I cant keep quiet anymore

That was not a threat and I am sick to death of you and your attitude problem, if people dont tell you what you want to hear you tell them to get a life, if they make a "SUGGESTION" you take it the wrong way and insult them. Everybody on this forum has to walk on egg shells around you in case you take what they say the wrong way. I personally hope that you leave along with your two buddies who arent coming back, it'll be a better place without you on your high horse. If the point of your sweeping statements are to belittle everyone elses experiences CONGRATULATIONS! I dont see how this furthers your recovery. You belittle everybody elses illness because none of "us" could ever be as sick as you and hence none of "us" could ever possibly understand. Living out your existance in a black hole of depression could never possibly compare to what you have been dealt and therefor the advice to you is patronising. That is pathetic!!!

what diffrence does it make if a person chooses to remain anonomous as I have and will continue to do, it probably bothers you because you wont know who to harbour the grudge against later. Its the internet and incase you havnt noticed everyone here is in fact anonomous Rocket science??? (with or without a nickname). I despise that you use Christs name in vain when it suits you. Christ is not an adjective and if you had any respect whatsoever for anybody here you would refrain from doing so as that is a slap in the face to ANY christian - Not just me. Oh wait, its that attitude of yours again, if YOU dont believe screw those that do and how they feel about it, If our symptoms dont match up to YOURS to hell with our opinions because we dont know what we're talking about blah blah blah

Frankly I am disinclined to pay you the compliment of giving you any more of my attention. I suggest you go and try your belittling somewhere else.