People who suffer the most, people in 3rd world countries, commit the least amount of suicide. Statistically. It's in the more privelaged nations where suicide rates are highest. They're actually suffering less, proportially, but their tolerance to withstand pain is dramatically lower as a result of living in gentler surroundings.

I don't think the world is changing for the worst. Slavery, torture, genocide, etc., still exist in modern times, but in earlier centuries these things were the order of the day. It was accepted in every culture as merely a fact of life. Today these things are becoming less and less accepted. It's a dark world we dwell in but I believe given the choice to live now or 400 years ago, you'd surrender your left hand to have the former over the latter.

I think a lot of your dilemma is about a change in perspective. It's easier said than done but one really must recognize that there are people in far worse situations than ourself.

And if you want your gods to convince you of anything, you have to convince Them in return. We are Their mirror image. Gods need followers as much as followers need gods.

Keep your chin up, and don't forget to keep a bird's-eye-view over your situation.

Blessed be.

"I'll see what Russ makes of this."