Russ, thank you for these pictures. IN my country also in New Zealand, a discovery was made of ancient human bones of giant proportions. Far from the ape like qualities expected of such old bones, they had every evidence of being fully human. It would seem that far from evolving.....looks to me like we've deteriorated. This would make sense if one considers that God made everything "good" in the beginning. The climate, everything according to the bible would have been ideal and everybody knows that in the right conditions, everything can grow a lot bigger...humans are no exception. But conditions have altered dramatically in the world, particularly after the worldwide flood. There have also been found giant plants, lobsters and crayfish as big as human beings! There was a six foot beaver discovered. All these things of the past which we've been told have evolved, rather they appear to be bigger and better than what we are today...

Unfortunately the Smithsonian institute has managed to for the most part, cover up and hide many of these findings for the obvious reasons.

During world war II, the United States forces based in the Aleutian Islands wanted to develop an airstrip. They brought bulldozers in to level mounds in the proposed area. When the bulldozers broke into these mounds, they unearthed huge skeletons with huge skulls. Realising the archeological significance, they called in the Scientists from the Smithsonian Institute who cast a veil of secrecy over the whole operation, removing startling evidences of giant humans existing in a past era. The fossils were taken away by the same scientists covertly and have been either destroyed or stored by and possibly at the same institute. A letter from an observer at the site which broke some sort of code of silence says that if these discoveries were made public, they would have to to re-write all the textbooks about man's past.

Jonathan Gray, a New Zealand based explorer said that there are skeletons in graves in some pacific islands which are 12 feet or more long. But cultural taboos prevent there being disinterred.

There are more all over the world. Ron Wyatt discovered some in Turkey. Approximately 18 feet long. The skull/jawbone was so huge that you could fit the size of a human head today inside it.

It is interesting to note that the bible says "there were giants in those days"....

It is tragic that the "powers that be" in this world suppress, distort, and even destroy any information/evidence that might contradict their beliefs. They literally cannot afford to allow this material to become widely known.

What a pity that these things, which should be available to all of us,(part of the history of all human beings) should instead, be privvy to only a select few pulling the strings behind the scenes.