I woke up thinking about this thread and am grateful to have an opportunity to share my thoughts as well.

Right now I am going to through a lot to say the least. One of which is my oldest stepson who has had the opportunity to be in church where the simple truth of God is taught, and who is rejecting him, one foot in the world and one foot in the church. He mainly attends for social reasons (he's 16).

I have often thought what is the most convincing way to explain what having the Lord in one's life is. And, it really comes down to a personal experience and the Word.

One thing that is so hard is people's expectations of God. God simply said there is only one way to Him and that's through the Lord Jesus. He gave us a free will. Many are looking for a supernatural experience of God knocking them over the head with proof and the proof is everywhere you look, trees, flowers, people, air, animals, etc. What more do you need?

Another expectation is that if one loves or knows God they will be perfect, whch is actually the farthest from the truth and the very reason we need Him. We "all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23.) The only way to reconcile our sins is accept the gift of salvation through the acceptance of Jesus in our heart.

The other expectation is that life will be harder, less fun and rigid. when it's exactly the opposite if you follow the Bible and not religion. When you ask the Lord into your heart peace comes, things are easier because now you don't have to carry the weight of it all, your life and the issues in your life.

The Word helps you work out why things are the way they are in your life, whether they are self-inflicted or brought on by others.

As Russ states, one needs to study it out for themselves, however, all to quickly many just believe the lies out there that God or religion haters propigate and then lose out on the one thing that can bring them peace, answers, just to name a few.

God does not expect us to be perfect, however, as Russ said it is an agreement, we promise to do our best, and when we mess up, we change with God's help, not in our own strength.

The biggest lesson I have learned in my 12 years as a christian is to give it over to the Lord and stop carrying the care. Do my best to do all I can in the natural and then let God do the supernatural.

I truly believe he led me to this website. Scripture says, "my people perish for the lack of knowledge." This just doesn't apply to your salvation, it also applies to natural things, our bodies. I know that if I hadn't prayed for help, I would have been to 5 more doctors, still with the wrong answer. By praying I have avoided a lot of pitfalls I see people falling into even with knowledge, AND in my own stupidity, when I did not stop and pray, I fell into the same things myself -- free will, to do anything I want, however, is the anything I want giving me everything I want?

I had to ask myself this 12 years ago, is doing it "my way" bringing me the life of happiness and peace I've always wanted? And now, with dealing wth this, is this what I signed up for? The big difference is that I have direction, I have peace, I know the Lord won't let me down if I have faith to believe that He is there and He does want the best for me.



Step by step, that's how you achieve success.