed! No drugs, just diet.

So yes, tell me about the qualified, so often they are stuck in their textbooks and refuse to budge. If ONLY they would venture over to the natural more often and combined the two, I feel they woudl be far more helpful to all of us. Though, would this help the drug companies? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

Also doctors have harmed and even KILLED patients with prescription drugs, wrong diagnosis, NO diagnosis etc etc. You read about it more often than one would like!

Don't get me wrong, we do indeed need those with the brains behind the lab work! But definitely we need a balance too. Because certainly they do not have all the answers, nobody does, so no matter how qualified or intelligent someone is, they still require humility and the realisation that they too are still learning and always will be. If one thinks they have reached the heights of knowlede, boy they can make some real horrific and embarrassing mistakes.