Bex, if Andy Cutler warned about that, I would be careful. I respect Andy Cutler's advice.

If someone is Very mercury toxic, alot of the mercury ends up in the liver and colon. Maybe a liverflush may push some mercury out of the liver and distribute some iinto the kidneys and colon-- I don't know, but maybe he does.

If I were to do a liver flush while suffering from heavy mercury toxicity, I'd make sure to add some capsules of Algin along with the Grapefruit and olive oil, but still-- It may be wise to hold off on the liver flush til your body is past that level of poisoning.

Many at Curezone even reccomended to liverflush after at least 30 days of parasite cleansing, and a few weeks of colon cleansing.

"It is Better to Love than always be right"- Mother Teresa