I'm not sure what to think about Kevin Trudeau. I have two of his books and I certainly agree with most of what he says.

However, my physician (who specializes in alternative medicine) is skeptical about Mr. Trudeau. He said that on one TV show that the interviewer pointed out that he had invested in the pharmaceutical companies. Of course if that's true that would totally discredit Kevin and it would make alternative medicine look bad as well.

I hope that I'm wrong but I wonder if Kevin is some sort of "mole" that the government and the big corporations are using to discredit alternative medicine. If he's ever exposed as being a fraud it will be a serious setback for the alternative medicine movement.

Like I said this is just a theory and I hope that I'm wrong but in a way it makes sense to me since Mr. Trudeau has stated that the government has used him for many "black ops" and this could be the biggest of all of them.